Battle Cry of Freedom > Official FSE Servers

Official Servers Administrative Applications

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Community name: Lady Moraine
Steam Name: 20thME Moraine
Age: 23
Location/Timezone: CST
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA/EU
Regiments: 20thME (Among various others from NW Both EU and NA)
About yourself: I am moraine and I speak for the weebs, I've been admin in events both NA and EU both competitive and casual, in NW, NaS and Blood and Iron events.
Why you would be a good admin: I am by the book kind of admin with slight flexibility dependent on the situation.
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Yes.
Previous Experience (if any): NANWL Referee, NAPL, TNWL, EIC,  Varies duel tournaments, KPR linebattles and sieges, among many other events.
Your steam ID:

Community name:
Steam Name:
Location/Timezone:CET but can also handle NA as
Applying for (NA1 or EU1):
Regiments: Evil Brigade for NA, non so far for EU
About yourself: American Civil War is somthing im higly intrested in, im a person that are easy to reach out and want the best for the community, Musket warfare anbd games have geniually always meant somthing for me,
Why you would be a good admin: i belive my exsperience to reach out to people and help out where i can in handling the servers and make sure that evryone get a smooth exsperience as possible, i dont have much exsperience in handling servers in battlecry of freedom but id hope it wil be a good exsperience to get
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: yes
Previous Experience (if any):  ive been a minisiege admin for NW, a moderator for heroes and generals and currently are a Enlisted moderator
Your steam ID:

Community name: Noob
Steam Name: gideon09876
Age: 18
Location/Timezone: CST
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA1
Regiments: Evil Brigade
About yourself: Hi I'm Noob, I only been playing since linebattle games since 2016 or 17, I like anime/cartoons, cars and rock music. I also have a cat that is pretty cool named Charlie Cat and I also play some csgo. Favorite Color is blue (looks bad on cars though), Favorite Car is a Classic Mini Cooper(willing to admin for 10 years for one) and my favorite type of food is grilled lamb. I also have hobbies such as working on cars, snowboarding and drawing and finally my favorite nap time is between 3-4pm after school.
Why you would be a good admin: good with dealing with pubs, can within stand be called many different nicknames and I can enforce the server rules as needed. If you want to host anything except standard battle on the main server like idk a zombies event I have experience setting that up for pubs.
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Yes
Previous Experience (if any): Trail Admin for Jailbreak(it died before I got out of it), Ran the first two BBG-NRP NA campaigns with waterpolo and broke, ran a CB server, admined a few events and tournaments. Was a BBG admin only for the BBG-NRP campaign. I also ran a custom gamemode server when the campaign events ended doing stuff such as DDay RP, Assasstion RP, storming the bastille etc, I guess I hosted I also hosted a CTA event
Your steam ID:
76561198269141925 ingame id

Community name: Saris/Safoo
Steam Name: Safoo
Age: 23
Location/Timezone: NA CST
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA1
Regiments: Texas Brigade, 1st Texas
About yourself: An avid gamer and historian, starting these types of games with Napoleonic Wars, joined 1st Texas back in 2016 for the mod north and south, went over to war of rights with the reg, became leader in 2019, was a major player in the war of rights community until interested in the game waned, starting testing bcof the same year, helped a lot with the promotion and testing of bcof since joining the test.
Why you would be a good admin: I have ample experience moderating discord and player servers alike, from war of rights to battle cry of freedom, both on the official discord and player/official servers. I good relations with the majority of people I know, known to moderate with discretion according to the rules of the server.
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: Yes
Previous Experience (if any): Senior admin on the Battle Cry of Freedom, 1st Texas Infantry, and War of Rights official discord servers. Moderated War of Rights, Battle Cry of Freedom, and other privately owned game servers.
Your steam ID:

Ultra Leaf:
Community name:
Steam Name: Leaf
Age: 32
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA1
Regiments: 1LH, 1erCG
About yourself: US navy sailor, father of kids
Why you would be a good admin: Im really mature and really professional when it comes to rules and regulations
Will you be able to help administer the Public Linebattle or other possible events on the official servers?: I would be able to help
Previous Experience (if any): I was a official server admin for NA1 for NW, Server Host for NW Saturday Linebattle On the HMs Royal Server 1
Your steam ID:


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