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Topics - R.Campos

Pages: 1
Modifications / Looking for a skin/texture
« on: April 03, 2021, 11:11:29 pm »
Does anyone know or has the Tarleton´s Raiders texture/skin i´ve been looking for a while now and i can´t find it.

The 1st Cavalry Battalion is recruiting!

The performance of the Portuguese Cavalry in the Peninsular War was marked by the lack of horses, caused by the dismantling of the cavalry regiments, and their surrender to the occupation army of Junot, during the First French Invasion. The lack of personnel, horses, armaments and other material aggravated the situation in which these invasions had left the country, that is, without conditions to immediately regenerate the military apparatus, particularly the cavalry.
But, month after month, the cavalry weapon was being organized, equipped and instructed, and it was enhancing these improvements with the increase of manpower and the combat experience. From 1810, the Portuguese cavalry would enter a crescendo that would lead it to moments of the greatest glory, for lands of Portugal, Spain and France, contributing to a decisive victory before the great land military power, having its high point in the extraordinary cargo of cavalry of the Cavalry regiments during the Battle of Salamanca, on 22 July 1812.

The 1st Cavalry Battalion is a Battalion focused on the Portuguese Cavalry.
This group was created to reunite all Cavalry lovers.
And specially to create a great bond between the members/players.
We only accept people that are 15+


A actuação da Cavalaria Portuguesa na Guerra Peninsular foi marcada pela falta de cavalos, provocado pelo desmontar dos regimentos de cavalaria, e a sua entrega ao exército de ocupação de Junot, no decurso da Primeira Invasão Francesa. A falta de pessoal, cavalos, armamento e outro material agudizou a situação em que estas invasões tinham deixado o País, ou seja, sem condições para regenerar, no imediato, o aparelho militar, particularmente a cavalaria.
Mas, mês após mês, a arma de cavalaria foi sendo organizada, equipada e instruída, e foi potenciando estas melhorias com o aumento de efectivos e a experiência de combate. A partir de 1810, a cavalaria portuguesa entraria num crescendo que a conduziria a momentos da maior glória, por terras de Portugal, Espanha e França, contribuindo para uma vitória decisiva perante a grande potência militar terrestre, tendo o seu ponto alto na extraordinária carga de cavalaria dos regimentos de Cavalaria durante a Batalha de Salamanca, em 22 de Julho de 1812.

O Batlhão é um grupo portugês que foi principalmente criado para unir os amantes de cavalaria portugueses.Neste contamos com 6 homens e tamos a tentar recrutar mais pessoas para poder começar a jogar em eventos.O grupo aceita qualquer pessoa que esteja interessada em entrar sendo ela experiente ou que tenha começado a jogar.Lembrando que tem que saber falar portugês.No fundo estamos aqui para aprender,conviver e nos divertir.

Regiments / 1st Cavalry Battalion [Recruiting][EU][English][Noob Friendly]
« on: December 21, 2020, 07:00:52 am »
The 1st Cavalry Battalion is recruiting!

The performance of the Portuguese Cavalry in the Peninsular War was marked by the lack of horses, caused by the dismantling of the cavalry regiments, and their surrender to the occupation army of Junot, during the First French Invasion. The lack of personnel, horses, armaments and other material aggravated the situation in which these invasions had left the country, that is, without conditions to immediately regenerate the military apparatus, particularly the cavalry.
But, month after month, the cavalry weapon was being organized, equipped and instructed, and it was enhancing these improvements with the increase of manpower and the combat experience. From 1810, the Portuguese cavalry would enter a crescendo that would lead it to moments of the greatest glory, for lands of Portugal, Spain and France, contributing to a decisive victory before the great land military power, having its high point in the extraordinary cargo of cavalry of the Cavalry regiments during the Battle of Salamanca, on 22 July 1812.

The 1st Cavalry Battalion is a Battalion focused on the Portuguese Cavalry.
This group was created to reunite all Cavalry lovers.
And specially to create a great bond between the members/players.
We only accept people that are 15+

Pages: 1