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Topics - Crighton

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Unit Banners
« on: February 23, 2022, 10:59:33 pm »
Out of curiosity do the dev's plan on adding more regimental / unit banners to the banner selection for Battle Cry of Freedom? I'm curious, would love to get my units banner added to the list!


  Bayerisches Freikorps 


Bayerisches Freikorps - BFkorps was a Regiment formed when the M&B mount and musket mod came out. The Regiment transitioned from this mod into the M&B DLC with fire and sword along with the Napoleonic Wars DLC. The BFkorps fought with distinction in several other modifications of Napoleonic Wars. Deluge, North and South and Blood and Iron. This unit was my pride and joy for several years and I would like to reform it within Battle Cry of Freedom and once again lead my Regiment in line battles.

For gaming purposes we are a light infantry / skirmishers and operate as such on the battle field. A strong sense of duty and disciple drives us forward, without order there is chaos. The Regiment strives itself upon its excellence in sharpshooting ability, picking the enemy off from afar or decimating enemy lines with disciplined volleys. If Skirmishers aren't available, we fight as a Regiment of Line Infantry or Militia.

✠-Regimental Rules-✠
- Have respect for unit members
- Trolling / Disrespect will Not be tolerated
- Listen to your Officers / Follow Orders
- Above all Have fun![That's Mandatory]

✠-Rank Structure-✠
- Colonel = Oberst = Obst
- Major = Major = Maj
- Captain = Hauptmann = Hptm
- 1st Lieutenant = Oberleutnant = OLt
- Lieutenant = Leutnant = Lt
- Sergeant First Class = Oberfeldwebel = OFw
- Sergeant = Sergent = Sgt
- Corporal = Korporal = Kpl
- Lance Corporal = Schützenkorporal = SKpl
- Private First Class = Obergefreiter = OGefr
- Private Second Class = Gefreiter = Gefr
- Veteran Private = Oberschütze = OSch
- Private = Schütze = Sch
- Volunteer = Freiwilliger = Frw

✠-Specialist Classes-✠
- Engineer = Pionier = Pio
- Medic = Sanitäter = San
- Field Chaplain = Feldkaplan = FKap

✠-Steam Page-✠

✠-Contact Info-✠

Any questions feel free to reach out to me!
[If I do not reply to your post and you are interested in the BFkorps add me on steam]

Application Format (Microphone Required):
1.   Age:
2.   Do you speak english:
3.   Prior regiment experience:
4.   Steam link with URL: 

Pages: 1