Author Topic: BCoF:..."Developer Blog 2": Regiment/Clan System...^^  (Read 13929 times)

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BCoF:..."Developer Blog 2": Regiment/Clan System...^^
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:54:25 pm »

...Nuovi contenuti rilasciati, riguardanti "Regiments/Clans System":

So last week we talked about our plans for supporting huge numbers of players, today we have gone for something a little bit different! A lot of people have been asking us about how we plan on supporting community made clans and regiments in-game. We have already had a lot of thought on this as our community is very important to us, especially as Battle Cry of Freedom is a competitive multiplayer game.

So our planned system will work something like this:
You can freely create clans for our game, these groups are called “Regiments”. These Regiments will be groups of players much like you see in our previous title Napoleonic Wars, however we aim to support these groups as much as possible in-game, and so please read on to get a picture of what we are planning.

Clan/Regiment page
The clan/regiment page is like an advanced version of a steam group. Clans can post news and announce events there. It is possible to easily browse the clan’s players, to take a look at their ranks and stats (including activity). The regiment page could also be used to communicate with each other. It has a small built in chat which saves the last messages, so players can view messages which were written a few days or weeks ago. This can possibly be expanded upon when we receive the appropriate feedback and support.

The Regiment page also has a built-in ranking system. Ranks are displayed in-game and in the player overview of the clan. Administrators and founders of the clan can promote or demote players in the clan at will. However, promoting someone to an officer is only possible by the founder, because officers are not necessarily administrators. Newly recruited players will automatically get the “recruit” rank assigned.

Joining a clan
Players can join and leave a clan as they wish. When joining a clan they have to fill out an application the founder will have created when creating the Regiment. The application is then automatically sent to the Regiment founder, the administrators and moderators. Admins, founders or moderators then just have to accept or deny the application.

Ingame tag system

When joining the game as a member of a Regiment, the game will represent the regiments tags + the current rank tags. For example: Clan tag: 882nd; Rank: Private; Name: Hans Ingame name: 882nd Pvt. Hans

Every player, no matter if he is in a Regiment or not can receive medals for playing. There will be special medals for special acts. For example, you could get a medal for defending a position against a majority of enemies or for playing the game for a certain time. When getting killed by an enemy, you will be able to see his rank, name, regiment, and his medals. Medals are faction specific, players are not able to get Southern medals when playing the Union and vice versa.

Competitive Play
We very much plan to support competitive Regiment play. We are not completely sure how it is best supported, but for now we plan to have an overall Regiment ranking list, where all regiments are shown with their overall score and victories. Regiment competitions will be organised by Regiments where they will choose a specific engagement (or part of an engagement depending on play count) and fight it out. The winner will receive a point/s which will add on to their total ranking.

If you didn’t realise we were raising money to complete this project head over here to check out our reward tiers here.

We will see you next week!

« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 07:49:37 pm by jabdimelborn »