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Messages - MajorDan

Pages: 1
Servers / Needing a server hoster(NA) for M&B warband module:BearForce
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:12:31 am »
Hello everyone! I'm making this thread because Bearforce II a old module from M&B Warband is coming back to life again and well there is only one NA server...with about ten EU servers...I am looking for NA server hosters that could drop a dot on this thread so I can check them gets pretty annoying when you play on a server all the time with 200 ping...I am looking for legit actual server hosters with good quality service that value there costumers...thank you for reading! Hope to get some replies soon thanks! O and if someone has any server hosters to recommend please mention them on the topic so I can check them out thanks!

Servers / Re: NA Groupfighting |
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:36:45 pm »
Name of the person causing trouble: 7thKGL_Ensign_Maccle
Nature of their offense: Tking
Time and date of their offense: 4:20 EST 8/27/15
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question.: Witness
Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!):

This player also called me "MajorDownsydrome" which really offended me......I dont have proof since I got off the server from feeling so disrespected....waste is a witness who saw him call me tired of people on NW NA GF who think they are bosses and can talk trash to people because they always want to win and be tryhards over any of these players ever see the sunlight? makes me wonder......

A Steam group has been made for Twitch GF admins please add:

[58e] GlukTheWalrus

to get invited into the group thanks!
(message only applies to twitch GF admins)

Community Name:MajorDan
Steam Name (Links preffered):
Regiment (Leave blank if you do not apply):
Admin Experience:I used to be a admin on FG_GF,54th GF and NA GF
Why would you be a good admin[/font]:I am active on NW and love to GF...I play on NW everyday. I like to give second chances to everyone because I believe everyone deserves a second chance unless someone is straight out trolling then obviously they get kicked or banned depending on there situation...I am mature,Trustworthy & Honest. I like the melee and interact with people in the to people to see how they are and how they are doing and not just stay quiet and melee the whole time. I don't ban unless its someone who has been trolling or using racial slurs for a certain period amount of time after being asked to stop. I would advise a "higher" admin that I have banned a person from the server. When I say Ban I mean by Temp ban. Not Perma ban unless I was given permission by another more longer serving admin on the server or unless they are trolling and doing it on purpose. So again I like the have fun. Im social on the server and make sure everyone is doing ok. I like to give second chances since I believe everyone deserves a second chance and I think im a good admin based on my previous experiences on the other GF servers I have been a admin in.

Servers / Re: NA Groupfighting |
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:50:26 pm »
Community Name: Gman or gmanburger
Steam Name (Links preffered): gmanburger
Age: 15
Regiment (Leave blank if you do not apply):
Admin History: Area-Aplha_Gaming/ Grizz's_Server/ 25e_Server/
Why would you be a good admin: I'm very active on NA_Groupfighting I play at least 1 or 2 hours a day ( Ik no life) when im bored ill just hop on to see whats up. I also have experience being an admin I know when someone is trolling and when they should be corrected I believe in chances not to many, but we all deserve a chance after we commit mistakes, I've had my fair share of slays on the server before and now understand. I've been on the server and seen enough of the admins working to know what is expected. I love the community and I'm fairly well known around it, everyone I've met is nice and I'm fond of the community and the players that play on this particular server. I'm trustworthy and kind to all, willing to give a chance. I'd like to be and admin to help enforce rules on the server and make the community and the server even better.
User ID #:765554

good man

Prussia best...military strong and fear'd

Servers / Re: NA Groupfighting |
« on: June 12, 2014, 07:03:48 am »
Community Name:MajorDan
Steam Name (Links preffered):
Regiment (Leave blank if you do not apply):
Admin History:FG_GroupFighting
Why would you be a good admin:I am active on NA_1...I been playing an admin for a couple months on FG and played everyday for about an hour or more. I like to give second chances to everyone because i believe everyone deserves a second chance unless someone is straight out trolling then obviously they get kicked or slayed...I am mature,Trustworthy & Honest.Saying this I will be honest I have trolled before but that was back then. I learned my lesson after being banned and never again have I trolled. I like the melee and interact with people in the to people to see how they are and how they are doing and not just stay quiet and melee the whole time. I don't ban unless its someone who has been trolling or using racial slurs for a certain period amount of time after being asked to stop. I would advise a "higher" admin like Becker that I am or have banned a person from the server. When I say Ban I mean by Temp ban. Not Perma ban unless I was given permission by another more longer serving admin on the server. So again I like the have fun. Im social on the server and make sure everyone is doing ok. I like to give second chances since I believe everyone deserves a second chance and I think im a good admin based on my previous experience.
User ID#:275557

Community Name:MajorDan
Steam Name:MajorDan
Do you want doubles?: Yes or No?Yes

Pages: 1