This story gets garbled at points, where my Grandfather, (whos tale this is) has exaggerated and/or added bits in for no apparent reason. Nevertheless, here we go.
The first bit that we know for more or less certain:
So my Grandad was fairly young when the German And Russian armies conquered Poland. Even so he decided to leave, crossing Germany and then following the line of the German advance through France. It is likely that, living in Silesia he would have been deported to work in Germany if he did not escape. Having heard a rumour that he Polish army was regrouping in France, he set off to join up, only for the French to surrender and the Polish Free Forces be scttered across France, interned in Switzerland or escape to Great Britain before he got there, and found himself stranded in Vichy France. So he signed up to the French Foreign Legion,who I imagine sheltered him from the German government who demanded that Germans, Poles and Jews among others be handed over to them, most likely by posting him to a far flung region such as Chad.
When the British and Americans landed in North Africa, and the French colonies declared themselves French again, my Grandad left the Legion and signed up to the Polish Paratroop Brigade. He ended up posted in Scotland, and saw action of sorts at Arhnem, even though the majority of the Poles arrived late to the fight. For some reason after the war, he didn't go to Berlin with the rest of the Brigade. My Dad suspects that he may have been in prison at the time, but we can't find out until either we get his permission to access his records, or he dies.
Now for the most likely made up bit.
While entering France he claims to have found a bombed out tank column, which happened to conatin a rather large amount of money. According to him this money was hidden under a bridge in Northern France, and he kept making trips up there to collect cash while he was in the Foreign Legion. Apparently after the war he went back there to try and get the rest, only to find that said bridge had been destroyed in the fighting. So yes, a rather unlikely tale, but also quite cool.
Updated due to further research! (And to improve upon my scrappy writing style)