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Topics - De_Caulaincourt

Pages: 1
We make this thread just so people can give theyr opinion without being censored like it's happening actually on the official thread, where posts are being deleted by the organization so that only theyr point is shown and people don't see the opinions that are going against theyrs. All opinions are welcome! Really all, i'm not making this post as an "ANTI CNC/ERIK POST". Just to allow people to have real free discussion over the stuff happening in this CNC without fearing to be censored. I shall delete none post, unless it includes personal offenses that would not be related to the game or the CNC in any way but that would be pure insults, aside from these very ones that i hope nobody will be mature lacking enough to do, nothing will be removed, you can post either way, as you please, you can insult me saying i'm a bitch for criticizing Erik's great work (because even tough i don't like the way he's doing it i'm still thankful for him to organize stuff, and my point is not to ruin the CNC but i hope it will help it get a better organization that way) if you feel better that way, i shall only ask people to remain polite and base theyr answers on real arguments and not just insults.

Servers / Cavalry Groupfight Community
« on: October 19, 2017, 09:02:09 pm »
As a proof of unity of the cavalry community, we now share forum with the Cavalry_Groupfighting forum, meaning that every stuff server related (meaning: rules, admin apply, unban apply, etc) is to be found there, make sure to post in the according section:

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / 19ème Régiment de Dragons [5 ans]
« on: October 07, 2016, 02:57:19 pm »
Le 19ème Régiment de Dragons


Le 19ème régiment de Dragons a été crée le 1er mars 1793. Il est souvent considéré comme le plus prestigieux des régiments de Dragons de l'armée française, devant même les Dragons de l'Impératrice, pourtant membres de la Garde. Dès sa création il est envoyé en Vendée pour combattre les Chouans. de 1794 à 1797 il sert dans l'armée du Rhin et Moselle, sous les ordres de Moreau. En 1798 et 1799 il combat dans l'armée d'Italie, agissant bravement à la bataille de Campo-Formo. De 1800 à 1803 il est à Saint Domingue pour affronter Toussaint Louverture. Décimé par les fièvres, ses restes sont rapatriés et ses effectifs remis à neuf. Le Colonel d'alors était Auguste Jean Gabriel de Caulaincourt, frère du célèbre aide de camp de l'Empereur.
En 1805 le 19ème fonce au cœur de l'Autriche. A Elchingen il remporte une victoire face à un ennemi bien supérieur, assurant le succès de la manœuvre de Ulm, où il se couvrira encore de gloire. Ensuite, à Austerlitz, le 19ème charge les austro-russes à de nombreuses reprises. Ulm et Austerlitz sont les deux premières batailles inscrites sur l'étendard du 19ème.
En 1806 il combat à Iéna et poursuit les armées prussiennes en retraite, les forçant à la reddition à Lubeck. Un peu plus tard ils battent des détachements russes à Pultusk, les faisant retraiter jusqu'à Ostrolenka.
En 1807 il est intégré à la réserve de cavalerie, sous les ordres de Grouchy et participe à la colossale charge de cavalerie d'Eylau. A Friedland le 19ème à l'Honneur d'être le régiment auteur de la charge qui rompt le front ennemi et donne la victoire à la France. Friedland rejoint la liste des batailles glorieuses du 19ème sur son drapeau.
En 1808 il est transféré dans le corps de Soult et combat en Espagne jusqu'en 1813, accomplissant des faits d'armes qu'il serait trop long de détailler.
En 1813 il revient à la Grande Armée et participe à toute la campagne, y compris les batailles de Leipzig et de Dresde, cette dernière étant également inscrite sur l'étendard.
En 1814 il participe à toute la campagne de France, avant d'être démobilisé sous la restauration. Le retour de Napoléon en 1815 relance le régiment. Celui ci ne participe hélas pas à la bataille de Waterloo, cause sans doute de la défaite. Il est à nouveau démobilisé par Louis XVIII, puis recrée par Napoléon III, il agit bravement depuis ce temps, y compris pendant les deux guerres mondiales. Sa dernière destruction date de 1995, mais il est à parier que si la France avait à nouveau besoin de compter sur des régiments fidèles, le 19ème serait du lot!

Notre Histoire sur le jeu:

J'ai crée ce régiment le 28 décembre 2012, ce qui fait de nous le 2ème plus vieux régiment de cavalerie encore existant de la communauté européenne, derrière nos valeureux confrères du 7ème hussards. Depuis toujours j'ai cherché à garder une organisation similaire à celle qui était historiquement celle du 19ème. Il y avait des cavaliers bien sur, mais la France manquant de chevaux, il y avait également une compagnie de dragons à pied, utilisant le mousquet. Le régiment pouvait également compter sur une batterie d'artillerie à cheval, et sur un état major. Cette structure est reproduite dans notre régiment. Ce qui fait que nous pouvons jouer les différentes classes du jeu, d'autant que, démontés, les cavaliers combattent comme des skirmishers, nous offrons ainsi la possibilité à ceux qui nous rejoignent de tout jouer. Que l'on ne s'y trompe pas néanmoins, nous ne sommes pas un corps, mais bien un régiment, avec la hiérarchie qui le caractérise, le colonel décidant de tout. Nous avons connu nos heures de gloire, allant jusqu'à former une ligne de 47 joueurs lors d'une lb, nous avons connu des heures de misère, beaucoup nous ont cru morts, mais nous avons toujours continué, actuellement nous sommes dans une phase de relance, et nous comptons bien prouver à tous ceux qui nous avaient oubliés que nous sommes encore et toujours là! Nous organisons notre propre event les lundis, depuis plus de deux ans. Nous disposons d'un pack de skin qui nous permet de porter les uniformes du 19ème, tant pour la cavalerie que pour l'infanterie. Ces packs sont assez vieux et sont en train d'être refaits, vous pouvez néanmoins les prendre si vous le souhaitez, en attendant le nouveau!
Nous avons par ailleurs rejoint le corps de la Garde Impériale

Et voici notre adresse teamspeak: (teamspeak privé du 19eRD) et (teamspeak de la Garde Impériale) 


19eRD_Col_De_Caulaincourt (28/12/12)

Compagnie à Cheval:

19eRD_Mchl_Jokim (26/09/2016)

19eRD_Brg_Rapatus (06/2014)
19eRD_Brg_Ozouky (12/08/2016)

19eRD_Drg_Delavre (03/2013)
19eRD_Drg_Françoisd'orléans (03/14)
19eRD_Drg_Caylor (19/11/2017)

19eRD_CvlP_Sebdesairs (06/14)

19eRD_CvlD_Psycho (08/2014)
19eRD_CvlD_Morvana (15/06/2015)
19eRD_CvlD_Decebalius (01/06/2015)

19eRD_Cvl_Kaops (08/06/2015)
19eRD_Cvl_Briochin (29/10/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Maximato (06/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Demme (19/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Acheron (19/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Achilles (19/11/2017)


Le 19ème, un intrépide régiment.

Regiments / Le Régiment de Monsieur
« on: November 06, 2014, 04:02:37 pm »
Le Régiment de Monsieur:

Monsieur, Philippe Ier d'Orléans (1640-1701), brother of Louis XIV (1638-1715)

Historical context:

In the french monarchy the brother of the king was called Monsieur, that since Gaston d'Orléans brother of Louis XIII. At that time it was common that regiments were property of one people, being the honorific colonel of these régiments. As the brother of the king, Monsieur evidently had prestigious régiments under his command.
The first to be called regiment de Monsieur was the Régiment des Carabiniers de Monsieur. This regiment got created the 5th February 1693, being originally called the Royal Carabiniers. Carabiniers were the elite of the french cavalry and were as theyr name tell it they were armed with a carbine. They too had a heavy sword, called a latte, and two pistols. In 1758 the regiment was property of the Comte de Provence and in 1774 finally given to Monsieur and taking the name of Régiment des Carabiniers de Monsieur. In 1788 this regiment is divided in 2 parts: the 1er Régiment de Carabiniers and the 2ème Régiment de Carabiniers. At that time 1260 cavaliers fight under these names. This structure has been kept during all the napoleonic period. In 1815 one of the regiments is disbanded. Then the 2nd is recreated in 1825. In 1867 the two regiments are melted. They fought bravely in the 1870-71 war against the prussians and the regiment got diband in 1871. This regiment was composed of the elite of the french cavalry and as so fought bravely on many battles: Fontenoy, Austerlitz, Iéna, Eylau, Friedland, Eckmühl, Essling, Wagram, La Moskowa, Dresde, Leipzig, Montmirail, Waterloo, ...
An other regiment fought under Monsieur's name: The Régiment d'infanterie de Monsieur. This regiment was created on the 4th of December 1674 as Régiment de Grignan (but under Monsieur's honorifici command) . Then changed of name on multiple occasions to finally become the Régiment de Monsieur (2nd of May 1774). The name changed one last time during the revolution to become the 75ème Régiment d'infanterie de ligne. It has been finally disbanded in 1984. It was a normal line infantry regiment so armed with an infantry musket. This regiment fought in many battles: Arcole, Rivoli, Montenotte, Millesimo, Lodi, the pyramids, Aboukir, Ulm, Austerlitz, Iéna, Eylau, Dresde and many others.
A last regiment got the honor to be part of the Régiments de Monsieur, the Régiment des Dragons de Monsieur wich we won't evoque as we won't play it.

Us, players of 2014:

Our intention with this regiment is to play on North American linebattles but with an European recruitment basis. The intention is to prove these NA players that we can rape them even with a 160 ping! We rely mostly on invited people, geeks from all regiments who are still awake at 1 AM GMT and wants to play. However we have some players who want to get more implicated in it and these are permanent players of the Régiment de Monsieur. Officers and NCOs are of course permanent members. We play under 3 tags: RdM (yeah i know it looks like random) standing for Régiment de Monsieur, is the tag beared by our colonel, de Montigny; RCdM standing for Régiment de Carabiniers de Monsieur, is the tag of our Cavalry and RIdM is the tag of our infantry. Here none of these revolutionary ideas, we fight for the King of France, ruler of France by God's will! In his name we'll get back prestige, honor and glory of the monarchy. Vive Dieu, Vive le Roy, Vive la France!

So it's 1 AM GMT you are not sleeping and you want to play in a linebattle while having lags and freeze? Come on our teamspeak ( and you will be warmly welcomed!

Le Régiment des Carabiniers de Monsieur:

It has been created a month ago and already played in many battles. This regiment is placed uner the command of the chef d'escadron de Caulaincourt (aside from that colonel of 19eRD since nearly a year). On this regiments invited people coming get a tag of Cavalier (Cvl) for playing. People who decide to join us permanently get a rank of Cavalier Deuxième Classe (CvlD) to make a distinction with invited people.

Roster of our permanent members:




RCdM_MchlC_de_Saxe (Saganne)
RCdM_Brg_de_Turenne (Panza-noob)
RCdM_Brg_de_Condé (Francksix)

Hommes du Rang:


As said we rely mostly on invited people, we got some prestigious cavalry players coming such as Hunted, Piccolomini, Caylor, Thomas etc etc

And this just to show you that even if our tag look a bit like random we are not random:
Our First Event! :
Event of Saturday 15th November 2014 (19te Prussian Double rank) (playing with 2 companies):

Le Régiment d'Infanterie de Monsieur:

Is getting created at the moment and so only has a few members in the roster. The infantry is supported by the cavalry during events.

Roster of our permanent members:


RIdM_SLt_de_Launey (Lubukill)


RIdM_Sergent_de_Villars (Baal-Hadad)
RIdM_Cpl_de_Lévis (Vincauy)
RIdM_Cpl_d'Auriol (jaydeuxmains

Hommes du Rang:


Events: EU / 19eRD Thursday Event 7.30 GMT [3 years] Need lines!
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:58:50 pm »
Relaunching our event now on Thursday, next edition taking place on Thursday 8th of February

The 19eRD Thursday Linebattle Event

This event will take place every monday. First edition was on Monday 18th of August 2014 so we organize it since some time now... The event is open to Line, Guards, Cavalry (one reg per team) Skirmishers (One reg per team) and Artillery (One reg per team)


Line and Guards:

-Line must be minimum 10 to enlist, maximum 30.
-Line must move in column and form a line or double line to shoot.
-No crouching while reloading except if in double line formation.
-No fire on charge EVEN in an "anti-cav formation".
-If less than 5 mens remains they have to join another line. If no line remains they have to keep charging till death.
-One officer per group of 15 guys (wich means that if you are 15+ you can have a 2nd officer).
-Lines are allowed to take a flag and up to 2 musicians if they want to.


-Skirmishers must be minimum 8 to enlist and maximum 16
-Skirmishers have to move and to shoot in a skirmisher formation.
-Skirmishers can fire on charge
-Skirmishers have to have an officer and can take a musician if they want to.
-Skirmishers have to use a rifle (no bayonet).
-If there are less than 3 skirmishers alive they must join a line and from this moment they have to act as a line. If there is no line remaining they have to charge till death.


-Cavalry must be minimum 8 to enlist and maximum 16.
-Formations are free during moves. When still standing it's asked that the regiment form a line.
-When there are less than 3 cavalry players on horse they must dismount and join a line and so act like one (or charge till theyr death or the death of the reg they were charging. If this reg is destroyed they must dismount) Except if they are dragoons where if they are 3 or more they can still play as skirmishers.
-Cavalry must have an officer and can take a flag and up to 2 musicians if they want to.
-Dragoons have to form a line or a double line to shoot. No fire in charge, unless dismounted.
-Dismounted dragoons are considered as skirmishers (so they can spread up and FIC).


Artillery must be minimum 3 and maximum 6 (1 officer, 2 reloaders, 1 sapper and 2 arty trains) + up to 5 guards.
-Artillery may take up to 2 pieces (or 2 cannons or one cannon and one howitzer). If only one it has to be a cannon.
-Arty guards are considered as light infantry, they can spread up and fire in charge. However they must stay close to the canons. They are Under responsability of the arty officer.

The event will take place at 7.30 PM GMT on our server (be aware that 7.30 is RESET LIVE time). The password and the name of the server will be given to highest ranked officer online on steam around 5 PM GMT by de Caulaincourt.
If you have any question about the organisation of the event and if you participate in it add   19eRD_Col_De_Caulaincourt ( on steam or/and  our NCO Jokim ( )
The 19eRD will play as Cavalry

Enlistment format:

-Name of the regiment:
-Regiment's leader steam name:
-Class played:
-Expected attendance
-Prefered faction:
-Do you want to attend once or weekly?
-Do you have read and agreed the rules?

Weekly coming regiments:


-19ème Régiment de Dragons: Cavalry: 10 men.

-1er Régiment d'Artillerie: Artillery: 4-7 men.


Regiments coming to next edition (Thursday 8th of February):

-VG_1eGre: Guards: 15 men.

-GI_4eVolt: Lights: 10 men.
-VG_1eCaP: Lights: 8-13 men.

-19eRD: Cavalry: 10 men.
-VG_1RGC and VG_Drg: Cavalry: 15 men

-GI_1eArt: Artillery: 4-7 men.
-VG_Art: Artillery: 4-6 men and KGDR: Artillery: 6 men.

Regiments / 19ème Régiment de Dragons EU
« on: July 14, 2014, 01:37:22 am »
Le 19ème Régiment de Dragons


The 19th Regiment of Dragoons has been created the 1st of March 1793. Deployed immediatly in Vendée then from 1794 to 1797 served in the Army of Rhine and Moselle under the command of Moreau. In 1798 and 1799 he served in the Army of Italia and fought at Porto-Formo. From 1800 to 1803 he was in St Domingue fighting against Toussaint Louverture. Decimated by the fevers he returned to France and got reconsituated to enter the Grande Armée. The colonel is Auguste Jean-Gabriel de Caulaincourt, the brother of the well known Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt.
In 1805 he followed Napoleon at the heart of Austria,illustrate himself at Elchingen allowing the french army to win the battle of Ulm. Then the 2 december at Austerlitz the 19eRD charged the austro-russians multiple times. Ulm and Austerlitz are the two first battle written on the flag of the 19eRD.
In 1806 he fought at the battle of Iéna then pursued the retreating prussians armies and forced them to surrender at Lubeck. A bit later they beated the russians at Pultusk, making them retreat to Ostrolenka.
In 1807 the 19eRD is part of the reserve of cavalry of Maréchal Grouchy and charge at Eylau. Later they charge at Friedland forcing the ennemy to retreat and giving the victory to the French. Friedland is another of the battles you can see on theyr flag.
In 1808 the regiment is transfered to Soult's corps in Spain where he will stay untill 1813.
In 1813 he made all the campaign of Germany fighting at Leipzig and Dresde, Dresde is witten on the flag too.
In 1814 after the campaign of France he got disbanded by Louis XVIII then recreated by Napoleon , however he wasn't at Waterloo..It's probably the reason of the defeat. Disbanded again after the coming back of Louis XVIII he got recreated later by Napoleon III. The last disband of the reg date from 1995.

Our History in NW:

I created this regiment on the 28th of December 2012. We are therefore quite old (and dusty). The cavalry got created first and was joined in April by an infantry. We are an international regiment with a large proportion of french speaking people in it. However we have plenty of nationalities like polish, czekh etc. We play alternatively as dragoons and hussars. We play dragoons in linebattles (unless we get Prussia or UK where we play as Hussars) and Hussars for every cav vs cav event, as dragoons suck in cav vs cav.  We've been independant since we started to exist as a regiment but finally decided to accept the GI's offer and joined theyr brigade in september 2017. We've been through many stuff, and always kept fighting. We play polish legion when we play infantry. We have very nice skins (made by Sernis) that gives you 19eRD skin (both inf and cav, replacing Polish legion and french dragoons), 11e_Huss skin (replaces french Huss) 15th_Huss skin (replaces UK Huss) Nr3_Huss (replaces Prussian Huss). Password to access the download is "11e":!pX9RSVTHqsAS/tex-pack-patch-3-rar


19eRD_Col_De_Caulaincourt (28/12/12)

19eRD_AdC_Ozouky (12/08/2016)

Horse Company:

19eRD_Mchl_Jokim (26/09/2016)

19eRD_Brg_Rapatus (06/2014)
19eRD_Brg_Glenn (03/12/2017)

19eRD_Drg_Françoisdorleans (03/2014)
19eRD_Drg_Delavre (03/2013)
19eRD_Drg_Caylor (19/11/2017)
19eRD_Drg_StephanGL (06/12/2017)

19eRD_CvlP_Sebdesairs (06/2014)
19eRD_CvlP_Morvana (15/06/2015)

19eRD_CvlD_Psycho (08/2014)
19eRD_CvlD_Decebalius (01/06/2015)
19eRD_CvlD_Acheron (19/11/2017)

19eRD_Cvl_Kaops (08/06/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Briochin (29/10/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Maximato (06/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Demme (19/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Achilles (19/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Florian (20/11/2017)
19eRD_Cvl_Letort (28/11/2017)

Foot Company

Not existing anymore (for now)

Le 19ème, un intrépide régiment.

Events: EU / 19eRD Cavalry event-Special Waterloo Edition
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:22:04 pm »

The 19eRD Cavalry Event

This edition of the event is gonna be a bit special, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo. For this reason the event will be hosed on Thursday the 18th of June, at 7 PM GMT. The event will be 10 rounds, the 5 first rounds will be France vs UK, then the 5 next ones will be France vs Prussia. Afterwards a special fun round will be organized, aiming to reproduce the charge of the last square that ended the battle. A special map will be created and used for this occasion. Every regiment is allowed to take part, even infantry ones, but they'll have to play cav. No limit in reg accepting neither this time. Farms will be re-created, and it will be possible for dragoons to use them and fire from them, so dragoons may be a good thing to play for this event...

This event is the biggest cavalry event ever organized on NW, this is also one of the oldest as this is now more than a year old (1st edition organized withouth using FSE on the 14th of February 2014). This event has been frequented by some of the most epic régiments, some are disbanded now (11e_Huss, 1eCrb,...) some are still running (14pk, IVe_7e_Huss,...). What we want with this event is not really a competition but just the simple fact of having fun by doing massive epic charges (80 cav players in each team that charge IS an epic charge...) and mainly to have the pleasure of being together as part of this cavalry community we all love so much.

The Rules of this event are:

Light Cavalry:

-Light cavalry has to be at least 10 to enlist. No limit
-Light cavalry can move freely and don't have to form a column or any formation. However they must stay close from each other while moving.
-Light cavalry has to have an officer and only one. He can shoot with it's pistol.
-Light cavalry can have a flag and a trumpet if they like to but no more than one of each.
-If lancers play it is strictly forbidden to all classes to take theyr lances!!!


-Dragoons have to be at least 10 to enlist. No limit.
-Dragoons have to form a column or any special formation (V and so on) to move.
-Dragoons can't fire in charge. Instead of that they must form a line to shoot from horseback. If they are too numerous they are allowed to form a double line.
-The officer can shoot with it's pistol (one officer only)
-Dragoons can take a flag and a trumpet if they like to but no more than one of each.

Heavy Cavalry:

-Heavy cavalry has to be at least 10 to enlist. No limit.
-Heavy cavalry has to form a column or any special formation (V and so on) to move.
-Heavy cavalry regs have to have one officer and only one as he can fire in charge with it's pistol.
Hevay cavalry can take a flag and a trumpet if they like to but no more than one of each.

Régiments coming to next edition (Thursday 18th of June 2015 7.00 GMT)

-2Lhr: Hussars: 15 men.
-73rd: Hussars: 15-20 men.
-13th_Huss: Hussars: 10-15 men.

-1eCF: Lancers: 12-15 men.

-19eRD: Dragoons: 10-15 men.
-172nd: Dragoons: 5-10 men.

-14pk: Heavy: 10-15 men.
-Kr Nr1.: Heavy: 10-15 men.
-K-KA: Heavy: 10-15 men.

Enlistment Format:

-Name of the Regiment:
-Regiment leader's steam name + one additional contact:
- Class to be played:
-Amount of people you bring:
-Prefered faction:
-Do you have read and agreed the rules:

Additional infos may be asked directly on steam to 19eRD_Col_De_Caulaincourt ( or to the most epic Kanade Tachibana (

Pages: 1