Wow, you guys really don't know how to take criticism. You need to chill the fuck out, seriously. If you don't think the current state of the models look bad, then wow...
Besides being children and immediately coming at me with "fuck off," why don't you be mature, and ask why I think they're terrible? Here's why:
1. There's very little texture on the uniforms, it's just flat colors,
2. The little Epaullettes on the British uniforms look terribly cut and pasted onto the uniforms and they're also flat 2d pictures,
3. The Martini rifles don't even have a full texture, just brown for the wood, and a very bright grey for the metal,
4. and the Zulus don't have very much texture either, but at least they do.
I also know that this mod is early stage in development. At least learn how to come back to people without such an attitude. I did nothing wrong, and you guys immediately said "Fuck off" far more than just once.