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Messages - wazzozzo

Pages: 1
Regiment name : BC (Brigata Carabinieri)
Troop/Class : Cavalry
Amount Attending :  5 - 8
Leader Steam link:
Second Steam link:
Weekly or Once?: Weekly (starting the 7th of September)
At what time does the event start?: 7pm GMT

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: NWWC 2018 - chiamata alle armi
« on: December 26, 2023, 03:32:38 pm »
Ma che è sta roba?


La Brigata Carabinieri è un gruppo di giocatori di Mount and Blade Warband e Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars (italiani e non) creato al fine di intrattenersi assieme e ad apprezzare il gioco ancora oggi

Sviluppata come semplice idea nel Giugno del 2019, la Brigata Carabinieri è formalmente nata nell'Ottobre dello stesso anno e da subito ha avuto un grande successo all'interno della community di Mount and Blade

L'obiettivo principale è giocare per divertirsi stando in compagnia

Gli eventi (linea, cavalleria, artiglieria e leggera) e gli allenamenti (banda e cerimonia) si tengono dalle 20:00 alle 21:00

Possono far parte di questo gruppo tutti coloro che sono interessati a continuare l'esperienza di gioco su Mount and Blade e sulle relative Mod ma soprattutto coloro che cercano un gruppo tranquillo che non presenti obblighi ne costrizioni di alcun tipo

Chiunque fosse interessato a partecipare, contatti il Comandante su steam cliccando sul seguente Link:

Regiment Name: BC Brigata Carabinieri
Class/Unit: Rifleman
Expected Attendance: 5-10
Once or Weekly?: Weekly
Have you read the rules?: Yes
First Leader Steam Link:
Second Leader Steam Link:

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Sunday-LB [EU]
« on: January 25, 2022, 11:43:19 am »
Name of the regiment: BC
Steam Contact: Wazzozzo:
Steam Contact: Polistirolo:
Signing Up Unit: Line Infantry (5-10)
Waiting Spot Unit: Artillery (5-10)
Sign-up period: Weekly
Accept Rules: Yes

Regiment Name: Brigata Carabinieri
Preferred Nation: Any
Preferred Class: Light (Line Infantry if no places as Light)
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Contact Steam ID 1st Officer:
Contact Steam ID 2nd Officer:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes and I accept

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Wednesday LOTR Campaign Event [EU]
« on: October 17, 2021, 10:16:17 pm »
Regiment Name: Brigata Carabinieri
Estimated Attendance: 5-10
Preferred Class: Lights (Line Infantry if no place for Light)
Preferred side (Good or Evil): Good
Contacts (Steam ID): 1st Officer:
Contacts (Steam ID): 2nd Officer:

Regiment's name: BC (Brigata Carabinieri)
Leader's Steam name:  backup:
Unit type: Line Infantry
Expected attendance: 5-10
Will you participate once or weekly? weekly
Did you read and accept the rules? yes

Regiment Name: Brigata Carabinieri (BC)
Preferred Nation: None
Preferred Class: Light/Rifleman
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Regiment name:   Brigata Carabinieri (BC)
Regiment type:   Rifleman
Steam profile representative:
Expected attendance:   8-12
Weekly or once:   Weekly

Events: EU / Re: 1Rhein Saturday-LB [EU] - *Thread under Construction*
« on: September 16, 2020, 09:15:45 pm »
Name of the regiment: Brigata Carabinieri
Preferred Unit: LandesKavallerie
Sign-up period: (Once/Weekly) Weekly



The 45th Nottinghamshire Thursday Event is a new event that focuses on the significance of Line Infantry amongst the classical format of having both specialised units of Light Infantry and Light Cavalry.

This event is planned to be hosted weekly, every Thursday at 7:00pm BST / 2pm EST starting on July 2nd!

This is a European BattleEvent. All events will be held on a French server provided by Presidente which should provide decent pings for the whole of the EU player base (200 slots). These events will be hosted weekly. The same thread will be used every week for this event. Any news or information will be posted here, also all the sign ups

45th Nottinghamshire Thursday Event

All Sign ups will be made on this forum
All event updates will be announced both on this FSE thread as well as the steam group chat
All specialised units will be allocated to regiments who can also provide a line to this event
If your regiment won't come for any reason must inform any admin,  via steam or ts.
The event details will be posted in the description of our ts3 channel event 18:30 BST as well as on out Steam Chat
Our Server shall be 200 slots

Head Admin Major Maskman

Admin Colonel Nova
Admin  Lietenantt Hanselmitch
Admin Ensign Mitchell
Admin Ensign Jerome
Admin Serjeant Clikenforce
Admin Serjeant Soli

General Rules


No insulting
No teamkilling.
No ramboing.
No trolling or flaming of other regiments/players.
No spamming all chat.
Speed combat in medium
No reloading in charge.
When all charge is called,cavalry must dismount. All units can regroup
Commander unit and staff is allowed
Officer Aim is just allowed when the regiment in charge
Realoading in Charge is not allowed
Obey the admins
Breaking a rule during the final round will be understood as "I break rules because is the last round and I don't care about punishment"
During the event, the Head Organisers can change any of the rules

Unit Rules


Line Infantry:

Minimum of 10 men, maximum 30 men.
May only crouch when forming a anti-cavalry formation, double line or if stationary and idle.
Must maintain a line formation
Have to have a close formation always
When 3 or less men, must join a friendly line

Light Infantry:

Minimum 8 to join, maximum 15 men.
Must use Infantry Musket or Cavalry Musket
Can Have 2-3 men spacing
May fire in charge
When 3 or less men, must join a friendly line


Minimun 8 to join, maximum 12 men.
Always stay in formation
Must dismount and join a line if 3 or less men
Hussars cannot shoot from horseback, officers who wish to fire their pistols must be dismounted in line
Hussars have to dismount for all charge unless already in charge

Team One

Line Regiments:
45th Nottinghamshire 25-30
19th 10-15
The Earldom of Arundel 10
65y Moskovskiy Polk 15-20

Lights Regiments: 45th Nottinghamshire 10-12

Cavalry Regiments: 19th Cavalry 8 -12

Total Number: 75  - 80

Team Two

Line Regiments:
16th 'Centre' 1st Company 10 - 15
16th 'The Sacred Band' 3rd Company 15 - 20
EULg 'The European Legion' 10 - 12
CI 5to Regimiento de infantería de la Corona 15-20


Lights Regiments: 16th 2nd 'Light' Company 10 - 12

Cavalry Regiments: 16th Cavalry Squadron 8 - 12

Total Number: 75 - 85

Waiting List

Regimental Sign Ups
Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending:
Regular or once?:
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?:

Once Signing up make sure to add one of the event hosts on steam and subsequently will be added to our steam chat!

Regiment Name: BC Brigata Carabinieri
Regiment Leader's Steam: Wazzozzo
Numbers attending: From 8 to 12
Class: Line Infantry
Regular or once?: Once
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: 1aDiv Thursday Linebattle!! [Looking for lines!]
« on: June 16, 2020, 06:47:01 pm »
Name of the Clan: BC (Brigata Carabinieri)
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Have you read all of the Rules?: YES
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attendance or Not: YES
Class: Cavalry
Nation Preference: France
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: YES

Events: EU / Re: 1aDiv Sunday Linebattle!! [Looking for Lines!]
« on: June 15, 2020, 07:48:54 pm »
Name of the Clan: BC (Brigata Carabinieri)
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Have you read all of the Rules?: Yes
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attendance or Not: Yes
Class: Cavalry
Nation Preference: France
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: Thursday Public Event - Almogavares
« on: May 31, 2020, 11:20:16 am »
Regiment name: BC (Brigata Carabinieri)
Class: Cavalry
Number of members: 8-15
Leader Name: Wazzozzo
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes

Pages: 1