Author Topic: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1  (Read 1294 times)

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Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:05:28 pm »
Name under which you were banned: USMC_PFC_Superb*Pedro

Servers you are banned from: NW_Official_NA1

What was happening when you got banned: I said a little tiny word.

Did you break any other rules prior to your ban: Slurs

Time and date when the account was banned: 6/26/15

Time zone: Pacific West Coast 6/27/2015

User Identification Number: Unknown

Why Should I be unbanned: Well I should be unbanned because I am a really nice person that likes to have fun and communicate with other fun people and this time I will not troll nor even say slurs to people who are offending me by my name or any kinds of insult against me.

01stdisband 84edisband USMCdisband 45edisband 45ereformdisband 45e2ndtimereformdisband 45ebrigade disband 45e3rdtimereform 57threform 13thFLdisband 13thFLreform 13thFLdisband 15edisband AEF disband 1stvistule disband 1eKM disband 32edisband 3evolt disband 41stdisband nr8LGdisband 71stdisband 6tedisband 6tebrigadedisband 3teSLRdisband 1stIBdisband 1stRMdisband 4thrvbdisband HREdisband KHdisband 2handisband 54threformdisband 61edisband 1erPLGdisband 1stLCdisband 1stVIistuledisband AGBdisband 63Edisband 63ebrigadedisband nr4disband REglatinodisband 87thdisband 58e disband 42disband nagfidsband 1stRMmergedisband    the list keeps disbanding

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2015, 11:45:44 pm »
So what is up with you and not following the server rules?  Why aren't you admitting to all the rules you have broken as of late?   and why do you have such a hard time following the rules?
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2015, 09:53:37 am »
You used racial slurs more than once.  You also used homophobic slurs, teamkilling, and teamwounded.   and lets not forget your 4 temp bans this month.  The bans were for... slurs and teamwounding, requested/teamwounding, teamwounding, and slurs.

It seems the numerous bans were not enough for you to get to learn to follow  the rules.  Perhaps a few weeks off will be. 

Bump this thread on 7/10/15 to be unbanned.

Your Id is 1212294
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Superb_Pedro

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Re: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2015, 08:13:22 am »

01stdisband 84edisband USMCdisband 45edisband 45ereformdisband 45e2ndtimereformdisband 45ebrigade disband 45e3rdtimereform 57threform 13thFLdisband 13thFLreform 13thFLdisband 15edisband AEF disband 1stvistule disband 1eKM disband 32edisband 3evolt disband 41stdisband nr8LGdisband 71stdisband 6tedisband 6tebrigadedisband 3teSLRdisband 1stIBdisband 1stRMdisband 4thrvbdisband HREdisband KHdisband 2handisband 54threformdisband 61edisband 1erPLGdisband 1stLCdisband 1stVIistuledisband AGBdisband 63Edisband 63ebrigadedisband nr4disband REglatinodisband 87thdisband 58e disband 42disband nagfidsband 1stRMmergedisband    the list keeps disbanding

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2015, 05:51:20 am »
Unbanned, should be able to rejoin within the hour.

Be sure to reread the rules as to not be banned again. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

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Re: Unban Request Superb*Pedro NW_Official_NA1
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2015, 06:12:00 am »
Thunderstormer seeing that this thread has been dealt with and Im to lazy to private message you I would like to say your profile picture is awesome.
So what you are saying is, you have a tactile mind of a potato...