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Messages - 9thRRofficial

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [Cav slot free!]
« on: January 11, 2014, 04:31:48 pm »
Regiment Name: 83rd Cav
Preferred Faction: austira
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Steam name: morgan941
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Ya

Can we sign up weekly or no ?
Ignore 9thRR :P

Cancel that actually sorry.

Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [Cav slot free!]
« on: January 11, 2014, 04:26:39 pm »
Regiment Name: 83rd Cav
Preferred Faction: austira
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Steam name: morgan941
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Ya

Can we sign up weekly or no ?
Ignore 9thRR :P

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Saturday Linebattle [EU]
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:41:51 pm »
Regiment Name: 83rd dragoons
Preferred Faction: any
Preferred Class: cav
Expected Attendance: 12-15
Will you be attending once, or weekly: Weekly
Steam name: Cpt.Morgen ( ya got me )
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: Ya

Events: EU / Re: 17e Sunday Linebattle
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:56:47 pm »
The last Cav spot was taken by 14pk sorry 83rd. Event Full.

ah np

Events: EU / Re: 17e Sunday Linebattle
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:43:45 pm »
Regimental Name:83rd Dragoons
Expected Attendance:10-15
Steam Name of the leader(s):morgan941
Do you agree to follow the rules: ya

ignore my name haven't changed :p

Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [SIGN UP IS OPEN!]
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:39:45 pm »
Would just like to remind you price that no line will be coming tomorrow from 83rd, SKirms Arty And Cav will be there :)
This is not my event's forum page, this is Penns...

yeah i did tell him

Events: EU / Re: Penn's Friday Linebattle [SIGN UP IS OPEN!]
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:30:34 pm »
Would just like to remind you price that no line will be coming tomorrow from 83rd, SKirms Arty And Cav will be there :)

Price?  ???

Yea pretty sure he got that wrong. I believe you just have arty coming ? ;) I know the cav and line are in different events not sure if you even have the arty coming? :) can't remember.

I would just like to say that the 83rd have never beaten the 17e. I was at the the linebattle and this is what really happened. Firstly the 83rd out numbered the 17e, then they Fired in charge (Which was against the rules) this killed almost a quarter of the 17e line. The 83rd also had cavalry support.

I would also like to state that when I invited for the 83rd cavalry they let me lead due to their lack of discipline and skill. I would advise the 83rd to drop the topic as they will not benefit from such an obvious lie as this one.

Thanks babe, I'm just new to my 1v1 scene and you wanted to join ;D

Events: EU / Re: 2Lhr Infantry Battalion Official SUNDAY LINEBATTLE
« on: November 24, 2013, 09:37:06 pm »
Regiment Name:83rd Royal Irish Dragoons
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Preferred Faction:Britain
Attendance (max. difference 5):10
First in command´s steam name:morgan941
Will you attend once or weekly:weekly
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:yes

Oh and ignore username :p

 got to cancel. Got a 83rd event.

Events: EU / Re: 2Lhr Infantry Battalion Official SUNDAY LINEBATTLE
« on: November 18, 2013, 10:51:15 pm »
Regiment Name:83rd Royal Irish Dragoons
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Preferred Faction:Britain
Attendance (max. difference 5):10
First in command´s steam name:morgan941
Will you attend once or weekly:weekly
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:yes

Oh and ignore username :p

Another Great LB !  ;)

How did everyone like the linebattle tonight?

Lovely :D

Events: EU / Re: British Army Thursday Line Battle
« on: October 17, 2013, 08:03:53 pm »
Standing by your regiment is what's expected of a member, however several of your members repeatedly and at length insulted the 14e (and several members of it) because of an unfortunate teamkill that was not apologized for fast enough according to the opinion of your lads.
There was also several unapologetic teamkills before each map change and reset, by 9thRR on 14e; you might let this happen in your regiment, but 14e does not. I might add that at no time did any 14e member insult either the 9thRR or any of it's members, though there was much provocation.

Though it states in the rules that trolling/chat abuse is not allowed, 9thRR ignored this and was not sanctionned by 95th_Rifles admins. The regiments opposing us (95th_Rifles excluded as they are listed as skirms) very often were not in formation and behaved like skirmishers. A significant period of time was wasted chasing down random individuals scattered wide, that would not stand and fight. A very poor sight for the "British Army", that held the line so many times historically, yet did not seem capable of doing so in this battle.
Kilidath offered to talk about the linebattle afterwards and I invited him to on steam, yet he did not have the politness to do so. 14e finally left the event as our CO (Knight, who is french and so not particularly fluent in english) was deliberately TK'ed by a 13thSLI troll (for which their Col_Yuri apologised to me, as I diplomatically stayed to talk this over with Kilidath).

So 14e's grievances are as follow:
_Rules were not respected by a majority of the regiments or enforced by the admins.
_14e was repeatedly flammed in public chat, with no significant action taken by the admin.
_We did not have a good time, as we were following rules that others did not care about, spent most of our time being shot at by scattered and constantly fleeing opponents.

Therefore, 14e will no longer be attending this particular event as it holds no benefit for us whatsoever, no more than joining a public server would. This is not a criticism of the 95th_Rifles as a regiment, as in our eyes they performed creditably, we are grateful for the invitation and would gladly face them 1v1 if they show interest. 9thRR however performed as a group of undisciplined and disorganised 12 year olds, and as far as I am concerned present no interest whatsoever, spoiling the event for us in a significant way.

i say again the way it looked to me you started it

Thanks richard ,as said all our Invite broke the rules. We have sorted it out. I suggest this event as the admins are nice guys and are trying there best.

Events: EU / Re: 15th Regiment Of Foot Saturday Linebattle
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:14:52 pm »
Regiment name:9th RR
Nation: any
Troop/class: Cav - This time i would like to be cav
Amount: 10

Cancel us please. Can't attend

Regiment Name:9thRR
Preferred Faction:Austira
Preferred Class:Cav
Expected Attendance:8-10
Steam name (Include Link) : and also add
Would you like to attend this weekly? yes
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?:yes

Pages: 1 2