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Topics - Spudgun

Pages: 1

Media / The Rise of William "Willie" Stroker
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:48:12 am »

I came from mainly being a Persistent World player to find there's another Spudgun in the community, so please don't confuse me with my good friend Spudgun, who is in the 63e.

Released Modifications / Spudgun's Sound pack for Highlanders
« on: December 11, 2012, 07:59:21 pm »
This is a sound pack put together by myself, which replaces the original Scottish shouts of 'Scotland forever!' or 'Bydand!' They are perfectly decent shouts, but I longed for a true sense of what Scottish people would really say about their French counterparts during battle.

A short video which displays the new sounds:

Download link:

Move the sound files from the download into your Napoleonic Wars Sound folder, not the Native sound folder. Replace all of the original files.

WARNING: The pack contains extremely harsh language. If you don't at least see the comedic side of it, then it's probably not for you.

Pages: 1