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Topics - Komar

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Regiments / 44th Infantry Division
« on: August 17, 2021, 03:22:57 pm »

A new regiment, based (based) on a factual infantry division that served under Germany in World War 2, with rich history that starts in year 1769.
For legal reasons, the regiment is modified to current standards of free speech ( so none of it), and is not 100% historically accurate.

History of 44th Infantry Division

In 1769, the Austrian military began to number regiments. The HuD was granted the Number 4. Under Emperor Josef II the regiment was named the home regiment for Vienna and recruitment was concentrated there. The people of Vienna thus referred to the Regiment as the "Wiener Edelknaben" which literally translates to "Vienna Pages." The sons of the best families of Vienna sought positions in the Regiment as a means of further establishing themselves in Viennese society. Members of the regiment even included Dukes from all over Austria, as well as Imperial princes.


In wars against the Turks, the Hoch-und Deutschmeister helped conquer Belgrade in 1788 and Cetin in 1790. In the wars with Napoleonic France that followed, the Hoch- und Deutschmeister was in more than 90 battles in 25 years. In the Wars of Liberation, the HuD fought Napoleon at San Michele (1813), Mincio (1814), Valeggio (1814) and finally marched its banner triumphantly through the streets of Napoleon’s capital, Paris, in 1815.


Following over thirty years of peace, the HuD was again instrumental in protecting the empire. In 1849 the unit helped crush the Hungarian revolt against Hapsburg rule as part of General Radetzky's army, for whom the famous Radetzky March is still played in Vienna. Disaster struck in the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, as the unit was obliterated along with much of the rest of the Austrian Army at the disastrous battle of Koeniggraetz that shattered Austrian hegemony in Germany. In the 65 years between the Prussian War and the outbreak of the First World War, the HuD enjoyed a productive time home in Vienna. The unit’s renowned band wrote its two famous marches: "Hoch- und Deutschmeister Marsche" and "Deutschmeister Marsche" and the regimental band became known throughout the world as it toured the globe. As a part of the 1904 St. Louis Exposition the band was invited to perform and then conduct a tour of the United States. The tour was a resounding success and the regiment's bandmasters, Colonels Ziehrer and Wacek were widely regarded as being among the finest bandmasters in the world.
n the First World War, the Hoch- und Deutschmeister was deployed on the Eastern Front against the Russians. This resulted in enormous losses to the regiment. In their very first skirmish on June 27, 1915, the Regimental Commander, Oberst Freiherr von Holzhausen, was slain. On July 7th the Russians launched a staggering offensive on Austrian lines. The HuD took tremendous casualties, losing over half of the regiment’s officers and men. The date of 07/07 is to this day the regimental memorial day.


After Russia left the war in 1916 with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the HuD was rebuilt and transferred to the Italian front where it ended the war. Though the Empire was defeated, numerous communiqués and citations noted that the Hoch- und Deutschmeister had discharged all its duties with great devotion and honor. With the end of the war came the end of the Hapsburgs. The Austrian Empire was divided into the various countries that, for the most part, make up the map today. The new Austrian government ordered that the HuD regiment be absorbed into the Austrian Army, known as the Volkswehr, where it lost most of its status as an Imperial regiment of honor.


With the Anschluss with Bad Germany in 1938, the 4th Regiment Hoch-und Deutschmeister was integrated into the newly formed Deutsche Wehrmacht as the 134th Regiment of the 44th Infantry Division.

The new 44th Infantry Division incorporated most of the old Austrian 4th Division, including the Hoch- und Deutschmeister. Infantry Regiment 134 was formed from Infantry Regiment 4 Hoch- und Deutschmeister and Infantry Regiment 13 Karl Herzog von Lothringen. The 44th was stationed almost entirely around Vienna; the 134th was the core of the Viennese establishment. The first and second regiments of the Division were stationed in Vienna with the headquarters unit while the third regiment was in Hainburg, a short distance outside of Vienna. In December 1938, the Hoch- und Deutschmeister received its first conscripts from the Viennese population.


ENG translation:

Requirments for each rank:


Father/Fuhrer ( depending on mood) - founding leader of regiment
Marshal - Non brown eyes, master in spreading propaganda
General - Non brown eyes, good quantity of propaganda and killed non-komaryans

Lesser Officers:

OlderFeldwaffle - High body count of non-komaryans and high quantity of propaganda
FeldWaffle - Average ammount of shared propaganda and body count of non-komaryans (Feldwebel)
Fachnrich - An individual set to wield the banner, as he is the personification of ideals shared in our community

Privates :

OldGrapefruit - Begginer in spreading propaganda, skilled in slaying non-komaryans  (Obergefreiter)
Grapefruit - Experienced on battlefield  (Gefreiter)
OlderSoldat - A body count of non-komaryans above 1
Soldat - Single kill of an non-komaryan on a official event/match
KomarJugend - Fresh addition to our community

Basically climbing up the ranks are set on 3 principles:

1. Color of your eyes/hair
2. Ammount of propaganda materials shared on steam chat/discord
3. Body count of killed non-komaryans

Definition of a non-komaryan is to be set by the regimental leader.

Having non-brown eyes speeds up the process of climbing every rank.

In the future, there will be an additional company for people not regarded as fully komaryans, but being part komaryan.


If you are interested in joining our regiment, we require a picture of your eyes. If Your eyes are brown, thers an additional requirment of taking a picture of your nose's profile.

Message me:





Python 2
Python 3
Bunch of Zeydens
Coco Ayala

In  future, there will be RP names set to every individual in our regiment.

On historical events, we will play under "4th" tags, as its more accurate to the times represented in Mount&Blade Napoleonic Wars.

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