Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars > The Anglo-Zulu War

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I love this mod wish it was more active thoe


--- Quote from: -~Carson~- on March 18, 2014, 11:41:41 pm ---I love this mod wish it was more active thoe

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Jepp. Out of all the mods thats been made for Warband, this one is the one I love the most, closely followed by The Deluge.


--- Quote from: -~Carson~- on March 18, 2014, 11:41:41 pm ---I love this mod wish it was more active thoe

--- End quote ---

i totally agree with you , this could be epic with more  red tunics fighting together

Im setting up a regiment for this mod, for any of those players who feel there is a lack of unity between all the zulu mod players.
The regiment will focus mainly on the british but will play a little bit of the zulu warriors from time to time. The regiment will also try to cover all aspects of the warfare at that time and use historically accurate tactics and methods.
If you are interested PM me or add me on steam: [30th]timmyrules56
hope to see a bit of activity in the mod and hopefully we can form a bit more of a community for the mod too.

count me in timmy


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