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Messages - Glenn

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Events: NA / Re: The NA Saturday Linebattle - 7 PM EST!
« on: September 10, 2024, 06:39:50 am »
Sign up format

[b]Regiment Name[/b]:
[b]Expected Attendance[/b]:
[b]Leader/Representative's Steam/Discord[/b]:
[b]Temporary or permanent signup[/b]:
[b]by posting this application, you are expected to follow the event/class rules[/b]

Current Regiments Attending:

Events: NA / The NA Saturday Linebattle - 7 PM EST!
« on: September 10, 2024, 06:39:43 am »

Event Discord: Provided to approved regimental reps
Server: **84th_NA_Server
Time: 7 EST

Event Rules

General Rules
-If you break the spec limits I will slay to the limit starting with the highest ranks of the regiment. You are responsible for managing your members.
-If you fall below 3 in the event, you must join a friendly line. Artillery is exempt.
-Purposeful TK is not allowed. The offender will be slain and the victim will be revived if necessary.
-Trolling, baiting other regiments, and bushpirating is not allowed.
-Musketoons are allowed
-Specialty units may not split. The exception is arty. Artillery is allowed to move their pieces to wherever they please.
-Please be respectful in the chat. Limit the slurs thanks.
-Listen to the admins. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action
-Complaints/recommendations are to go to the admins, not the in-game chat. All chat complaints will be ignored and may be made fun of.
-Regimental Leaders may request bans on specific members of their OWN REGIMENT.
-Regimental Leaders may request revives and heals ONLY BEFORE PEOPLE ARE KILLED.
-Rule of 3 - anything goes
-Pistols may be fired but not reloaded while actively engaging
-I will dictate what the max amount of numbers can go as a specialty unit. Do not break this or you may lose your specialty privileges.
-Build Points will also be dictated by event attendance and design of map

Line Infantry 3+
-Medics are allowed
-Flags are allowed
-Sappers are allowed, but buildpoints are limited for the whole team
-Officers are allowed
-1 man spacing max.
-Crouching is only allowed when not in combat, forming double ranks, or behind cover.
-Must be a line or guard unit.
-Must bring either a cavalry musket or infantry musket. No spawning with rifles for line infantry.

Rifles/Lights 3-12 (all depends on attendance)
-Medics are allowed
-Sappers are allowed, but buildpoints are limited for the whole team
-1 Officer per lights/rifles unit max.
-3 man spacing max for lights, 5 man spacing max for rifles.
-Must go all lights or rifles. No mixing is allowed.
-You are able to crouch to fire and reload.
-Light Infantry includes: Landwehr, 51st Lights, 15eme Lights, Austrian Grenzers, Russian Line Militia

Cavalry 3-12 (all depends on attendance)
-In All Charge, you MUST dismount. You may get close to the enemies, or friendlies before dismounting, but in any attempt to get a kill while mounted will result in a SLAY.
-No FOC or ROC. If you charge, you are charging.
-Mounted units only. No ground based specialties such as medics.
-2 Officers max.
-If in melee, you are all in melee. Dragoons are not allowed to shoot or reload.
-No mixing units, pick one. If you break this you will be slain.
-3 or more dismounted cav are considered lights and will be treated as such.
-If there are 1-2 dismounted cav, they are expected to find horses or join a friendly unit. No rambos.
-12 cavalry means 12 cavalry. That is 10 ranker cav plus the 2 officers for a max of 12.
-Cav under 3 must dismount unless continuing a charge. Do not attack other units that were not in melee as an excuse to keep charging. There will be 1 warning if you do not dismount when you should. Failure to comply will result in a slay.
-Must maintain cohesion. Scouting is allowed, but do not abuse it and go across the map. You will be slain. If you engage lines while scouting via weapon or horse, it will be considered a rambo and result in a slay.
-Cav scouts are not allowed to lead a charge while their regiment is on the other side of the map, that is rambo.
-Dragoons may fire while mounted but must be in a line.
-A regiment may have one commander unit, but they must stay near the cavalry unit

Artillery 4-12 (all depends on attendance)
-A regiment who signed up as arty can only bring 1 cannon, howitzers or any combination. If on UK, you may replace a cannon for two rocket artillery pieces.
-To bring a second piece, the event must reach at least 110 attendance, and you are the only regiment in your nation to have signed up for arty. There are 4 sign up slots for Artillery, but first and second reservations get to play their specialty no matter the attendance
-Sappers allowed
-Officers allowed
-Artillery guard must be within 5 paces of an ACTIVE cannon to fire out of line.
-Sappers are allowed to build defenses with TNT and planks but do not spam them.
-No limit on artillery guards, but mind the limit of 12 max artillery units. This includes regular line infantry that may play as artillery guards.
-When under a melee attack, Arty guard may FoC.
-Artillery pieces may be as spread out as you want.



mod app

Community Name: Glenn
Steam link: ya got it
Do you have any prior experience?: kinda
Will you be fair and unbiased in your decisions?: sure

signing up for friend

Steam link:



The 84th Artillery snipe the 84th Skirmishers

Glenn and the 84th Centre Company in action

The 84th Centre use TNT to hold off enemy Cavalry

The 84th Skirmishers and 84th Centre Company charge the enemy artillery

The 84th Skirmishers

All screenshots by Rule!

Regiments / Re: 12th "South Essex" Regiment of Foot
« on: August 26, 2024, 08:08:05 am »
FSE asleep? One time Nova told me he kept wiping, and the toilet paper was still not white, so he gave up and continued to admin the 45thN Thursday Linebattle.


8/24/24 Attendance

Screenshots by Rule

The Skirms and the WV defending the artillery!



Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: Possible Draft League
« on: August 20, 2024, 02:21:44 am »
do not ask me for a damn server



All screenshots by Rule
The Arty Company

The Skirms and the Centre


8/10/24 attenadance

Screenshots by Rule:



Steam (Captain): Glenn
Team Name: Fresno BULLDOGS
Players: Player 1 - Me (Glenn) | ItsCodyJ - GUID | YoungOmar- GUID | Feltzy99  - GUID
Did you read and accept the rules? Yes/No

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