*Actively Recruiting New Members*
History of the 15th New York Engineers During the Civil War:
This regiment was accepted by the State May 9, 1861, and designated the 15th Regiment of Infantry. It was organized in New York city, and there mustered in the service of the United States for two years June 17, 1861. The regiment was intended and recruited for an engineer regiment, and was converted to that arm of the service by the War Department October 25, 1861. In January, 1862, Company I was reorganized of three years' recruits. June 18, 1863, the three years' men in the regiment were transferred to Companies A, B and C, and June 25, 1863, the two years' men of these three companies and all the other companies, their term of service having expired, were, commanded by Col. Clinton G. Colgate, honorably discharged and mustered out at New York city. To the battalion left in the field, there was assigned as Company D the company enlisted for the 2d Volunteer Engineers, on the 9th of October, 1863, and in March, 1864, another company recruited for the regiment joined it as Company E. In November, 1864, the reorganization of the regiment was completed by the addition of seven companies as F, G, H, I, K, L and M; Companies H, I and K were formed of recruits originally enlisted for the 50th Engineers; Company M was originally organized for the 175th Infantry, and Company L had originally been organized as a company of the 189th Infantry. The new companies were mustered in the United States service, D and E for three years; F and L for one and three years, and G, H, I, K and M for one year.
The regiment, commanded by Col. J. McLeod Murphy, left the State June 29, 1861; it served as infantry at and near Washington, D. C, from June 30, 1861; in McCunn's Brigade from July 20, 1861; in Franklin's Brigade, Division of Potomac, from August 4,1861; in Newton's Brigade from September 26, 1861; at Alexandria, Va., receiving instruction as engineers from November, 1861, and in the Volunteer Engineer Brigade, Army of the Potomac, from March, 1862; three companies — A, B and D—'With General Terry's force in North Carolina from January, 1865, and with the Army of the Ohio from March, 1865. Commanded by Col. Wesley Brainerd, it was honorably discharged and mustered out at Washington, D. C., Companies E, F, G, H, I, K and L June 13, Company C June 14, and Companies A, B and D July 2, 1865.
During its service the regiment lost, killed in action, 4 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 1 enlisted man; of disease and other causes, 3 officers, 121 enlisted men; total 3 officers, 126 enlisted men; aggregate, 129; of whom I enlisted man died in the hands of the enemy.
We are looking for veteran members of the Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars scene and the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord scene to join our ranks in the fight against the Confederate States of America. We are also open to new joins who are just discovering this game, that are looking for a fun and active group to partake in large line battles with. We strive to be a serious regiment on the battlefield, but a fun, close-knit community outside of that as well. We are open to recruits from any region and any age. There is no trolling that will be allowed, and no discrimination or ostracization of other players in the group. If there are any questions on who to join or anything about the group in general, feel free to message me on steam and I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible. We Look forward to seeing everyone on the field of battle!
Commissioned Officers
Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain 1st Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant
| | Non-Commissioned Officers
Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant First Sergeant Sergeant Corporal
| | Enlisted
Lance Corporal Arificer Private First Class Private Recruit
| |
Thread credits to SirBeef