The Lounge > Forum & Website

Potential Forum Account Breaches


As I'm sure many of you have seen over the last few weeks we've seen a lot of old or inactive accounts being used to post external links or spam. I think it's safe to assume these are accounts affected by a data breach elsewhere and if they are using the same password here whoever/whatever is using their accounts to post phishing links. I don't suggest clicking any of these of course but I think that goes without saying. I would suggest you all reset your passwords just in-case you yourselves get affected. I would also advise you to try to avoid using the same passwords as other websites such as your emails or social media to maximise security.

Of course any accounts in this state we will continue to remove the posts. I did try to contact a few of these directly but without any luck thus far. If you have any queries about this please DM me or hit me on Steam. I have contacted Olafson in relation to this as well to see if there is anything else we can do but I believe due to the old infrastructure of the forum there won't be much we can do without upgrading the forums entirely to a new platform which I believe to be unlikely currently.


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