Author Topic: The General Political Thread  (Read 598976 times)

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4080 on: August 05, 2018, 02:11:36 pm »

Offline Edwin

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4081 on: August 07, 2018, 04:35:29 am »
Rest in peace, Alex Jones! Weird that almost every social media platform would ban him on the same day 🤔 And this comes just days after this hilarious "coincidence" right here in the UK:

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4082 on: August 07, 2018, 04:38:17 am »
Funnily enough, the ban has reportedly had nothing to do with Jones' tendency to post fakes news and conspiracy theories on his platforms.

Offline StevenChilton

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4083 on: August 07, 2018, 01:15:22 pm »
Yeah that was really creepy how they all banned him at the same time. I don't like Alex Jones at all but the last thing you want is communication platforms ganging up and coordinating with one another in a monopolised manner.

Also come on Gordo, they all agreed to publish the same front page to protest Corbyn's antisemitism.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4084 on: August 07, 2018, 03:42:41 pm »
The whole Corbyn anti-semitism case would be stronger if they didn't also use his or Labour's criticism of Israel as being anti-semitic.

Offline Toffee

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4085 on: August 07, 2018, 04:42:38 pm »
I don't think that Corbyn himself is anti-Semitic but I do think that he hasn't done enough to purge discrimination from within the party. That's the main criticism I have of his time as leader.

Offline Edwin

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4086 on: August 07, 2018, 04:44:50 pm »
Also come on Gordo, they all agreed to publish the same front page to protest Corbyn's antisemitism.

Sorry but it's still hilarious; in a country where Jewish conspiracy theories are being propagated by both neo-Nazis and the majority of Muslims, our main "independent" Jewish media thought it was a good idea to state boldly that they are "united!" and collude with one another. Not the smartest move, in my humble opinion.

The whole Corbyn anti-semitism case would be stronger if they didn't also use his or Labour's criticism of Israel as being anti-semitic.

I have no love for Corbyn (far from it), but the claims being thrown at him are absolutely atrocious. Jeremy Corbyn and Labour do not pose an "existential threat to Jewish life", nor are we witnessing the repeat of 1939.

Offline StevenChilton

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4087 on: August 07, 2018, 07:59:40 pm »
The whole Corbyn anti-semitism case would be stronger if they didn't also use his or Labour's criticism of Israel as being anti-semitic.

Most of his criticism of Israel is just standard, boilerplate lines from the pro-Palestine movement, but there's numerous instances of his criticism of Israel being anti-semitic (e.g. when he concocts conspiracy theories about Israel and blames it for conducting false flag terrorist attacks in neighbouring Islamic countries).

I don't think that Corbyn himself is anti-Semitic but I do think that he hasn't done enough to purge discrimination from within the party. That's the main criticism I have of his time as leader.

I used to think he was just an idiot who liked to join protests, but he's used the 'I'm just thick' excuse too often for it to be true.
-Supporting an antisemtic mural? Claims he didn't bother looking at it closely enough.
-Appears on platforms with Holocaust deniers? Claims he didn't research these people before agreeing to speak alongside them
-Inviting antisemites for tea in Parliament? Says he wasn't aware of their views or was simply 'promoting a dialogue' (he's never invited anyone from the pro-Israel side for tea in Parliament, so this 'dialogue' is with his own side...)
-Joins antisemitic Facebook groups? Claims he didn't look closely enough at the content
-His association as a paid presenter with the antisemitic media group Press TV? Claims ignorance

What probably did it for me was his weird obsession with 'Holocaust Memorial Day'. He once called for the word 'Holocaust' to be removed from Holocaust Memorial Day...on Holocaust Memorial Day itself. In a different year on Holocaust Memorial Day he hosted an event that compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

Essentially I'm done giving Corbyn the benefit of the doubt. It's just too much smoke for there to not be fire.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4088 on: August 08, 2018, 11:49:50 pm »
So is it time to talk about the extreme heat wave this year yet and how fucked we are?

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4089 on: August 09, 2018, 03:36:35 am »
So is it time to talk about the extreme heat wave this year yet and how fucked we are?

how does this mean we're fucked

told that bih don't @ me

Offline McPero

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4090 on: August 09, 2018, 09:05:19 am »
So is it time to talk about the extreme heat wave this year yet and how fucked we are?

how does this mean we're fucked
Global warming isnt human caused right?

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4091 on: August 09, 2018, 10:50:01 am »
So is it time to talk about the extreme heat wave this year yet and how fucked we are?

how does this mean we're fucked
Global warming isnt human caused right?

Alien caused
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Offline McPero

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4092 on: August 09, 2018, 01:26:21 pm »
So is it time to talk about the extreme heat wave this year yet and how fucked we are?

how does this mean we're fucked
Global warming isnt human caused right?

Alien caused
No its just random u kno

Offline Furrnox

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4093 on: August 09, 2018, 03:14:53 pm »

"But Trump has long expressed skepticism about its potential health effects after it is applied. In his 1997 book, “The Art of the Comeback,” he wrote that he believed that anti-asbestos efforts were “led by the mob."

"Asbest, named for its chief product, was once known as “the dying city” because of elevated rates of lung cancer and other diseases."

Offline StevenChilton

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #4094 on: August 09, 2018, 05:32:38 pm »

"But Trump has long expressed skepticism about its potential health effects after it is applied. In his 1997 book, “The Art of the Comeback,” he wrote that he believed that anti-asbestos efforts were “led by the mob."

"Asbest, named for its chief product, was once known as “the dying city” because of elevated rates of lung cancer and other diseases."

Trump is actually right on that.

Asbestos lawsuits in the late 80s/90s/2000s were probably the biggest scandal in US legal history and bankrupted loads of small and medium sized insurance firms. The claims were widely exaggerated, e.g. that 'one fibre could kill', deliberately conflating different types of asbestos, etc. Essentially the lawyers hoped that judges, with little scientific knowledge, would be swayed into awarding huge sums to their clients (of which they'd collect a big percentage).

Lots of lawyers jumped on the bandwagon and you had dodgy doctors who were taking backhanders from the lawyers in return for saying the right thing in court when testifying. One doctor diagnosed over 50,000 individual asbestos claims alone and was paid $10,000 a day to conduct the screenings by a handful of legal firms. Courts were even awarding huge sums to people simply on the basis of *possible* asbestos exposure (i.e. perfectly healthy people were being awarded $millions). It ended up costing the US economy something like $150-200 billion dollars.

'Asbestos litigation has come to consist, mainly, of non-sick people...claiming compensation for non-existent injuries, often testifying according to prepared scripts with perjurious contents, and often supported by specious medical is a massively fraudulent enterprise that can rightly take its place among the pantheon of great American swindles'-Prof. Lester Brickman