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Messages - BattlePlayer

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Another  figure  completed  -  3rd KGL  Hussar.

I  have been  doing a bit  of  landscaping  -  a  porch -  wall  -  cobbled  area  and  extension  to the wood  store.

screen capture windows

The  British Cavalry  charging down the road past LHS

This year there is going to be a new event if anyone is interested.

Do  tell  more please.

Are they  not  showing  as  I can see all  the  ones  I posted.

Ah! They're back up again  ;D Maybe the image upload service was down at the moment.

Thats   good  to  know   -  plenty  more work  to go.

It's a great shame most of your images became unavailable  :(

Are they  not  showing  as  I can see all  the  ones  I posted.

Some  of my  latest  pics  - 

Historical Discussion / Re: Are there any actual Females in this site.
« on: February 27, 2024, 07:08:43 am »
So   supprised   to see  so  little   single   females  in  here   -  just   supprised.

Think it's because it was primarily those regiments from D'erlons corp attacking the farmhouse.

Indeed    -  they became   quite   commited  in attacking the  farm   for   most  of the  day.

These all look great! Really can imagine them moving, you give them very alive poses  :D Why do you take interest specifically in 54th - 55th?

Hi all,   Ten completed  so far -

This also looks awesome @Swedyx
Good Luck!  looks very good 

Thank you  kindly.

Working on my  British  Cavalry  at  present.

Historical Discussion / Are there any actual Females in this site.
« on: October 24, 2023, 08:42:36 am »
Just   thought  it   was  interesting   to  see  how  many  females   also  use  this   site   -   so  say  hello   or  put  your hand  up.

I have been  working  on darkening the  Blue  on the  French  jackets  as  they  where  to Blue.

I would  loved to have gone  -  what an event  - I have  seen  all  the  videos  on it.

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