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Topics - asagek

Pages: 1
Regiments / 112e regiment d'infanterie de ligne
« on: January 18, 2018, 04:33:41 pm »
112e regiment d'infanterie de ligne
112e regiment d'infanterie de ligne
Infantry Regiment for Mount and Blade Warband Napoleonic wars, it consisted mostly out of Belgians and fought in all major battles, we are the sistercompany of the 6th Alabama in War of Rights and came over to Napoleonic wars to keep us Busy when when haven't got anything to do, we already bring a large playerbase and are looking for more memeber and events to participate in. If interested apply for the steam group, an NCO will add you and we will send you our discord


-Colonel -Col
-Lieutenent Colonel -LtCol
-Major -Maj
-Chef de Bataillon -CdB
-Capitaine -Cpt
-Lieutenant -Lt
-Sous-Lieutenant -SLt
Non Commissioned Officers
-Sergeant-Major -SgtMaj
-Sergent -Sgt
-Caporal-chef -CplC
-Caporal Fourrier -CplFo
-Caporal -Cpl
Enlisted Men
-Soldat de Prémiere Classe -SoP
-Soldat de Déuxieme -SoD
-Soldat -Sdt
-Cadet -Cdt

Pages: 1