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Topics - guijanus

Pages: 1
Official Servers Bans & Unbans / (unban) 1st KGL HUSS official server
« on: September 13, 2013, 12:10:09 am »

Name under which you were banned - Guijanus
Server(s) you are banned from: 1st KGL HUSS official server
What was happening when you got banned: (oh my god what is wrong tonight?!) I played a TD, took a sapper, put 5 tnt, have been killed and then permanently banned
Timezone: 12/09/2013 00h0 pm

the admin is calling maria and seems abusing. I didn't TK just took a sapper and try to play with TNT, is it forbidden????

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / NW official serveur EU 1 (unban)
« on: September 13, 2013, 12:00:14 am »

Name under which you were banned : Guijon
Server(s) you are banned from: NW OFFICIAL EU 1
What was happening when you got banned: We started a new map and I put TNT in a house. one of my teamplayer was outside and have been killed unfortunately. I did the same mistake the map before. but it was completely unvolontary
Time and date: thursday the 12th of septemeber around 11 pm

I don't know the name of the admin
I usually play on this server and i don't have problems. for me, what I did doesn't deserve to be ban maybe a kick.

thanks for your time and I hope I can play again as soon as possible

Pages: 1