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Messages - Bagel

Pages: 1 2
Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: May 27, 2017, 01:01:47 am »
Unban Request
In-game Name: DarkLordBagel
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): SK (Stark)
Reason For Ban: Calling the admin in question out on double spawning (earlier that day), asking him nicely to stop spawning banhammer and holy hand grenades (at the time in question), calling him a 12 year old for teamkilling teammates. Most of all, attempting (and failing) to teamkill him before he could teamkill the rest of his team.
Time/date (If Known): 27.5.2017 at around 00:30 hours
Apology/Statement Against Ban: I am truly sorry to the guy I accidentally teamhit while trying to teamkill Stark
Player ID (If Known):777937

Ban/Remove Admin Request
Your In-game Name:DarkLordBagel
Their In-game Name: SK (Stark)
Reason For Ban: The aforementioned reasons /Admin abuse
Evidence (screenshots): And I suppose there is a log you can look at.
Time/date (this is very helpful to us) 27.5.2017 at approximately 00:30 hours

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2017
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:46:03 am »
Nation: Norway
Name: Brage

Allright, in short. The 1stEB in its current state is not very stable, and thus Sulu and myself feel that joining the NWL, knowing that we might disband during the course of the tournament, would be very unfair to the other teams, as well as those who did not get a slot.

Therefore, I regret to inform you that the 1stEB is withdrawing from the NWL before the schedule is released, so that another regiment take our spot.

On that note, I would use this opportunity to vouch for the 17e as a regiment. I do not support Pieter's, ehm, tantrum on the forum, and probably to you on Steam as well Brot. I suppose he just really, really wanted to play in the possible last NWL, and seeing as he is leading one of the best regiments in the game, this is understandable. Therefore I do urge you do give them a shot Brot, regardless of what has taken place here in the forum. The best regiments should partake in the NWL, in order to see which reg is truly the best. However, if you choose to replace us with another regiment, I would understand. But I, and the 1stEB will vouch for the 17e, they will follow the rules and they will behave.

I sincerely do apologize for the inconvenience this has/will cause, but I believe it is the fair thing to do in regards to the other regiments. Withdrawing in the middle of the NWL would be a dick move.


Team Name: 1stEB's Unpleasant Peasants
Team Manager: Brage
Co-Manager (no required): Sulu
Manager Steam Contact/Links: and
GF Team Group Steam Links (required) : If it will not suffice, please let me know.
Team Roster + ID of each one (8 min/10 max): Brage (, Sulu (, Titanus (, Sadman (, Domi (, Treble (, Joey (, Bubusel (, Bellefontei (, and Carlitos (
Do you want our graphist team to help you out with your team logo? (Recommended): Yes please
Do you accept the rules: Yes

1stEB line-up:

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Predicted Line-up (10): Sulu, Brage, Sadman, Domi, Joey, Treble, Carlitos, Volucris, Xorty, and Titanus
Predicted Subs (5 max): Achilles, Fury, DesertFox, Smelly, and AtomicAlex.
Team Leader's Steam (Link preferred): Sulu (, and Brage (

And updated again...

1stEB line-up:

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Predicted Line-up (10): Sulu, Brage, Sadman, Domi, Joey, Treble, Achilles, Volucris, Xorty, and Titanus
Predicted Subs (5 max): Carlitos, Fury, DesertFox, Houser, and AtomicAlex.
Team Leader's Steam (Link preferred): Sulu (, and Brage (

We will also have Smelly as our team manager if that's ok


Regiment: 1st Evil Brigade
Estimated attendance: 20-30
Leader's Steam: &
Accept rules?: Yes

1stEB will be interested in joining and getting rekt repeatedly xD

EB liked it, so we're signing up weekly :)

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Preferred Nation: Any
Expected Attendance: 20-25
Temporary or Weekly Sign-up: Weekly
Leader's Steam: QuBeZ (, Ragnosos (, Sulu (, and if need be Brage (

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: March 06, 2016, 04:45:30 pm »
We will most likely not change the groups, most people seem fine with em.
6 groups with 3 teams in each would be more fitting though.

+ 1

1stEB line-up:

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Predicted Line-up (10): Sulu, Brage, Sadman, Domi, Joey, Treble, Achilles, Volucris, Xorty, and Titanus
Predicted Subs (5 max): Carlitos, Fury, DesertFox, Smelly, and AtomicAlex.
Team Leader's Steam (Link preferred): Sulu (, and Brage (

Events: EU / Re: 7thQRC Line Infantry Only Wednesday Linebattle!
« on: March 02, 2016, 11:08:47 pm »
Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Preferred Nation: Any
Expected Attendance: 20-25
Temporary or Weekly Sign-up: Once (If we like it, weekly)
Leader's Steam: QuBeZ (, Ragnosos (, Sulu (, and if need be Brage (

The date we have decided on is the 20th of March. A Sunday.

Now that the date has been decided. Post objections etc. here and please do update your line up. We are also taking sign ups for reserve regiments.

Hmm, might have some easter vacation clashes here, at least if goes to the Sunday after.

Also, what is the start time?

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:34:24 pm »
Would you also take poor finland ?

Finland and Iceland are both welcome ^^

Regiment Name: 1st Evil Brigade
Predicted Line-up (10): TBA
Predicted Subs (5 max): TBA
Team Leader's Steam (Link preferred): Brage: Ragnosos: Sulu

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