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Messages - Greeb

Pages: 1
The Vistula skin isn't working for me :(

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Skin Request Hall
« on: July 03, 2019, 06:47:00 pm »
Skin Request - 13th (Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot
Replacing - 51st (Yorkshire) Regiment of Foot
- Requested by: Greeb
- Steam name:

Events: EU / Re: Tuesday - 51st Minisiege
« on: August 02, 2016, 03:38:19 pm »
Name of regiment: 126th Regiment of Foot
Regiment 1st In Command:
Regiment 2nd In Command:

Unit Type: Foot Guard
Predicted Attendance: 6-8

Regular or one off: one off for now

Have you read & do you agree to the rules: I agree

Ingame name? - Greeb
Steam Name? - You've added me :)
Age? - 16
Timezone? - GMT
Country? - England, United Kingdom.
Will you be active? - Yes
Previous Regiment Experience? - 126th Regiment of Foot
Why should we accept you? (give a developed answer) - I am interested now in hussars since my friend's regiment disbanded, and looked to see a hussar regiment where I could train and fight alongside to help me get better at cavalry and melee skills in the game :)
How much are you willing to improve? - I want to improve my cavalry and melee skills a lot. I've had the game for quite a while now but I always lose in duels.
Where did you find out about us? - I played with Balian on Cavalry Groupfighting Server :)

I am interested in joining your regiment.
I played with your Balian on Cavalry Groupfighting earlier and he told me to come here to ask, I will answer any questions via Steam:
Thank you :)

~ Greeb

Pages: 1