Name of the person this is for: lick_my_stonewalls888
What they did wrong: Teamkill three people and disconnect.
When they did it: Twenty minutes ago.
If applicable, how you know them: I don't know them.
Provide screenshots below.
You put a screenshot here. Upload it in Steam and post the link here.
Name of the person this is for: adolf_shitler
What they did wrong: Chat spamming, constant racist remarks, teamwounding and breaking team defenses.
When they did it: They spammed chat and were racist last week and teamwounded/broke defenses today.
If applicable, how you know them: I don't know them, but I have seen them before on other servers.
Provide screenshots below.
What, really? Like I can photoshop these pictures into reality? Sheesh, look, you get the picture. (Or do you?)
Name of the person this is for: 123rdCali_Col_Mehican
What they did wrong: Insulted other players and said they were bad, spammed recruitment messages.
When they did it: Last night at around 8pm PST.
If applicable, how you know them: I was in a regiment with him before but he left to make a troll regiment.
Provide screenshots below.
Alright, alright, I can't make screenshots from thin air. You get it, right? Make a list of as many images as you need.