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Messages - AngelofWar

Pages: 1 2
I told Olaf that game would die again because they didn't fix any issues at all and only created dlcs that no one was going to buy lol

You are almost as bad as Francis you worthless piece of pond scum.
I am what kept BCOF alive if it wasn't for me and my dedicated admin staff. and no one listened.

You one of the reasons the game died. You are absolutely delusional. Seriously, no one likes you. When will you realize this? Just go away.

Are you guys active at BCoF?

I do not believe they ever were. If you would like to join a regiment, I would recommend joining the Discord.

bcof 2.0 will not work the game will remain dead the devs are incompetent
Hey look I was right.

You should stop talking. These are good people and don't need your negativity in their life.

After a hiatus, we're back with the release of the 2.0 update! May the artillery gods ever be in your favor!
This didn't go well

Mostly because you suck

I told Olaf that game would die again because they didn't fix any issues at all and only created dlcs that no one was going to buy lol

You are almost as bad as Francis you worthless piece of pond scum.

Official Server Bans and Unbans / Mute Appeal
« on: May 01, 2023, 11:57:56 pm »
Muted for 7 days, which is excessive. This once again shoes Francis hatred toward me and his prejudice towards his punishment. While he continues to kill the game, he should not be allowed to kill my involvement in the game. Romulus has screenshots.

What are you attempting to do? Do you want to run and play in your server?

General Discussion / Too Close
« on: May 06, 2022, 07:13:20 am »
Can we get this changed please. It should be 'too close'.

General Discussion / Casual Player Base
« on: May 06, 2022, 07:03:30 am »
The casual player base has been getting worse, we all know this, but want to look the other way. I know this game is focused on regiments / line battles (so trying to be nice here). I think there is opportunity with the casual player base, but we need to streamline the way the servers work. We have played humans vs. BOTs before, but his needs to be automated. Servers of 5 vs 4 do not work.

Official FSE Servers / Official Servers Administrative Applications
« on: April 28, 2022, 05:37:49 am »
Community name: AngelofWar
Steam Name: [BlackHats] AngelofWar
Age: Older than you (this is illegal in a job interview)
Location/Timezone: CST
Applying for (NA1 or EU1): NA1 / EU1
Regiments: I don't do reggies
About yourself: Why? What does that have to do with anything? Long walks on the beach, blah, blah, blah.
Why you would be a good admin: I have a master's degree in Disaster and Emergency Management. Perfect for most of these servers...
Will you be able to help administer the Public Line battle or other possible events on the official servers?: I don't mind at all, but would prefer pub server.
Previous Experience (if any): Previous experience managing people? Yes, not a problem.
Your steam ID:

General Discussion / Re: Most important feature to you for Battle Cry?
« on: March 16, 2022, 02:26:28 pm »
Thank you. You are the first person to provide any guidance at all when it comes to shooting. I appreciate it.

Melee is absolute garbage. This needs to be fixed.
Melee is a bit odd. Hopefully, it will improve with later patches.

Rifles / guns need range added to their stats and a place to practice. "making it real is great".... but I have no clue where my bullets are going. I need a place to learn and understand how they move.
Go to your settings, click on the Misc. tab, scroll all the way down, and check the box for "Show bullet tracers." You can then hop on to BCoF US Official Drillcamp (Or any server that has bullet tracers enabled), and you will be able to see where your bullets and cannon shots go.

What I found out in my short test on shooting, is that there are three variables. The first is bullet drop and it is constant and different for each weapon, the second is wind and it randomly affects bullets (I'm not talking about direction, but every time you shoot the bullet will sometimes be affected by the wind), and the third is just the inaccuracy of the weapon. The only thing I take to account when shooting is bullet drop. No point in trying to calculate the wind when it sometimes affects the bullet. The same thing with the cone shape accuracy of these weapons. 

Below is my rule of thumb. Hopefully, someone who has done extensive tests can give you accurate information and more if mine is wrong.

Over 100 yards (91.44 meters) I didn't bother at this range to test as the two random variables will make you miss most of the time.
50-100 yards (45.72 to 91.44 meters) aim for the head to the top of the hat. Aiming for there accounts for the bullet drop variable. You'll likely miss because of the other two random variables.
25-50 yards (22.86 to 45.72 meters) aim for the chest. The bullet drop isn't too dramatic here, but the other two variables may make you miss.
Below 25 yards (22.86 meters) aim anywhere and it will hit.

Bayonets - Still cant remove them while moving. That's not real....
You can somewhat move while taking off the bayonet, but like reloading, it is a specific part of the animation. A good hint is looking at the top right. Your bayonet image changes to the end of the weapon; that is the time you can move while putting or removing the bayonet.

General Discussion / Re: Most important feature to you for Battle Cry?
« on: March 13, 2022, 05:30:47 am »
Melee is absolute garbage. This needs to be fixed.

Rifles / guns need range added to their stats and a place to practice. "making it real is great".... but I have no clue where my bullets are going. I need a place to learn and understand how they move.

Bayonets - Still cant remove them while moving. That's not real....

Night mode - It can go away. Nothing more to be said here.

Weapon damage - Needs a huge overhaul

General Discussion / Re: this out of breath shit
« on: March 13, 2022, 04:23:57 am »
So very chubby!

seriously? after ten seconds running my character is out of breath
how fat and out of shape are these characters

General Discussion / Re: Night Battles
« on: March 13, 2022, 04:23:11 am »
it was fun :)

Glad you enjoyed it. Anyone I have played with does not care for it.

General Discussion / Night Battles
« on: March 10, 2022, 12:45:32 am »
Who's brilliant idea was it to have night battles? You cant see anything and its absolutely pointless to try to do anything.

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