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Topics - RagingMozart

Pages: 1
General Discussion / NW Statistics discussion
« on: January 17, 2022, 02:40:09 pm »
It always feels like the NW community is getting smaller and smaller every year, with fewer regiments forming and even more disbanding.  NA side has gone from 6 events a week in 2020 to 3 now.  There is seldom more than 2 EU events over weekend per day, when there used to be like 4 as of 2 years ago.  Yet, surprisingly, the player count for this game has been pretty consistent over the past 10 years.  Is it just that people are tired playing and NW and are playing single player now?  Why don't the numbers add up with the regiment count?

Regiments / Brunswick Oels Jägers "The Black Brunswickers" [EU]
« on: September 28, 2021, 01:39:28 am »

Brunswick Oels Jägers "The Black Brunswickers"

           The Community was formed in September of 2021, when RagingMozart and Skitty joined together to form an EU new regiment that added value and players to the dwindling NW community.  We build our regiment on the principles of camaraderie, experienced leadership, and inclusivity.  Our regimental motto is "Nunquam Retrorsum!" or "Never Backwards!",  an allude to our skill in combat as expert shots and also the direction of our regiment in a straight direction towards our goals.  Now the regiment is reformed under the leader of Mozart and Santa - If you want join a laid back regiment that welcomes players of all backgrounds, join the Brunswick Oels Jägers!

Regimental History

The Brunswick Oels Jägers was formed in 1809 in the aftermath of the defeat of the Austrian Empire by Napoleon in the War of the Fifth Coalition.  Prussians represented a large part of the original officer corps, while the enlisted men were motivated by German patriotism. However, once the Oels entered English service, they were cut off from their natural recruiting grounds. Compelled to enlist men from the prisoner of war camps to fill up the ranks, the quality of soldiers in the Oels decreased. Also, the King's German Legion obtained the best of the German recruits, leaving the Oels with the less desirable ones. In addition to Germans, the Oels recruited Poles, Swiss, Danes, Dutch, and Croats. Charles Oman, the Peninsular War historian, calls the Oels a "motley crew, much given to desertion" and records one occasion where ten men were caught deserting in a body. Of these, four were shot and the rest flogged.

Nevertheless, the Brunswick Oels Jägers gave a good account of themselves during the war. The regiment — really a single battalion—arrived in Portugal in early 1811. The Duke of Wellington distributed one company to the 4th Division and two companies to the 5th Division as skirmishers, while the remaining nine companies served in the newly formed 7th Division. The Oels remained in this organization until the end of the war in April 1814. During this period, the Oels served in most of the major battles including Fuentes de Onoro, Salamanca, Vitoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, the Nive, and Orthez.

Teamspeak Address:

Event Schedule:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Off
Friday - 7:30 BST| 2 EST - 1erArt linebattle
Saturday - Off
Sunday - 7 BST| 2 EST - 92nd/33rd Conquest

Please add the following officers to apply to enlist in the Black Brunswickers!

Oberstleutnant RagingMozart , Oberleutnant Santa


Commissioned Officers

   Non-Commisioned Officers




Regiments / ♞ 10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of Hussars [EU]
« on: August 31, 2021, 01:06:37 am »

10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of Hussars

           The regiment was formed at Hertford in 1715 as Gore's Regiment of Dragoons, one of 16 raised in response to the 1715 Jacobite rising. The Rising ended before the unit was ready for action; while most of these temporary formations were disbanded in 1718, Gore's remained in being and spent the next 25 years on garrison duty, primarily in the West Country. It first saw active service during the 1745 rising, at the Battle of Falkirk Muir in January 1746 and the Battle of Culloden in April. As part of the reforms enacted by the Duke of Cumberland, it was retitled the 10th Regiment of Dragoons in 1751.

           In 1806, the regiment was again re-designated, this time becoming a hussar regiment as the 10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars), and sailed for Corunna in Spain in November 1808. The regiment saw action at the Battle of Sahagún in December 1808 and the Battle of Benavente later in December 1808 during the Peninsular War. At Benavente the regiment captured General Charles Lefebvre-Desnouettes, the French cavalry commander. The regiment then took part in the Battle of Corunna in January 1809 before returning to England.

           In 1813, having landed once more in Spain, the regiment fought at the Battle of Morales in June 1813. During the battle the regiment destroyed the 16th French Dragoons between Toro and Zamora, taking around 260 prisoners. The regiment also fought at the Battle of Vitoria later in the month while still in Spain and then, having advanced into France, fought at the Battle of Orthez in February 1814 and the Battle of Toulouse in April 1814. As part of the 6th Cavalry Brigade, the regiment charged the French cavalry and infantry at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815.

           If you're looking for a regiment that doesn't require mandatory attendance or isn't super competitive, feel free to contact one of the officers below through steam!  We are eagerly looking for NW players of all experience groups and skill to help fill the ranks!

Teamspeak Address:

Please add the following officers to apply to enlist in the 10th Regiment of Royal Hussars. God Save the King!

Captain Grozni , Lieutenant Apollo


Commissioned Officers

   Non-Commisioned Officers

Troop Sergeant Major
Sergeant of Horse
Corporal of Horse
Lance Corporal of Horse

Elite Trooper
Veteran Trooper
Trooper First Class

         Sergeant of the 10thRH
Muster Roll

Commissioned officers:
Captain Grozni
Lieutenant Apollo

Non-commissioned officers:         
Lance Corporal of Horse OctoDoc

Enlisted men:
Elite Trooper Parigonicalus

Veteran Trooper Bilbo
Veteran Trooper MrCollens
Veteran Trooper Altair
Veteran Trooper Nerox

Trooper First Class Bingu
Trooper First Class Maleducato
Trooper First Class Minatoor
Trooper First Class Predator
Trooper First Class Cain

Trooper Javert
Trooper Baldwin
Trooper Mexxi
Trooper SirAndrew

Cadet Prometheus

Regiments / 97th "Queen's Own Germans" Regiment of the Foot (EU)
« on: March 26, 2021, 09:55:04 pm »

97th (Queen's Own Germans) Regiment of Foot

           The 97th Regiment of foot was initially raised as the Minorca Regiment in 1798 before it was renamed and number as the 97th (Queen's own Germans) Regiment of Foot in 1805. In 1807 members of the regiment were lost in the sinking of the "Prince of Wales". The regiment embarked for Portugal in spring 1808 for service in the Peninsular War. It saw action at the Battle of Vimeiro in August 1808, the Battle of Talavera in July 1809 and the Battle of Bussaco in September 1810. It also fought at the First Siege of Badajoz In February 1811 and the Battle of Albuera in May 1811 before sailing for home in October 1811.  The regiment was dispatched to Upper Canada in May 1814 and took part in the Siege of Fort Erie in August 1814 during the War of 1812 before arriving back home in July 1815.

If you're looking for a regiment that doesn't require mandatory attendance or isn't super competitive, feel free to contact one of the officers below through steam!  We are eagerly looking for NW players of all experience groups and skill to help fill the ranks!

Please add the following officers to apply to enlist in the 97th Regiment of Foot. God Save the King!

Captain Von Bentheim , Lieutenant Spartan


Comissioned Officers

Lieutenant Colonel
   Non-Commisioned Officers

Regimental Serjeant Major
Company Serjeant Major
Colour Serjeant

Lance Corporal

         Officer of the 97th
Muster Roll

Commissioned officers:
Major RagingMozart
Lieutenant Spartan

Non-commissioned officers:         
Corporal Von Bentheim

Enlisted men:
Lance Corporal I eat beans
Lance Corporal Dharmoo

Veteran GravyGraves
Veteran Michael557
Veteran WelshGuy
Veteran Nelson
Veteran Riley
Veteran DukeLongtree

Regular Footymurs
Regular GunnerManner
Regular Karlos
Regular TopCat
Regular TitanKiller
Regular Chase
Regular Benji
Regular Lazerson
Regular Robert Hogen

Private Fabster
Private Tim
Private Ney
Private EgoSlayer
Private Young Man
Private Bumbleonce
Private xBloopers
Private Toast

Recruit Bracken
Recruit SamTheZam
Recruit Swissguard
Recruit Goat
Recruit Geff
Recruit Suzuki
Recruit Dzhagger Pavuk
Recruit GILMR4
Recruit Carrot Soup
Recruit Rikus
Recruit Sune


Community / Civil War TS Icons
« on: January 04, 2021, 11:25:09 am »
Found this on the War of Right Forum.  Might be useful to some of y'all.

Events: NA / RagingMozart's Raging Seas Thursday Naval Event
« on: January 01, 2021, 11:30:33 am »

Greetings, aspiring swashbucklers, salty sailors, grizzly captains, and valiant marines! I invite all regiments to RagingMozart's Raging Seas Naval Event!  Although this event was shut down, due to popular demand, HMS Britannia will be rehosting. With many amazing maps, we'll bring an exciting aspect of the game that has all but been ignored - Naval Warfare. As always, the enjoyment of everyone participating is our priority, so any suggestions are welcome. 


Host Steam:
Steam GroupChat:
Start time: 2000 EST, 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Spec Signup: 1900 PM EST on the day of the event

The event will host 2 rounds of Naval Battle, followed by 2 rounds of Naval Siege (1 side swap).  The only specialty available for signup is artillery for the Naval Siege, first come first serve.

General Rules
Team killing is not allowed.
No spamming chat.
Specs are first come first serve, regs can't apply for arty 2 weeks in a row, unless no other reg applies.
Bans may be given to entire regiments if warnings are not heeded.
Delaying is not allowed
Message admins by Steam or TeamSpeak to complain about rule enforcement.
FOL, ROL, FOC, and ROC do not exist
Boats may be sunk by artillery in both map modes.
No ramboing.

Naval Battle Rules

- All Regiments must go ship crew (why wouldn't you anyways?)
- Small ship = 1 reg max, Big ship = 2 regs max. 
In case there are 2 regs on a big ship, the first one to the helm is the helmsman for that round until he dies.  In other words, first one to the helm = helmsman
- 1 Surgeon allowed per regiment
- When on land, max 5 spacing (unless arty)
- Ships that have less than 3 men on them must head to the central island (if applicable) or board the nearest enemy ship.
- If all charge is called, all players must head to the central island (if applicable) or board the nearest enemy ship.

Naval Siege Rules
- Attackers must go ship crew, defenders may only go line infantry unless artillery
- 1 ship per reg in the initial assault, afterwards, ships must have at least 5 people before heading out to sea
- Defenders must stay on land and are not allowed to board any vessel
- Artillery may not spawn more artillery than there is provided on the map
- Sappers allowed at admin's discretion


Regiment Name:
Steam Profile Link:
Do you understand the rules? [Y/N]

Artillery Signups

Regiment Name:

Once accepted, your regiment representative will be added to a steam group chat. They will receive all information for the event from there.

Not sure where to post this since all the threads seem dead, but if a dev sees this just wanted to let you know that there is a bug for the engineer class where if you keep clicking clicking the class, you don't spawn with the full set of spade, hammer, sword, and axe.  Also for the Artillery guard class (private III), there is a bug where you spawn with two or three firearms. 


Regiments / ⚓HMS Britannia⚓| NA (Competitive and Casual NW)
« on: December 28, 2020, 09:01:34 am »

           HMS Britannia was formed on September 7th, 2020 as the 1st Battalion Royal Marine in continuation of Cytiuz's 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment. Our aim is to bring back the excitement and joy in playing NW once again and enjoy a good time in linebattles, 1v1s, groupfights, and playing various other games and mod! The regiment is looking to be structured and discipline, while maintaining a casual atmosphere for our players.  If you're looking for a regiment that doesn't require mandatory attendance or isn't super competitive, feel free to contact one of the officers below through steam!  We are eagerly looking for NW players of all experience groups and skill to help fill the ranks!

Please add the following officer to apply to come aboard HMS Britannia! God Save the King!

Captain RagingMozart 1st Lieutenant Mang


Commissioned Officers

  Post Captain
Lieutenant | Captain
Acting Lieutenant | 1st Lieutenant
Midshipman | 2nd Lieutenant
   Warrant and Non-Commisioned Officers

Master | Staff Serjeant
Standing Officer | Colour Serjeant
Senior Petty Officer | Serjeant
Petty Officer | Corporal

Junior Petty Officer | Lance Corporal
Senior Seaman | Kings Marine
Able Seaman | Veteran Marine
Ordinary Seaman | Marine
Landsman | Recruit

Surgeon's Mate

         Royal Marine on duty
Muster Roll

Wardroom Officers:
Post Captain RagingMozart
1st Lieutenant Mang
Midshipman Duke Longtree

Ship's Crew (Casual Events)
Senior Petty Officer UnculturedMan
Petty Officer Dharmoo

Senior Seaman DLSIsrael
Senior Seaman NoFace
Senior Seaman GravyGraves
Senior Seaman Lazerson

Able Seaman Kaiser Wilhelm II
Able Seaman Balter
Able Seaman Young Man

Ordinary Seaman SirDumb
Ordinary Seaman Hundar
Ordinary Seaman Kasten
Ordinary Seaman Marshall Ney
Ordinary Seaman SamTheZam
Ordinary Seaman Herr Komissar
Ordinary Seaman BuggsBunny
Ordinary Seaman Toast
Ordinary Seaman Revenant

Landsman Manat
Landsman CrazyDuck
Landsman Rj4kers
Landsman Blade
Landsman Donut
Landsman Ace/Moldy
Landsman Wittz8
Landsman SnipingFlute
Landsman Mace
Landsman Moo Guy
Landsman Wifebeater
Landsman Toucan
Landsman Church
Landsman Pure
Landsman Benji
Landsman Evan

Marine Company (Competitive Events):
Corporal SerFront

Kings Marine Knives
Kings Marine William Henry
Kings Marine xBloopers
Kings Marine Green

Veteran Marine Gunner
Veteran Marine Chase

Marine Andee
Marine FancyPants
Marine Cytiuz
Marine Hundar
Marine Nugget
Marine Lawrence
Marine Chase

Recruit Guud
Recruit Hi-Reaper
Recruit Rikus

Teamspeak icons made by Bravescot:

Events / Monday AZW Event - NA - 1stRM
« on: December 23, 2020, 04:29:13 am »
Hello NW-AZW Fam,

I'm gonna be hosting an AZW event next Monday (December 28th) at 8 EST if any reg wants to join us.  My server can only hold 50 people, so if we have too many people, then I'll have to decline some regiments, unless we can get a bigger server.  Will be playing only against bots.

Post below or contact me if interested:

Btw, this is only a one-time event, I don't plan on rehosting every Monday.

I won't be enforcing this, but here are the rules:
No ramboing
Don't pick up Zulu weapons.
Max 1 sergeant per every 8 men, 1 officer for every 16 men (e.g. a line of 20 is allowed to have 1 officer, 2 sergeants).

Artillery max 2 cannons OR 2 howitzers (no mixing)
Max 3 sappers (Combat engineer or Royal Engineers)

Cav may stay mounted for FOC but cannot ROC
You may FOL but not ROL

ROC and FOC is not allowed for infantry units
Try not to FOL or ROL unless garrisoning a building.

Application format:

Regiment Name:
Expected Attendance:
Specialty if desired:
Reg Leader Steam URL:

Max 1 cav and 1 arty first come first serve

Union / USMC (NW - 1stRM) [NA]
« on: December 22, 2020, 04:45:57 am »

*Actively Recruiting New Members*

History of the United States Marine Corps During the Civil War:
Formed on November 10th, 1775, the Marine Corps has been a driving force for the United States Military, spending most of it's early service on blockade guard duty, shore guard duty, maintaining the United States Navy's port security, and landings and security in foreign and domestic territory where the United States had interest. During the civil war, the United States Marine Corps did much of the same, with one of it's most memorable moments being the assault and capture of New Orleans from the Confederate States of America. During the First Battle of Bull Run, there was a Marine detachment of 348 men that helped protect a battery of Union Artillery. The Marines were credited with brave action throughout the battle but ultimately were forced to retreat, along with the rest of the Union Army. Marines were instrumental in the success of the Anaconda Plan, which was a plan to split the Confederate States of America in half in order to starve them of supplies. During this time, Marines were mainly used to man guns and provide fire support aboard ironclads and other ships while assaulting Confederate positions in harbors and on rivers. During the battle of Drewry's Bluff, Corporal John F. Mackie was aboard a U.S. Navy ship, when guns were knocked out of action and multiple casualties were sustained. During the heavy gunfire from the shores, Cpl. Mackie reinstated the gun into an active state, and aided wounded men, all while returning fire to the Confederate forces. For this, he was the first Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Towards the end of the war, the Marines and U.S. Navy were instrumental in the attack on the last active port for the Confederacy, located near Fort Fisher. Although this was just a diversion for the Union Army, it was still a valiant action of the Marines, with constant waves of men being thrown at the Confederacy, which was instrumental in it's capture. The Confederacy then surrendered at the Appomatox Court House three months later.

We are looking for veteran members of the Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars scene and the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord scene to join our ranks in the fight against the Confederate States of America. We are also open to new joins who are just discovering this game, that are looking for a fun and active group to partake in large line battles with. We strive to be a serious regiment on the battlefield, but a fun, close-knit community outside of that as well. We are open to recruits from any region and any age. There is no trolling that will be allowed, and no discrimination or ostracization of other players in the group. If there are any questions on who to join or anything about the group in general, feel free to message me on steam and I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing everyone on the field of battle. Semper Fidelis!

About the Leader:
Hello there, I'm RagingMozart.  I currently lead an NW regiment (1st Battalion, Royal Marines), and have been playing Mount and Blade for about 5 years now.  I'm currently a Midshipman at the US Naval Academy and enjoy modern history, mathematics, and strategy games.  My community philosophy is that regiment members should only attend events if they feel like it, so if you're looking for a regiment that doesn't require mandatory attendance or isn't super competitive, feel free to contact me!  My steam username link is in the description below.

My Steam Profile:

Header credits to sirbeef:  He was kind enough to let me literally copy and paste his awesome header.


*Actively Recruiting New Members*

History of the 15th New York Engineers During the Civil War:
This regiment was accepted by the State May 9, 1861, and designated the 15th Regiment of Infantry. It was organized in New York city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years June 17, 1861. The regiment was intended and recruited for an engineer regiment, and was converted to that arm of the service by the War Department October 25, 1861. In January, 1862, Company I was reorganized of three years' recruits. June 18, 1863, the three years' men in the regiment were transferred to Companies A, B and C, and June 25, 1863, the two years' men of these three companies and all the other companies, their term of service having expired, were, commanded by Col. Clinton G. Colgate, honorably discharged and mustered out at New York city. To the battalion left in the field, there was assigned as Company D the company enlisted for the 2d Volunteer Engineers, on the 9th of October, 1863, and in March, 1864, another company recruited for the regiment joined it as Company E. In November, 1864, the reorganization of the regiment was completed by the addition of seven companies as F, G, H, I, K, L and M; Companies H, I and K were formed of recruits originally enlisted for the 50th Engineers; Company M was originally organized for the 175th Infantry, and Company L had originally been organized as a company of the 189th Infantry. The new companies were mustered in the United States service, D and E for three years; F and L for one and three years, and G, H, I, K and M for one year.

The regiment, commanded by Col. J. McLeod Murphy, left the State June 29, 1861; it served as infantry at and near Washington, D. C, from June 30, 1861; in McCunn's Brigade from July 20, 1861; in Franklin's Brigade, Division of Potomac, from August 4,1861; in Newton's Brigade from September 26, 1861; at Alexandria, Va., receiving instruction as engineers from November, 1861, and in the Volunteer Engineer Brigade, Army of the Potomac, from March, 1862; three companies — A, B and D—'With General Terry's force in North Carolina from January, 1865, and with the Army of the Ohio from March, 1865. Commanded by Col. Wesley Brainerd, it was honorably discharged and mustered out at Washington, D. C., Companies E, F, G, H, I, K and L June 13, Company C June 14, and Companies A, B and D July 2, 1865.

During its service the regiment lost, killed in action, 4 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 121 enlisted men; total 3 officers, 126 enlisted men; aggregate, 129; of whom I enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy.

We are looking for veteran members of the Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars scene and the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord scene to join our ranks in the fight against the Confederate States of America. We are also open to new joins who are just discovering this game, that are looking for a fun and active group to partake in large line battles with. We strive to be a serious regiment on the battlefield, but a fun, close-knit community outside of that as well. We are open to recruits from any region and any age. There is no trolling that will be allowed, and no discrimination or ostracization of other players in the group. If there are any questions on who to join or anything about the group in general, feel free to message me on steam and I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible. We Look forward to seeing everyone on the field of battle!


Commissioned Officers

Lieutenant Colonel
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
   Non-Commissioned Officers

Sergeant Major
Quartermaster Sergeant
First Sergeant

Lance Corporal
Private First Class

Add me on Steam below or join our discord and we'll get you set up with our reg!

My Steam Profile:

Regimental Discord
Thread credits to SirBeef

Skins & OSP Resources / Royal Marine Reskin
« on: October 07, 2020, 10:07:11 am »
Does anyone know of a reskin that replaces the Navy Captain with a Marine Officer (For the UK faction primarily, but one with France will we appreciated as well).  If not, can anyone point me to a person that does take reskin requests?  Also a Marine drummer reskin would also be awesome as well.

Thanks fam.

Pages: 1