Author Topic: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.  (Read 100027 times)

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Offline Willhelm

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2013, 06:18:20 pm »
Totally unrelated meme comic? Good. It's about time you backed off from this. I think you realized that what you were doing was stupid.

On topic of the mod, will the next update actually have texture on the British uniforms? So, it's not just flat red and black?

There is already texture on the uniforms, turn your graphics settings up or get some glasses, i know it's not the best texture but it's a lie to say there is no texture at all. It's a cloth texture with noise and a bump map.

Not on my game. It's just red, black, and biege for the helmet. Flat colors. The only texture is the cut and pasted rank epaulettes on the uniforms, and the Scottish Trews on the Scottish troops.

Turn your settings up you probably have textures to lowest. I know for a fact you're wrong about the black because all i needed to do was change the hue default pants...

Offline TORN

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2013, 07:03:45 pm »
Totally unrelated meme comic? Good. It's about time you backed off from this. I think you realized that what you were doing was stupid.

On topic of the mod, will the next update actually have texture on the British uniforms? So, it's not just flat red and black?

There is already texture on the uniforms, turn your graphics settings up or get some glasses, i know it's not the best texture but it's a lie to say there is no texture at all. It's a cloth texture with noise and a bump map.

Not on my game. It's just red, black, and biege for the helmet. Flat colors. The only texture is the cut and pasted rank epaulettes on the uniforms, and the Scottish Trews on the Scottish troops.
Well than you have a shit computer  or you need to turn the graphics up!

Troll discussion closed!
Next topic:

So the zulu scouts did they actually had a saddle to sit on?
Or wasn't it just on bareback or on a piece of cloth?

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2013, 04:58:50 pm »
Totally unrelated meme comic? Good. It's about time you backed off from this. I think you realized that what you were doing was stupid.

On topic of the mod, will the next update actually have texture on the British uniforms? So, it's not just flat red and black?

There is already texture on the uniforms, turn your graphics settings up or get some glasses, i know it's not the best texture but it's a lie to say there is no texture at all. It's a cloth texture with noise and a bump map.

Not on my game. It's just red, black, and biege for the helmet. Flat colors. The only texture is the cut and pasted rank epaulettes on the uniforms, and the Scottish Trews on the Scottish troops.
yuor quite good at this but your being a bit to ragey fro trolling keep the serious but maybe not so much rage.
Fur der kroooown!

Offline av3ng3r

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #48 on: January 16, 2013, 06:27:33 pm »
Totally unrelated meme comic? Good. It's about time you backed off from this. I think you realized that what you were doing was stupid.

On topic of the mod, will the next update actually have texture on the British uniforms? So, it's not just flat red and black?

There is already texture on the uniforms, turn your graphics settings up or get some glasses, i know it's not the best texture but it's a lie to say there is no texture at all. It's a cloth texture with noise and a bump map.

Not on my game. It's just red, black, and biege for the helmet. Flat colors. The only texture is the cut and pasted rank epaulettes on the uniforms, and the Scottish Trews on the Scottish troops.

Please don't have any children...

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #49 on: January 16, 2013, 06:49:14 pm »
How about you idiots stop persistently trying to star a flame war, and keep this on topic instead? You guys are only making yourselves look more stupid by trying to continue this argument that is going to go nowhere. I made an observation, and I put it in here. Immediately following I began getting slandered by fools. If you guys don't know how to take criticism, that isn't my problem, it's yours.

I play the game max graphics, and it's just flat colors, like I said. I can't raise the graphics anymore, they're on Ultra. I tried putting on AA and setting HDR to ultra, just in case that would work, for whatever reason, but still, it's just flat colors.

Offline TORN

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #50 on: January 16, 2013, 06:49:30 pm »
Okay, that is enough. Just end it okay.
There has been some misunderstandings. I still want a awnser to my question!  ::)

Let's keep the insulting to a minimum. We're civil, not some damn zulu's ;)

Offline Scrat555

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2013, 07:25:34 pm »
Okay, that is enough. Just end it okay.
There has been some misunderstandings. I still want a awnser to my question!  ::)

Let's keep the insulting to a minimum. We're civil, not some damn zulu's ;)
Are you implying Zulu are impolite? I believe I am a very polite Zulu, thank you very much!

Offline TORN

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2013, 07:27:26 pm »
Exceptations enforce the rule!
Nah just kidding.
I was just implying that we shouldn't swear at eachother
and that we should just

Offline Scorpia

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2013, 09:39:00 pm »
How about you idiots stop persistently trying to star a flame war, and keep this on topic instead? You guys are only making yourselves look more stupid by trying to continue this argument that is going to go nowhere. I made an observation, and I put it in here. Immediately following I began getting slandered by fools. If you guys don't know how to take criticism, that isn't my problem, it's yours.

I play the game max graphics, and it's just flat colors, like I said. I can't raise the graphics anymore, they're on Ultra. I tried putting on AA and setting HDR to ultra, just in case that would work, for whatever reason, but still, it's just flat colors.
Well, it's got nothing to do with the mod, maybe your graphics card ain't working correctly.

Offline TORN

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2013, 10:28:20 pm »
Make a screenie and show us what you mean!

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2013, 11:07:27 pm »
Here. Do you see what I mean now? It's just flat colors.

Me in-game.

Offline Hawke

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #56 on: January 16, 2013, 11:12:53 pm »
Here. Do you see what I mean now? It's just flat colors.

Me in-game.
Well, were you expecting purple coats? ::)

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #57 on: January 16, 2013, 11:15:50 pm »
Well, were you expecting purple coats? ::)

Omg, another one. Don't be a fucking smartass.

Offline James Grant

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2013, 01:02:21 am »
I might be watched due to my response to Petty but I think your all slowly coming around to my point of view ;)

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Units and weapons of the Anglo Zulu war mod.
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2013, 02:50:18 am »
I might be watched due to my response to Petty...

if "Petty" is me, then yes... you are being watched because of your childish behavior.