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Forum Rules
« on: January 29, 2013, 12:46:35 am »
Forum Rules

As a registered member (hereinafter, “member”, “user”, or “individual”)  of this forum, we require that all members adhere to the forum rules listed below.  In addition, please note the following disclaimers.

Forum administration (hereinafter, “administration”, “moderation”, or “staff”) and Flying Squirrel Entertainment’s (hereinafter, “FSE”) right:

FSE claims the right to administer its own forums as it sees fit.  Any attempt at justifying wrongful behavior with "technically it isn’t against the rules" will be completely disregarded.  While we appreciate your feedback and understand that decisions are sometimes taken that may not reflect your desired outcomes, FSE has a responsibility to its community and its own welfare as a whole and not just to the desires of specific individual(s).  Members are required to follow the instruction of FSE Developers or Moderators, and may face repercussions when failing to do so.  FSE’s word is final; these forums are a privately owned forum and are provided at FSE’s expense.

These Forum Rules, listed below, are also claimed to be an iterative process.  FSE reserves their right to change any and all rules as it sees fit, based on the current needs of the forum.  If rules are updated, we will commit to ensuring that the members are notified by a post here briefly summarizing the changes.  If there are any questions regarding specifics, please ask a Global Moderator or above (noted in the FSE Forum Administration thread) for clarification.

1. Derogatory or discriminatory remarks or content based on ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, sexuality or personal beliefs
  • Racism or hatred of any sort (including Fascism and other forms of discrimination) is not acceptable, and will be dealt with harshly. Please keep in mind that this is an international community of members with various religions, ethnicities, and values.
  • Images or content aimed at glorifying National-Socialism are specially forbidden: FSE does not wish to contravene Germany's strict policies in regards
    to Strafgesetzbuch section 86a and thus requests that its users adhere to this policy as part of the terms of this agreement.
  • Political discussion is allowed only in specific threads marked political discussion. All users are encouraged to have a civilized debate, and are advised to refrain from ad hominem and personal attacks on other members for differing political views or opinions. Note that a personal opinion and racism can be the same. Every user has the right to have their own political views, but there is no inherent right(s) to use the forum.

2. Trolling, insulting and other personal attacks
  • Personal attacks on forum users and moderators of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes (but it is not limited to) insults, provocations for the sake of argument, homophobic slurs, threats, encouragement to suicide, wishing death or ill upon a user and death threats or threats to the persons physical constitution. The latter (in the threats category), in the absence of humor, is a criminal offense and may result in an immediate ban.

3. Spamming and Quote Pyramids
  • Making unnecessary posts with no valuable content will be regarded as breaking the forum rules and will be punished accordingly. Should you want to add something to your post, edit it instead of making a new one.   Be aware that posting unnecessary content (such as off-topic posting of image macros, GIFs, and other multimedia) can also constitute spamming.
  • Quote pyramids are considered anything clearly off-topic or derailing equaling (or in excess of) five quotes, without the use of spoilers.  Therefore, anyone involved in a quote pyramid will receive up to an 80% warning level. Additionally, the administration may see fit to remove the thread in question, in its entirety.
  • Avoid double-posting/shouting where possible, if it appears you are spamming posts/shouts without any real reason this can result in a warning.

4. Copyright infringement
  • We do not tolerate piracy. Anything connected to piracy, warez, cracks, hacks, serial keys, and key generators, or any other sort of copyright infringement can get you into trouble, regardless of whether you do it directly or indirectly. Infringement of this rule will result in an immediate mute, and possible ban depending on the severity of the breach. This rule also applies to the unauthorized use of another user's game assets (both from this community and any other). If you wish to use someone else's work in your mod you will need to get their written permission first, preferably alongside some form of proof that you have it. Note that this rule does not include thread format(s), event creation(s), or signature(s); these specific instances are handled separately and on a case-by-case basis.
5. Inappropriate content
  • Everyone can access this forum; therefore, content intended only for adults is strictly forbidden. Content such as pornography, gory images, disturbing images, or anything else the moderators find to be inappropriate, will be immediately removed, and the violating user punished, as appropriate.

6. Posting private conversations or personal images without permission
  • If you post screenshots or logs of a private chat without the consent of the other member(s) in the chat you may be muted or dealt with at the moderator’s discretion depending on the severity of the infringement, and the post(s) will be removed. FSE’s determination is that snippets of a private conversation do not provide sufficient context in a discussion on the forum and can be used to mislead, misconstrue, or provide a false narrative.
  • Posting images (including the generation of memes, gifs, or other multimedia creation(s)),  or personal information (such as phone numbers, home/work address(es), or any other collateral) of other individuals without permission will not be tolerated.  Violations will result in severe punishment, up to and including being banned from the forum.

7. No alternative accounts
  • Do not create alternate or additional accounts. Creating ‘dupe’ accounts to circumvent mutes/bans will result in a temporary ban or an extension of the existing ban. Exceptions to the rule are as follows:
    • If you are no longer using the original account
    • If you have a family member/friend who is in the same area as you.
  • The account(s) that meet the criteria listed above will be identified and dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
7A - Event/Regiment/Unit/List accounts
  • So-called “Regimental accounts’, “Event accounts”, “List accounts”, or “Unit accounts” (accounts that are registered to represent a certain event/unit and is used by one or more members of said event/unit to maintain an event’s/unit's thread in the “Regimental Boards”, related “Event Boards”, or in the “Off-Topic” areas of the forums) are exempt from Rule 7 as long as these accounts follow the following:
    • Carry the event/units’ name
    • Only post in their respective boards (Regiment, Event, or Off Topic areas, as appropriate)
    • Keep posts to a minimum (preferably only used to maintain the OP)
    • Are not used to circumvent mutes or bans (e.g., not posting as the member who is currently muted/banned).
    • Are not logging in using any VPN.  Any accounts that use VPNs will be banned from use.  Please contact a moderation team member in order to have the account unbanned.
  • Remember that we can see which users are posting on a Event/List/Unit account. Accounts that do not abide by Rule 7A will be banned and their users punished. Do not register a new account when changing names; ask a moderator to change it.

8. Do not drive a thread Off-Topic
  • "Off-Topic" posts in a thread are constituted as posts that are irrelevant to the thread's intended purpose or discussion. If users consistently attempt to derail the thread’s subject, then moderators will take action against the user(s).  It is the thread owner’s responsibility to make moderation aware when user(s) attempt to derail the thread.

9. Do not punishment-boast
  • Using reports, bans, or warning levels as a signature, avatar, or in any other way attempting to boast about action(s) taken by the moderation staff against you or other member(s) of the community is forbidden. Violations will result in severe punishment, up to and including being banned from the forum. Do not argue against a moderator’s decision on the forums. If you disagree or believe a punishment was unjust, make an appeal to senior moderation or the Head Moderator of the FSE forum. To keep it simple do not share your warning/ban/mute history.

10. Forum Contests
  • FSE allows poll or vote-based public contests to decide “who is the best in what”, or any other public contest exclusively in the Mess Hall.  These contests must follow the rules noted expressly above, and moderation reserves the right to remove contests/lists if they do not follow the rules as appropriate (including the punishment of the user(s) involved). Contests/lists that could be considered offensive such as the 'biggest loser' list will be considered a breach of this rule and potentially punished and removed.

10a. Removing Names from Forum Contests
  • Also linked to the above if you wish to have your name removed from a list FSE will not do this unless it can be deemed as an insult such as being part of a list like 'the biggest troll' list, any list that appears to have a genuine intent and has made an attempt to do something accurately without offense will not be touched.

11. Language Rule
  • Please make sure when posting outside of language boards to stick to English so that the moderators can properly moderate all posts, most of the moderators are native English speakers and can't do their job if the posts are in other languages, that is why we have language mods for the relevant boards. This includes the shoutbox, a warning can be handed out if you choose to ignore this after being verbally warned. Commonly known phrases that do not breech any other rules in any main language may be allowed but this is up to a moderator's discretion.

11a. Language Rule on Regimental Threads
  • The exclusion to this rule can/will be if you are posting on a regimental thread that consists of one nationality/language e.g. the IVe posting in French or a German regiment posting in German. These posts still have to be within the other rules however and if they are breached there will be a punishment just as any English post.

How to appeal a forum moderator's decision

In order to appeal a moderator’s decision, contact the senior/head moderation staff listed in the FSE Forum Administration thread in a fashion that seeks to resolve the issue in a civil manner.  Appeals will be subject to review by the moderation team. Please exercise patience in the review and understanding on the verdict. If you do not feel that your situation has been dealt with appropriately, contact the members of the team in the following manner for further assistance:
  •   Language Moderator/Junior Moderator
  •   Global Moderator
  •   Senior Moderator
  •   Head Moderator or Vincenzo

How to report moderator or admin abuse
If you believe a moderator is neglecting their duties or abusing their powers, please submit your complaint to a Senior Moderator or the Head Moderator of the FSE forums.


Abuse of report function
Please do not use the report-post function in an attempt to flame, insult, troll, annoy, aggravate or make bogus claims against other users. The report function is also not the appropriate place to complain or appeal a moderator’s decision. Using the report function to complain or appeal a punishment, will be considered as abuse. Please go through the appropriate channels for appealing a moderator’s decision, as noted above.

Please exercise patience
When posting requests or questions to moderators or developers, please be patient while waiting for a response. The developers may be working hard on their current project or that the moderators contacted are not currently awake and not in your time zone, or that the issue has been escalated due to technical or circumstantial difficulties. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience. Please do not take out your frustration on the moderators as this will only compound the issue. Thank you.

It is recommended to consult with a Junior/Language/Global Moderator(s) in a time zone similar to yours via PM in order to get the quickest response.

Do not make posts on behalf of a banned or muted user
It defeats the purpose of a ban or mute and may result in action being taken against the party doing the posting on behalf of said individual. The exceptions are as follows:
  • An appeal for an unban from the forums
  • An appeal for an unban from a server
  • A sign up for an event
In the case of an unban from the forums, it is preferred to PM the Head Moderator and any Senior moderation staff with the unban.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2023, 10:17:07 am by Herishey »
May good health be yours.

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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 09:30:04 pm »
Also for reference, the general agreement everyone must read and obey when registering to post in these forums.

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, its staff, its subsidiaries, or this forum's owner. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, please realize that they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password out to another person except an administrator, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another person's account for any reason.  We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft.

After you register and login to this forum, you will be able to fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information the forum owner or staff determines to be inaccurate or vulgar in nature will be removed, with or without prior notice. Appropriate sanctions may be applicable.

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

Also note that the software places a cookie, a text file containing bits of information (such as your username and password), in your browser's cache. This is ONLY used to keep you logged in/out. The software does not collect or send any other form of information to your computer.

For a full list of forum rules;

By clicking the "I accept" button below you sign that you will hold to these rules..

Violation if said rules could mean termination of access to these forums.

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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2018, 05:13:22 am »
Addendum 1

On Shoutbox and Shoutbox Moderators
As everyone is aware, we've reinstated the shoutbox for some time now.  This area of the forums is more public facing, and while is enforced by the rules above (as applicable), there are much higher, stringent requirements due to it's transparency to the external internet community.  Shoutbox moderators manage and administer the shoutbox currently, with assistance from FSE Administration as necessary.

On Community Representatives (hereinafter, "CR")
The Community Representative is the Community Board Moderator and member of the Moderation team, elected by forum members, to represent the interest of the Forum, Regimental, and Gaming community. It's our hope that having someone who is active in the community and Regimental 'world' of the game will help us in making this a better forum. While this forum is and stays a Company Forum, we want to make sure members feel their opinions are noted and processed.

As a note, the CR's role is to bridge the gap between the community and the moderation team.  A handy FAQ created by one of the CRs is located here.  This FAQ encompasses what "success" means for the CR position.

Community Representatives will have board moderation privileges in the Community Board of NW (and BCoF), as well as The Mess Hall.  They also have access to the Global Forum Administration board.  More information on the role and how to become a voter can be found here!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 04:40:03 pm by Shadow »
FSE Head Moderator, Feb 2018 - Apr 2022
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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2018, 05:15:04 am »
We've given these rules a pretty hefty face lift; please review and keep these in mind when posting.  Updates have been made to rusted, worn out rules to give better clarity, transparency, and relevance.  We've also added an "Addendum 1", which provides more information on specific facets of the forum that are known, but not otherwise noted anywhere conveniently.

As of late, we've recently updated the Community Representative to longer terms, given them board moderation privileges in The Mess Hall, and are considering other permissions to help them better assist and foster cohesion with the community they represent.

We've also made changes to Rule 11, specifically to be more relevant to the community we have today.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 05:36:48 am by Shadow »
FSE Head Moderator, Feb 2018 - Apr 2022
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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2019, 04:40:58 pm »
We've made some light updates to "Addendum 1, On CRs" and Rule 7.
FSE Head Moderator, Feb 2018 - Apr 2022
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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2019, 03:28:21 am »
Today we've decided to remove rule 10, as it is no longer applicable to the community as it stands today (in previous instances it was used and heavily observed by a specific moderator, dating back to when the forum was started).  That being said, our moderation policy regarding the below criteria has only changed in that it is up to the moderator's discretion as to what content is allowed and what is not.

Rule 10
10. Acceptable Mature content
  • Please use the ()-icon for threads with acceptable mature content (in simple terms, provided there's no lips, nips or dicks involved, then it's generally considered acceptable mature content, however administrators will use their own discretion in determining what they believe is suitable. If you're below 16, then you're discouraged from entering threads with that logo as you may be exposed to mature content.

As always, please feel free to reach out if there are any questions.  Thank you for your support!
FSE Head Moderator, Feb 2018 - Apr 2022
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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2020, 01:56:51 pm »
    Today we've updated rule 7A to include the use of List Accounts (which were previously covered in rule 10), and added language regarding the use of VPNs.  From here on out, we will no longer allow group accounts to use VPNs.  If you are using a VPN to access the FSE forums with a group account, we ask you to please refrain from doing so.

    We'll give everyone until the end of the week (14 February 2020) to see the change, after which it will go into effect.

Updates to Rule 7A
7A - Event/Regiment/Unit/List accounts
So-called “Regimental accounts”, “Event accounts”, “List accounts”, or “Unit accounts” (accounts that are registered to represent a certain event/unit and is used by one or more members of said event/unit to maintain an event’s/unit's thread in the “Regimental Boards”, related “Event Boards”, or in the “Mess Hall” areas of the forums) are exempt from Rule 7 as long as these accounts follow the following:
Carry the event/units’ name
Only post in their respective boards (Regiment, Event, or Mess Hall areas, as appropriate)
Keep posts to a minimum (preferably only used to maintain the OP)
Are not used to circumvent mutes or bans (e.g., not posting as the member who is currently muted/banned).
Are not logging in using any VPN.  Any accounts that use VPNs will be banned from use.  Please contact a moderation team member in order to have the account unbanned.
Remember that we can see which users are posting on a Event/List/Unit account. Accounts that do not abide by Rule 7A will be banned and their users punished. Do not register a new account when changing names; ask a moderator to change it.

We have also updated the note, "How to Appeal a Moderator's Decision" to have a process of dealing with any complaints.  From here on out (effective immediately), please follow the below process.  For example:

- You have a complaint against how a Language Moderator dealt with your issue = go to a Global Moderator for assistance; if you still don't agree with the way things were handled, then go to a Senior Moderator/Head Moderator.  While this probably happens more oft than not, I figured it would be appropriate to at least note it on the forum rules.

The team can always engage other members of the staff to handle issues as they come up, and I'd like to empower the team to make decisions as they deem appropriate.  Especially since we already use more convenient forms of communication nowadays anyways.  ;)

How to appeal a forum moderator's decision
How to appeal a forum moderator's decision

In order to appeal a moderator’s decision, contact the senior/head moderation staff listed in the FSE Forum Administration thread in a fashion that seeks to resolve the issue in a civil manner.  Appeals will be subject to review by the moderation team. Please exercise patience in the review and understanding on the verdict. If you do not feel that your situation has been dealt with appropriately, contact the members of the team in the following manner for further assistance:
  •   Language Moderator/Junior Moderator
  •   Global Moderator
  •   Senior Moderator
  •   Head Moderator or Vincenzo

That's all for today.  If there are any comments/questions, please feel free to reach out.  Thank you!
FSE Head Moderator, Feb 2018 - Apr 2022
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Offline Herishey

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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2022, 08:29:13 pm »
I have gone through and updated the wording on the majority of the rules just to make sure they are all still accurate and grammatically correct as some included punishments I know we have not stuck to as harshly over the years and I do not believe we need to. Nothing has drastically changed apart from the end of rule 10. and 10a. has been added. 10a was discussed and agreed with the moderators quite some time ago but appeared to never get updated so I've added this in now;

Rule 10/10a
10. Forum Contests
  • FSE allows poll or vote-based public contests to decide “who is the best in what”, or any other public contest exclusively in the Mess Hall.  These contests must follow the rules noted expressly above, and moderation reserves the right to remove contests/lists if they do not follow the rules as appropriate (including the punishment of the user(s) involved). Contests/lists that could be considered offensive such as the 'biggest loser' list will be considered a breach of this rule and potentially punished and removed.

10a. Removing Names from Forum Contests
  • Also linked to the above if you wish to have your name removed from a list FSE will not do this unless it can be deemed as an insult such as being part of a list like 'the biggest troll' list, any list that appears to have a genuine intent and has made an attempt to do something accurately without offence will not be touched.

EDIT: 11. has now also been added as this is something we have always enforced but for some reason never put in the rules.

11. Language Rule
11. Language Rule
  • Please make sure when posting outside of language boards to stick to English so that the moderators can properly moderate all posts, most of the moderators are native English speakers and can't do their job if the posts are in other languages, that is why we have language mods for the relevant boards. This includes the shoutbox, a warning can be handed out if you choose to ignore this after being verbally warned. Commonly known phrases that do not breech any other rules in any main language may be allowed but this is up to a moderator's discretion.

11. has now also been added as this is something we have always enforced but for some reason never put in the rules.


11a. Language Rule on Regimental Threads
11a. Language Rule on Regimental Threads
  • The exclusion to this rule can/will be if you are posting on a regimental thread that consists of one language e.g. the IVe posting in French or a German regiment posting in German. These posts still have to be within the other rules however and if they are breached there will be a punishment just as any English post.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 01:06:57 am by Herishey »
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2022, 01:57:17 pm »
Rules 12 and 12a have been added around Community Representative applications.

Rule 12
12. Community Representative Applications
  • Due to a recent increase in troll applications making it harder for moderators to filter real from fake applications for community representatives anyone who posts a 'funny' or 'troll' application will be warned. This is so both users and moderators have no issue identifying genuine candidates.

Rule 12a
12a. Community Representative Applications Extended
  • Less of a rule and more of a note but this is just to advise that if you have recent warnings depending on their severity and the amount you may not be accepted as a candidate for community representative. If you do a troll application you will also be instantly excluded from that election until the next one.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Herishey

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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2023, 10:17:42 am »
Rule 12/12a now removed due to the discontinuation of CR;

12. Community Representative Applications
  • Due to a recent increase in troll applications making it harder for moderators to filter real from fake applications for community representatives anyone who posts a 'funny' or 'troll' application will be warned. This is so both users and moderators have no issue identifying genuine candidates.

12a. Community Representative Applications Extended
  • Less of a rule and more of a note but this is just to advise that if you have recent warnings depending on their severity and the amount you may not be accepted as a candidate for community representative. If you do a troll application you will also be instantly excluded from that election until the next one.
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.