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Messages - Nick_1815

Pages: 1
Historical Discussion / Re: Military experience?
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:39:54 pm »
Most of my ancestors who went to war were part of the Alpini corps (Italy's mountain troops).
My great-great grandfathers fought in WW1. One died during the battle for Mt. Ortigara.

During WW2, my grandfather on my dad's side was an airman who was shot down in the early stages of the invasion of Russia. My grandmother's uncle was in the 8th Alpini regiment, Gemona battalion along with my two great-grandfathers. They fought in Albania and Greece. When they were getting back to Italy by ship, a British submarine torpedoed them, killing 800 soldiers out of 1100. My grandmoter's uncle died there. After 30 days of leave, my ancestors were sent to Russia. During the retreat their division suffered massive casualities (only 1200 came back alive, if I recall correctly). Only one of my great-great grandfathers came back.

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« on: February 14, 2013, 11:25:32 pm »
Boer's fought against the british rule mate.

They did, in the Anglo-Boer wars. Not in the Zulu wars.

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: The Anglo-Zulu War, information and download.
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:38:32 pm »
Got a new pc, luckily i'd uploaded my most recent changes to mediafire the day before my pc crashed, next update won't be far away.

Can't wait  :D

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 1 - All about Networking.
« on: November 18, 2012, 04:07:03 pm »
Thanks for posting, looking forward to playing this!

Pages: 1