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Pages: 1
Events: EU / 1erTrG Saturday Event @ 7PM GMT
« on: April 01, 2017, 10:39:52 am »
~ 1erTrG Saturday Event ~

Are you fed up of all the boring events?
Are you looking for a new awesome event?
The Legendary 1erTrG Regiment creates his new Awesome deathmatch event!
Come smash your enemies like never before!

~ Rules ~

FIC, FOL, RIC, OA, Rambo Allowed! All charge at 59!
Because thoses are for real men!

If you cannot come to the event, you must provide a parent note explaining why you could not come. You must give a valid reason such as an Alien invasion or an apocalypse.
The Event starts at 7PM GMT so please come at 4PM GMT.


Infantry: No bullets allowed, they must scream "PIOU!" when shooting and charge with their fists

Artilery: 1 cannon allowed, grape shot only

Cavalery: must Dismount at 3 or More

Light Infantry: Can use 99 Holy grenades per round maximum

~ How to apply ~
Regiment Name:
Steam contact:
Expected attendance:
Permanent, or once:
Medical certificate of each soldier:
You must send a payement of 14.99€ per soldier to the 1erTrG account (10 bought, 1 free!)

~ Contacts ~

Pages: 1