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Topics - HeinzOfBeans

Pages: 1
Events: EU / XVe Official Thursday Event
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:57:43 pm »
XVe Official Thursday Event!


This is the XVe Brigade Thursday Event! Welcome to the thread! If you want to join the event please enter this TeamSpeak address - at 6:00 GMT for the information and any questions you may have about the event. Please note that your place is not assured in the event and it is based on a first come, first serve basis if you are not an assigned regular. If you want a assured place for the future of this event, please post below in the thread with the format at the bottom of this thread!


1. No firing out of formation
2. No firing in charge
3. Any line over 15 men must take a flag bearer
4. No on purpose team killing
5. No headglitching
6. You must fill in gaps after every casualty taken
7. Cavalry must stay in some kind of formation (Not all over the place or ramboing)
8. No ramboing
9. If your under 3 men you have to join a line


Line Infantry
Minimum - 10
Maximum - 25

Light Infantry
Minimum - 8
Maximum - 15

Minimum - 6
Maximum - 10

Heavy Cavalry
Minimum - 4
Maximum - 12

Light/Medium Cavalry
Minimum - 5
Maximum - 15

Minimum - 4
Maximum - 9 (4 guards)
2 Cannons per team, No Howitzers

Post Format

Regiment Name:
Regiment Class:
Regiment Amount:
Do you agree to attend every Thursday event from here on out? -

Pages: 1