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Topics - 55e_Suzuki

Pages: 1
Events: NA / Wednesday Naval Battle Event
« on: February 16, 2018, 04:55:25 am »

Hello! This is a Wednesday Naval Event. If you want to join, please reply to this page with the format listed below under "Joining Signup Format." If you are accepted, which is most likely, you will be going marines or sailors during the event. The leader of each regiment will be allowed to go officer, while the rest of his/her men will be marines/sailors. We will be making new maps for this event to keep it fresh. So don't worry about repetition. Eventually, we will be making maps with arty implied. When this happens, one regiment on each team will be assigned arty. If another regiment wants arty the following week they will get it. If anything doesn't make sense or you have any questions add me on steam or talk with me on TeamSpeak. Signups will be at 7:30 EST. TeamSpeak for Sign-Ups:

|Application Formats|

Event Application Format

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's Steam Link:
Expected Attendance:
Do You Agree To The Rules?:

|Event Staff|




Head Admins

To be announced


To be announced
If you would be interested in being admin either message Suzuki on steam or talk with him on TeamSpeak
Make sure once you have signed up to add one of the organisers on Steam!

General Naval Event Rules

Team killing is not allowed
No spamming chat
No ramboing
Obey all commands given by admins
Any rule breaking will result in a slay, no warnings

Class Rules

FiC, RiC, FoL, and RoL are allowed
All units must go marines unless you are the leader of the regiment
May crouch while firing or reloading
When you can charge and if you are in lines or not is strictly up to reg leaders.

Accepted Regiments:

Events: NA / Thursday Naval Battle Event
« on: May 25, 2017, 09:22:28 pm »

Hello! This is a Thursday Naval Event. The actual Naval battle will be bi-weekly. So the first and third Thursday of every month will be the Naval Battle event. The other two Thursdays will be a regular line battle; this is to insure that the event doesn't get old fast. If you want to join, please reply to this page with the format listed below under "Joining Signup Format." If you are accepted, which is most likely, you will be going marines during the event. The leader of each regiment will be allowed to go officer, while the rest of his/her men will be marines. We will be making new maps for this event to keep it fresh. So don't worry about repetition. The winner of the Naval Battle will be who ever wins 3 rounds first. After the score limit is reached and if we have more time we will finish with Naval Siege or line battles (still considering both options). For the days when there isn't a Naval Battle and only a Line Battle event there will be specials, if we have high enough attendance. On these days the specials will be given to the ones who ask first. If anything doesn't make sense or you have any questions add me on steam or talk with me on TeamSpeak. Signups will be at 7:30 EST. TeamSpeak for Sign-Ups:

|Application Formats|

Event Application Format

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's Steam Link:
Expected Attendance:
Do You Agree To The Rules?:

|Event Staff|



Head Admins

55e Suzuki
55e Ironswain
55e Marin


To be announced
If you would be interested in being admin either message 55e_Suzuki on steam or talk with him on TeamSpeak
Make sure once you have signed up to add one of the organisers on Steam!

General Naval Event Rules

Team killing is not allowed
No spamming chat
No ramboing
Obey all commands given by admins
Any rule breaking will result in a slay, no warnings

Class Rules

FiC, RiC, FoL, and RoL are allowed
All units must go marines unless you are the leader of the regiment
May crouch while firing or reloading
When you can charge and if you are in lines or not is strictly up to reg leaders.

General Line Battle Event Rules

No FoC, RoC, FoL, or RoL
If a line falls below 3 members they must join a friendly line
Skirms may have up to 5 man spacing and may FoC (Max numbers 15)
Arty may have 2 pieces (Max numbers 15)
Arty guard must be within 15 paces from the nearest cannon to FoL
Arty may only have one sapper
Cav may not use dragoons to FoC, they must be in a line in order to fire (Max numbers 15)
Cav must dismount when they have less than three members mounted
Keep in mind that specials will depend on attendance
Regiments Accepted

Leg Andes
Chefs of Swaziland

Pages: 1