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Topics - Jeph

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Off Topic / 51GI and CHS Sunday co-Event
« on: December 14, 2013, 07:14:57 pm »
Blog del regimiento 51 de la guardia imperial

El regimiento 51 de la guardia imperial esta orgulloso de presentarles el nuevo evento de los domingos con artilleria, infanteria y  caballeria.

Para apuntarse contactar en steam con joni482  o con [51GI] jonathanbarshuali98

Solo se escribe en el chat de grupo excepto los oficiales que pueden escribir tambien en el publico.
No pueden atacar dos soldados solos sin estar en una linea.( no rambo)
Si solo quedan 3 soldados  vivos  se tendran que unir a otra linea.
Se puede  disparar en carga.
La infantería de linea mínimo 8 y máximo 40.
Los tiradores mínimo 5 máximo 15.
La caballería mínimo 7 máximo 21.
La artillería  solo un cañón mínimo 2 personas máximo 10.

Preferiblemente  Regimientos que entiendan y hablen español.

Events: EU / 51GI and CHS Friday co-Event
« on: December 14, 2013, 07:10:54 pm »
The 51GI and CHS Friday co-Event
20h GMT+1
51th Regiment of the Imperial Guard Blog

51th Regiment of the Imperial Guard is proud to introduce with the close relationship of the "Comunidad Hispana de Simulacion" ("Hispanic community of Simulation") the new Sunday Event with artillery, infantry and cavalry Regiments.

To join the event :

Get in touch the 51GI Leader with his steam : "joni482" or "[51GI] jonathanbarshuali98"

Maximum Artillery crew is under 10 men
Minimum Artillery crew requires 6 men
Minimum Line size requires 8 men
Maximum Line size is under 40 men
Minimum Cavalry size requires 7
Minimum Cavalry size is under 21
Maximum Infantry Light / Rifles size requires 8
Maximum Infantry Light / Rifles size is under 15

Form to sign up
Regiment Name:
Faction :
Class :
Steam name :
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules below ?


No rambo ! If the line size is smaller than 4, it has to join another line asap
Leaders/NCO's in global chat only.
Do not intentionally aim officiers
Shooting while charge is NOT allowed
One cannon per team

Pages: 1