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Topics - Rommel

Pages: 1

Komm ins 71st

Was hast du zu verlieren?

Ist dein Regiment giga bad und schneidet auch bei den obskursten Linebattle Events eher mittelmäßig ab, du spürst aber, dass mehr in dir und diesem Spiel steckt?

Wir holen dich da Raus!
Bist du in einem großen internationalen Regiment einer der wenigen Deutschen und musst dir 3 mal die Woche den emotionalen Terror geben dem dich deine Britischen und Französischen Kameraden aussetzen, weil sie alle spätestens 2018 den Verstand verloren haben und sich jetzt um die ersten 10 Plätze auf allen 26 All-Time-Listen streiten?

Bei uns bist du der Beste!
Hast du genug davon in Turnieren zerstampft zu werden? Willst du endlich mal besser werden, aber hast immer noch niemanden gefunden der dich unterweisen könnte?

Wir bringen dich in die NWWC!

Wir warten auf dich!

Adde einfach DarkTemplar oder Rommel auf Steam und beginne endlich deine verdiente kompetitive Karriere im richtigen Regiment.

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Winnie poohs Meinung zu NW!
« on: May 10, 2017, 07:07:04 pm »
Wie *snip* Kinder unser Spiel bewerten.

Keine Ahnung, ob das Gameplay direkt von ihm ist, aber blocken tut er nicht ein Mal! Unser Spiel wird mal wieder misrepräsentiert, so sehr, dass potentielle Käufer, die sich dieses Video anschauen, nicht mal ansatzweise über die großartige Nahkampfmechanik, also den eigentlichen Kern des Spiels, informiert werden. Dieser Junge hat maximal 100 Stunden Mount and Blade gespielt und promoted unser Spiel über eine der größten Spieleplattformen Deutschlands um eine weitere Generation von *snip* Das Regiment, in dem dieser Junge spielt sollte seine Ausbildung mal ein bisschen ernster nehmen, gelernt hat er nämlich noch nichts. Danke KK ::)

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / 72nd Regiment of Foot sucht Bataillone!
« on: January 11, 2017, 03:56:03 pm »

Seit fast einem Jahr existieren wir nun schon als das 72nd Highland Regiment of Foot und seit dem können wir immer auf die Stärke und den Zusammenhalt unserer Infanterie vertrauen, was uns mittlerweile schon einige Erfolge eingebracht hat. Unser Regiment floriert und wächst stetig, größtenteils bedingt durch die ständige Weiterentwicklung unserer Administration, so wie den engen Zusammenhalt unserer Mannschaft.

Nichts desto trotz sind wir der Meinung, dass wir das Regiment erweitern können, um nicht nur kompetitiv sondern auch salopp mit den anderen Regimentern der deutschen Community interagieren zu können. Was uns jedoch zu diesem Schritt fehlt ist die Mannzahl. So gerne wie wir auch weitere Bataillone eröffnen möchten, können wir nicht unseren Kurs komplett ändern und den kompetitiven Weg verlassen, da wir natürlich an den Willen unserer Member gebunden sind. Deswegen suchen wir jetzt schon seit einigen Monaten nach einem geeigneten Regiment, welches bereit wäre sich uns anzuschließen, jedoch mit geringem Erfolg. Trotzdem ist der Wunsch nach einer solchen Erweiterung in den Köpfen unserer Member und Offiziere nicht etwa geplatzt, nein, er wächst weiterhin und ist zu einer seriösen Aufgabe für unsere Führungsebene geworden. Nunmehr suchen wir aktiv auch hier im Forum.

Doch warum solltest du mit deinem Regiment dem 72nd beitreten?
1. Die Zusammenführung von Communities ist schon immer eine gute Idee gewesen. Sie erweitert die Zeit, welche man mit der Community verbringen kann, da, wenn es mehr Member gibt, auch mehr verschiedene Spiele gespielt werden können und der TS zu jeder Zeit voller ist.
2. Wir bieten weiterhin eine gut organisierte und durchgeplante Integration an. Dadurch, dass wir schon seit langem nach einem Bataillon suchen, haben wir den Anbindungsprozess eines Regiments an unseres schon oft durchgespielt und besitzen auch Unteroffiziere, welche selbst schon Erfahrung mit der Zusammenführung zweier Regimenter gemacht haben. Der Anfang der Verschmelzung wird sehr dezentral geregelt, wobei unser eigentliches Ziel in einem regen Austausch zwischen den Bataillonen besteht.
3. Es könnte dein Regiment retten. Manche der deutschen Regimenter, welche vielleicht noch nicht so renommiert in der Community sind, sind instabil. Dies ist sehr stressig wenn man dieses Regiment leitet und es kann schnell zur Auflösung des Regiments führen. Wir würden euch mit einem Rekrutierungsprogramm unterstützen und euer Regiment als Bataillon sichern.
4. Zu guter Letzt bieten wir dir einen angemessenen Rang und ein Mitbestimmungsrecht unter den Offizieren an.

Wenn du Interesse hast schreibe mir oder DarkTemplar bitte auf Steam eine Nachricht. Auch wenn unsere Wege am Ende doch nicht zusammen führen, kostet es nichts mit uns ins Gespräch zu kommen.

Gez. Rommel

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Mini-NWWC 2016
« on: September 12, 2016, 04:47:00 pm »

The NWWC will be similar to the NWEC but with different hosts due to Hekko seeming to not be coming back anytime soon. NWWC (Napoleonic Wars World Cup) is a tournament that brings together the nationalities of the NW community in a competition of bayonet GroupFighting. Nations put what they think will be their strongest teams and battle it out against other nations for the prestigious title of being the World Champion.

The tournament originally started in the spring of 2012, as a pilot designed to test out national group fighting competitions. The pilot was a success and bred a full blown tournament in the autumn of 2012. As time gone by the original organizers left the community and the latest tournament 2015 was organized by Herishey and Bobertini. However, because Herishey stopped organizing and sort of retired aswell, he gave the rights to use the name to me and as I don’t want to lose such an amazing concept, I came together with Cazasar to revive the original NWWC tournament. To keep a static timeplan we decided to host a NWWC season every 6 month, while every second one will be a Mini-NWWC tournament.
Key Dates: 1st Matchday: 27.11.2016 | 2nd Matchday: 04.12.2016

1. No shooting.
2. Only Infantry muskets are to be used.
3. Only line infantry which means no foot guards, Marines, Grenadiers or Militia.
4. Only 5 members max of team can be in the arena fighting. If a team cannot get 5 members to fight they may give a free win to their opponents or fight outnumbered.
5. Teams have to have at least 6 people on the roster.
6. Maximum number of members is 10.
7. If you have lived in a nation for 5 years you are considered a citizen of that nation so you may play for that team (e.g. if I was from Scotland but I lived in Spain I would have the choice to play either UK or Spain, but once I have picked a nation to play for even if I get kicked out the team I cannot change to the other, therefore if I chose to play for UK then got kicked out the team I cannot then go to the Spanish team and try to join.), this works the same for if a player has played for a nation previously in other NWEC's.
8. Some coalitions will be allowed such as the Balkan team, others maybe allowed if a nation cannot get the numbers for a team (e.g. Austria and Germany as they speak the same language mainly, or Russia and Ukraine.)
9. If you want to enter a team you must apply to be a team captain using the application format that will be provided soon, the organisers will then decide out of all the applications who had the most support for captain.
10. The tournament has a pool stage and an elimination stage. The winners and second place teams will progress from the groups to the quarter-finals after which all matches are played in a single elimination fashion.
11. Every victory in the pool stage will award your nation 3 points. Every draw in the pool stage will award your nation 1 point. (In the case of a draw points-wise individual round-difference will be used as a tie-breaker, and if round-difference would also result in a draw, 9 additional rounds will be played between the drawing nations.)
12. Matches are to be scheduled between team captains, and a referee is to be informed at least 24 hours (a day) in advance. (A referee is either one of the organizers, or someone that the organizers approve as a referee). A match may not proceed without a referee present.
13. Each match consists of 20 rounds. All 20 rounds will be played at all times. In case of a 10-all draw in a knock-out stage match an additional round will be played to decide the winner.
14.Only people on the team roster are to be used in the matches. Players must use their listed name on the team roster when in game and must use only one Warband ID for all their matches.
15. Matches may only be played on NWWC provided servers.
16. Both co-captains will have equal power in their nations team.
17. If a player has not played a game yet he can be replaced with no penalty. You can replace up to 3 players during the tournament who have played a match.' this will be the rule on player swapping.
18. A referee must be present at each match.

This is the World Cup so all nations are eligable to sign-up. The criteria for a 'Nation' is based on citizenship or birthplace. Nation mergers are permissible but will be subject to the NWWC teams discretion. Generally mergers are only allowed in exceptional cases, largely based of criteria such as common past sovreignty, common language or common identified culture, e.g. Former Yugoslavia or Former Czechoslovakia. Nevertheless, none of these criteria will absolutely guarantee a merger.

For those of you interested in being a co-captain for your nation, please keep in mind that it is an administrative position as well that requires you to make sure that your team makes the deadlines and that people can make it to the match dates and times you agree with your opponents. In the case of multiple individuals signing up for a Nation's Captaincy or multiple teams signing up as a National team, we encourage respective individuals to negotiate amongst eachother a resolution that produces a single team for the tournament. If no agreement is willingly met then the issue will be brought to organisers who will review the case and decide the outcome of the dispute.
It is expected that the choosing of a National team's line-up is genuinely and absolutely intended to produce the strongest possible team for respective nations. The organisers will review appeals against biased team selection should there be issues. We hope that friend, regiment or any other sort of bias does not infringe the process of forming the best possible National teams.
Before a team can be registered players from a nation must reach a conclusion of who they would like to be the co-captains of their nation(s), if you wish to show your support for a candidate then either say it here or tell me in PM's or Steam. The captain application as well as the player application will be below and I will keep a list of these somewhere on the thread.

Please register using the following form, please include Steam for the Co-Captains. Team line-up changes can be made up until the Team draw deadline of the TBD, simply repost your new team in the thread to have your team updated. The sign up deadline is TBD. After this deadline 3 changes may be made to the team, after that you are stuck with what you have.
The minimum size for a final team is 10 players, the max is 14 players. Teams should expect to field at least 7 combatants during matches, the desired number being 8 combatants, so keep this in mind when creating your team line-ups. Bare this rule in mind If a player has not played a game yet he can be replaced with no penalty. You can replace up to 3 players during the tournament who have played a match.' this will be the rule on player swapping. As we want to cut the work this time, there are no player applications anymore. You can only sign up as Co-Captain. We as organizers will pick 2 Co-Captains for each country like last year. Those two will then put up the roster for their team.

For the beginning all players will be accepted, the captain

Co-Captain Application
[b]Player's Name:[/b]
[b]Player's Steam:[/b]
[b]Why you should be a Co-Captain:[/b]

Team Form
[b]2nd Co-Captain:[/b]



Czech Republic
Co-Captain: Fwuffy
Co-Captain: Kore
Bob [Twilight]




Co-Captain: Rommel
Co-Captain: Falk








Co-Captain: Chicken
Co-Captain: Marquez
Mr T


Co-Captain: Carolus
Co-Captain: Sticklitz


Great Britain


Co-Captain: Godfried
Co-Captain: Maccle




Co-Captain: DarkTemplar
Co-Captain: Bigmama








Co-Captain: Vortx




If you are able to bring us a roster of 10 people of a country not on that list, we are more than happy to add it!

Click on the Picture

Organisers are the primary facilitators of the tournament, providing the structure, guidance and resources to all participants in the running and competition of the tournament.
Cazasar - Head Organiser
Rommel - Head Organiser
When arranging a match, make sure you have employed one of the referees or one of the organisers to referee your match. You must inform a referee of your match time at least 24 hours prior to a match. A match cannot proceed without a referee present.
If you wish to become a NWWC referee, add the head organiser on Steam.


Other people besides organisers, judges and referees have helped us get NWWC 2016 up and running. We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions to NWWC 2016.
Thanks to Obelix for the graphics.
Props go to em Herishey for the idea and parts of the thread.
Thanks to Zebaad for the maps.

Community / Monte
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:49:11 pm »
In den letzten Tagen haben wir, Cazasar vom 2tenGR und ich uns gedacht: Wieso nicht einfach mal die unserer Meinung wichtigste und entscheidendste Frage dieser Welt zu stellen. Und natürlich unsere Ergebnisse mit der Community zu teilen. Hier ist was wir bekommen haben:

Auf die Frage: Rührst du deinen Monte-Pudding immer um, oder isst du den so? Bekamen wir die folgenden Antworten:

Umrühren: 10%
So essen: 10%
Gar-nicht essen 10%
Uns ohne Umschweife vom TS bannen: 70%

Wir ziehen den Schluss daraus, dass viele Leute in dieser Community kein bisschen Spaß verstehen, was ich persönlich sehr schade finde! >:(

Pages: 1