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Messages - John Price

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I remember when the 83rd Block video made the front page of reddit XD

Regiments / Re: 5ème Régiment de Grenadiers
« on: July 04, 2014, 03:46:47 pm »
Split from 45th?
We asked Ace to let us use name and he gave us this account...
Ahh okay.

So Kaide after all your officers left you, What do you have now?
Where have they gone kaide? Did they play a game of hide and seek with you but never come back?

Was in hospital 2 month m9 You need to stop noncing
So your officers all left and took your guys with you while you were in hospital? oh my they must have really hated you.

So Kaide after all your officers left you, What do you have now?
Where have they gone kaide? Did they play a game of hide and seek with you but never come back?

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: July 04, 2014, 02:57:51 pm »
Useless drama is useless

John I don't see why you made this complaint. You say your intention is not to change the score but to show Murphy his mistakes of not filling gaps. You could have better shown him these screenshots on Steam and tell him that he should be careful with his gaps in the line. I don't think there has ever been a forum complaint which hasn't caused drama, and seeing this isn't an actual complaint a Steam message would have been better if you ask me.

Brot, I don't see why you would get mad at John. Obviously I don't know what happened on Steam between the two of you which might have caused tensions but there have been a lot of forum complaints, never have you or Bever attacked the guy who made the complaint because complaints should be done on Steam. Again, I don't know what has happened between the two of you but this is weird to me.

Anyway lets stop being whiny little bitches and start enjoying the matches, follow the rules and don't make a complaint for every minor incident. There is nothing on the line, yet it feels like there's a 10,000 euro pricepool with all these complaints about nothing
Yea i agree, it was a bad move.

But in terms of the steam thing the whole problem was DasBrot got angry because i didnt talk to him on steam, but i messages him 3 times, And he confirmed he was ignoring me when i edited something i said and posted it here on the forumns. so that was why that all kicked off ^

i love that film, just because it takes the piss out of america but the americans still love to watch it xD

So Kaide after all your officers left you, What do you have now?

Im just not even going to respond to his level of stupidity, He is just trolling. But i have still reported him to the mods and they can take all his stupidity away from the haven that is FSE.

Kaide, come on... -_-'

Stay out of this boss, this mincer being exposed. I challenged him upon the evidence I gathered and he banned me of teamspeak when I presented my information he cannot disprove anything I have. Caught right in the act.
Nah im just in a league of legends game atm because i care more about that than you

Please tell me your not being serious, if you are then.....*Facepalm*

Kaide your right, We wont find another you, but not for the reason you think LMAO

John Price you big nonce

Kaide your right, We wont find another you, but not for the reason you think LMAO

Pasting it here that the 85th is the best reg EU atm, Lights or not 18e cant even compare to the level of spred, Still not 60th doe

Napoleonic Wars League / Re: Napoleonic Wars League
« on: July 04, 2014, 03:09:41 am »
Trust the Nr24 to be filling the void of retards missing from this thread.

OH THE IRONY MR FAT CUNT. Stop wasting nhs money pretty pls with a cherry on top
Thank you, for proving my point xD let me guess your a chav ? stop wasting police time stealing sweets from the corner shop.

A chav playing a videogame about the Napoleonic Era is a chav I would like to meet. Now your comment about the Nr24 was unneeded, less of that please. Your regiment is lovely and totally not shit so lets move on from these sly comments.
You harvest what you sow.
Ohhhhhh snap!
RIP random Nr24 scrub

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