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Topics - 1stRWY_Gen_zachthegreat6

Pages: 1
Events: NA / 95th Monday event!
« on: May 10, 2021, 08:53:23 pm »
Welcome to the 95th Monday Event
Monday Events are back!!! Starting on Monday May 17

Info will be given out at


-All except artillery must join another line when they number less than 3, Cavalry must dismount at this point!
-No teamkilling!
-No Ramboing!
-No trolling!
-No abusive behaviour!
-No Spamming! [Plank spam]
-No musketoons!
-Obey the admins!
-No Racial Slurs
-Respect other regiments
-TnT is not allowed!
-In an all charge if you shoot and kill an opponent they will be revived and you will be slain
-No splitting of specialty units
-Pistols may be fired on charge but not reloaded

Unit Rules

Infantry 3+
-No FoL,RoL, RoC, FoC
-2 officers maximum
-1 Music/Flag unit is allowed per regiment
-No Spacing, Keep Line Formation
-May not crouch when in combat/reloading
-1 Medic Allowed
-May not play Light infantry classes

Skirmishers 5-10
-No FoC or RoC
-5 man spacing maximum
-May crouch
-When engaged with Cavalry, you cannot fire
-1 Medic Allowed
-Must all go Light infantry or must all go Riflemen

Artillery 4-12
-Two cannons only or 1 cannon and 1 howitzer
-Sappers are allowed, but are restricted to normal defenses (i.e, no plank walls, plankcases to heaven)
-Artillery Guards may fire at a distance of ten man spacing from an active cannon. An active cannon is a cannon being aimed, pushed, (un)limbered or reloaded.

Cavalry 5-10
-If two or less units are left mounted, they must dismount and join a line, unless they are continuing a charge.
-Cavalry must operate in a group, no straying or ramboing towards different units.
-Cavalry must all be the same type of cavalry no mixing allowed
-Dragoons or any other type of ranged cavalry is not allowed(excluding officers which are limited to 2 officers for the whole unit are included in the 10)


Regiment sign up
Regiment Name:
Avg Attendence:
Favorite faction:
Leader's Steam:

Admin Sign up

Admin Experience:

Specs will be Given out on the TS 20 min before the event

Pages: 1