The aim of this mod
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This will be probably the biggest sound project this module has ever known. I was tired of the vanilla sounds as
they never impressed me and sounded really boring in my opinion. The aim for this mod is to make your battle, linebattle, commander battle,
siege or whatever you like to play experience is, much more interesting and immersive. This mod will also use a custom scripted sounds.txt file to
add more files than vanilla so it creates the option to have more variety of sounds in the game.
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To me sounds in a game are very important. They give your game experience an extra "OOF". The sounds in this mod will cover everything.
From thunder sounds to birds chirping. Every sound will be modified. As said before this sound mod will also use a custom scripted sounds text file.
The reason behind this is that it can add more sounds variations. For example in the Napoleonic Wars folder there are only 10 different sound files
for the muskets. With this scripted sounds.txt file we can even add 10 more. And this with every object or living being that makes a sound in this
game. Every small detail will get edited and reviewed very carefully to get the best out of this mod.
A small preview, please note that some changes will be made in the final version.
This is an old video made by Spoonence.
The Mod will be released on