Best player of decade obviously RussianFury
Tho if it’s pure skill based Yoshie but this is DECADE
if it's pure skill based its a tough question, if it's overall skill as a player and leader I'd argue AsianP
I'd agree with this statement.
I’d still put Russian above and this isn’t just him being the loml
Russian’s won more tournaments than any other player and has consistently been a top player the last 6 years. I’d even say prime Russian vs prime AsianP Russian is the better gfer Asian the better dueler
This is debatable tho, also I wouldn’t be surprised if some people put Jackie as the best
I think you are holding some bias there but you're entitled to your opinion. There's a thread that highlights the players with the most tournament wins of all time.. although it's probably a little outdated at this point. I remember seeing AsianP in the top 3 at least for most tournaments ever won, I think the others were like Tammo and Russian but even so it's close. When it comes to overall player skill though you have to include leading and I don't think it's very debatable if I were to say AsianP is tier(s) above RussianFury in this category not only because of what he's pioneered with leading but also what he's accomplished with his leading skill (not regimental skill) over the last decade, and no offense to what the LG's accomplished but I feel like late 2017 - 2020 is a very unimpressive era in NW in terms of regimental skill which is where we saw the LG dominate.
Yeah I operate the sheet of all tournament wins, AsianP has 4 less wins but only 7 first places whereas Russian has 15.
My opinion of the category is skill, not leadership (tho I still put Russian ahead on leadership)
Also bruh the last 4 years have been peak skill NW, there’s more competition at the highest level than ever before. I like you man but your only view into comp NW the last few years has been your occasional league you host where you primarily do administration work. You can have your opinions but they’re hardly well informed. Old gen “golden days” bias strikes again
LG, 40th, 6te, Godfreid Regs, I forget Jerrys reg name but that one, wipe the floor with old regs that were hailed as GOAT for beating on pub regs in 1v1s once a week.
Game competition didn’t deteriorate over time, it evolved. Now regiments are finally irrelevant
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GhNLuzYxqw4z9t3r5Q8UbLNHOW_2O6qRkKR_XYgnhbQ/On my phone over lunch sorry if this is incoherent as fuck