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Topics - Andee

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Regiments / 3. Danske Marines Regiment [Recruiting NA]
« on: May 11, 2014, 03:13:09 am »

About the Danish Navy in the Napoleonic Wars

The 1st Battle of Copenhagen shocked the Danes into putting their military on a more modern footing. Despite their defeat, the Danes retained a considerable Navy. Following the defeat of Prussia by Napoleon in 1806, Britain became increasingly concerned that Napoleon would invade Denmark, and seize the Danish fleet for his own use. Indeed, in 1807, the majority of the Army, under the command of the Crown Prince, was stationed in southern Jutland, prepared to oppose a French invasion. Both France and England attempted to persuade the Danes to give up their neutrality, and support their cause, but neither was successful. On July 31, 1807 Talleyrand was instructed to tell the Danes to prepare for war against Britain or face invasion by a French Corps under Marshal Bernadotte.  Instead, the British sent a fleet of 22 ships to attack Denmark, resulting in the 2nd Battle of Copenhagen, August 16 - September 5th, 1807. They demanded surrender of the Danish fleet to Britain for the remainder of the war. The Danes resisted, and the British fleet bombarded the city for three days. Fortunately, the bulk of the civilian population had been evacuated prior to the bombardment. The bombardment included Congreve Rockets, which started a number of fires, burning over 1,000 buildings in the city, made worse by the civilian evacuation and thus the loss of the normal fire fighting establishment. Despite this, the bombardment of the city still killed some 195 civilians and injured 768. In the course of the campaign, British troops under one Arthur Wellesley defeated a Danish force, composed largely of militia, at the Battle of Køge, fought south of the city of Copenhagen. The Danes capitulated on September 7th, handing over their fleet to Britain for the duration of the war. Denmark thus became the firm if reluctant ally of Napoleon. The Danes helped quell the rebellion of Major Von Schill  in 1809. After riding across Germany, von Schill   had holed up in Stralsund, in Swedish Pomerania on the Baltic Sea. At one time von Schill had planned to slip away to the Island of Rugen, to be evacuated by the British fleet to Spain. Instead, he decided to establish a base of operations there. A joint Dutch/Danish force assaulted the fortress city; it was a Danish soldier who shot the famous major on May 31, 1809.










Over Konstabel



Kongelige Danske Marine Handbook

  • No one is allowed to troll the regiment, troll other regiments, or act in a trolling manner. This will result in an immediate court martial.
  • Do NOT teamkill during events, even at the end of the round
  • Always listen to your superiors, anyone appointed over yourself has authority over you.
  • Take your punishment, do not complain.
  • Always respect community members, other players, and especially other regiment comrades. Respect is valued very highly in the 3DM and should always be practiced when socializing with others.
  • If you will be missing an event, please notify an officer ahead of time,  Failing to do this without a reasonable excuse will end up in a removal in the regiment.
  • Acting like a gentlemen is very important. We will not tolerate immaturity in the 3DM either in or out of events. Acting immaturely will also result in a court martial


Naval Event 1

Naval Event 2

73rd March




Click Me!

"Kærligheden til Fædrelandet er min belønning"
(The love of the fatherland is my reward)

Modifications / Skin Request: Highland Foot Guard
« on: April 28, 2014, 05:09:01 am »
Hello, the 73rd Regiment of Foot "MacLeod's Highlanders" are starting up foot guard company and we're looking for a skin. We would like the UK Coldstream unit to be replaced for this unit.

We would like everything above the waist to be like this:

If it possible for the Coldsteam units legs to be replaced with a kilt, we would like this tartan:

If they must stay as normal pants, we would like the pants just to be tartan trews like this:
Thank you :)

Servers / 73rd_Hunger_Games | Taking Admin Applications
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:14:16 pm »

General Discussion / Is NW dying?
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:34:55 pm »
I've played since December 2012 and I've noticed a huge decline in general activity for this game. Events used to be so much fun, now it's a drag because no one takes it seriously. It may just be me but I'm wondering what you guys think.

Media / ~Nr55/1stRM/2e-1erSuisse/SPM Videos/73rd~
« on: March 22, 2014, 05:19:49 am »
Yeah I know. Intense amount of name changes. We're kids. But here is some of our linebattles that we managed to put up.

SPM Best NA (Random clip) by Andee

1stRM vs 1stMEF by Andee

Nr55 vs 21st by Andee

Saint Petersburg Militia STC Event by PlasmaBacon

SPM: 2eme Double Rank Event (START AT 7:15) by PlasmaBacon

SPM Circle of Life w/ 10te (Also our ghetto promos) by PlasmaBacon

Iron Europe event as 5te by PlasmaBacon

The Patriot: NW Remix by PlasmaBacon

STC Event by Boots

Regiment Memes! (WIP)

Will post more eventually!


Regiments / Nr. 5 Grenadiers of King Frederick I [5te] [NA]
« on: February 15, 2014, 09:51:08 am »
Nr. 5 Grenadiers of King Frederick I

Nr. 5 on the eastern front

Work in progress. More soon.

General Discussion / Bullet Drop Demonstration
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:29:03 am »
I hope I'm not the only regiment that has trouble firing at any ranges in NW. Seems like people don't really grasp the concept of bullet drop and how to aim in-game. I made this video just for my regiment but I'd like to share it with the rest of you :)


Events: EU / Tuesday Weekly Minor League 2v2 Melee Tournament
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:25:30 am »

Hey guys! The 1er Suisse will be hosting a weekly 2v2 melee tournament for minor, North American regiments. As in minor, we mean your official roster must be 60 or below. The event will officially start on February 4th, 2014 at 8 PM EST. Sadly, since this is weekly there will be no reward except bragging rights. We will keep chart of the official wins in the steam group. Thank you to BBG and the USMC for the use of one of their servers. If you have one that you want to use, message me on steam at: [1erSuisse]Andee


- The official roster number will be based off of the regiments official steam group!
- All members of a team must be a part of the regiment.
- You can not create or double reg to be join the tournament.
- Trash talk should be friendly and playful, not antagonizing.
- 'Pub' teams will be accepted, but all members must be pubs.
- Everyone must respect their opponents and the admins.
- Bayonets only and no shooting.
- 2 teams per regiment
- Participating regiment's official roster must 50 and under.
- Only an official sub can sub for a team. They must be signed up on the team's roster.
- Don't be a dick.
- Follow the rules and enjoy yourself.


Regiment Name:
Team Leader(s):
Team Leader Steam:
Members and team name(s):

Participating Teams

- 1er Suisse | Andee's Bitchez: Matt, Tk210 / East Siders: Pineapple, Maccleson (Sub: Andee, FancyPants, Jr, Boots, Norman)
- Nr.92 Black Brunswickers | Nr92 Alpha: Plugin, North / Nr92 Bravo: Pinoy, N/A
- 5th Northumberland Fusiliers | Funky Bunch: Dj, Alexander / Goon Squad: Nickolai, Chantakey
- USMC | Fuck Ro DAH: Runepkyz, Leroy (Sub: Commissar Jdf)
- 14th Buckinghamshire | 14th Alpha: Wardop, Mexicunt / 14th Bravo: Deg, Atokis
- 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot | 19th York: Ninja the Great, Bob
- 31e Régiment d'Infanterie | 31e Scrub Squad: Windflower, Knight of St. John
- 122nd Jangos | Star Wars Galactica: Weiner, Jangofett
- 1st Yeniceri | Rainbow's Ginger Flavored Panties: Rainbowpanties, Gingerking (Sub: Label)
- Kievskiy Grenadierskiy Polk | Alpha: Crunch, Ap0calyps3 / Bravo: Wildleaf, Dubstepcat
- 22eme Régiment d'Infanterie | The Sweggots: Mexican and JESUS / The Feggots: The Feggots
- 4e Suisse Regiment d'Infanterie | Durka Durka Squad: NickG, Matt
- 1. Schlesisches Infanterie Regiment Nr. 10 | 10te: IB and Dante / Goobs: Seanbean and Hunter
- Ruse | Ruse: North, Ruse

Tournament Rules
- First to 5
- 10 minute time limit
- Trolling will not be tolerated
- Will wait if someone disconnects

The brackets will be held on

Regiments / 2e Regiment Suisse d'Infanterie DISBANDED [NA]
« on: January 28, 2014, 12:53:58 am »

Regiments / 1st Royal Marines (Was Nr55)
« on: October 28, 2013, 04:57:20 am »

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request NA_1
« on: August 20, 2013, 07:45:33 am »
  • Name of the server you were on: NW_NA_Official_1
  • Name of the person causing trouble: WQNMLGB
  • Nature of their offense: Team killing then leaving
  • Time and date of their offense: 8/20/13 12:30 CST
  • If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Victim
  • Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots:

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