The 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk was formed on the 3rd of June, 2017. It was formed as a result of the merge between the two biggest and most stable Russian regiments of all time - Saints and the 17th Jaeger. And in addition to that the recently formed 12th MP, which strengthened the regiment's roster with active players. This regiment was created with the purpose to improve the activity and the standing of the Russian community on the European scene. We hope, that the unification of our three regiments will help the Russian community enter the top and bring something new to the current scene, as nobody cancelled attending casual events.
Commanding Officers
Polkovnik (Plk) Podpolkovnik (Pplk) Major (Mjr) Kapitan (Kpt)
| | | | | | | Non-Commissioned Officers
ShtabKapitan (ShtKpt) Poruchik (Por) Praporshik (Prap) UnterOfficer (UntOf)
| | | | | | | Grenadiers
Grenadier Officer (OGren) Grenadier (Gren) Veteran (Vt)
| | | | | | Enlisted
Efreitor (Efr) Ryadovoi Starshego Oklada (Rds) Ryadovoi (Rdv) Ryadovoi Mladshogo Oklada (Rdm) Recrut (Rec)
Non-Commissioned Officers
Praporshik | Dark Lord
Leader of Company
Kapitan | MarxeiL
Non-Commissioned Officers
Kapitan | Wursti
ShitKapitan Movement...
Commissioned Officers: 5
Non-Commissioned Officers: 3
Grenadiers: 13
Veterans: 11
Enlisted: 28
Total Strength: 70