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Messages - MarxeiL

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Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:38:12 pm »
Who is from 96y saying that they/him better than “some” people from stacked regiments and what does it have to do with a fact that skill gap between us and those 3 was huge  :o

You are just being dumb there Zenon, why did you even signed up two companies if you can’t bring enough without invites, lol.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:19:04 pm »
As stated in the other thread but more precisely here:

If 96y add players with any former 45thN or 15thYR affiliation - 45thN Centre will refuse to play the match.
45thN Centre is an independent structure of our former grenadier section. It has been and will always be so. Therefore we of course will not be adding any grenadiers either.

even if they do add anyone they won't be allowed to play the match anyway due to the 1 match ban that newly added players get after the 2nd matchweek
Keep in mind that after yesterday the rules apparently no longer apply
Whatever, Price before our match against 55th denied Stoiki and said that he is not eligible to play for 96y this RGL. So by following this rule we will not use any new player during our RGL campaign. We got enough of active players and after yesterday’s match we all understood that we can win this league without any need to strength up the lineup.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:09:43 pm »
As stated in the other thread but more precisely here:

If 96y add players with any former 45thN or 15thYR affiliation - 45thN Centre will refuse to play the match.
45thN Centre is an independent structure of our former grenadier section. It has been and will always be so. Therefore we of course will not be adding any grenadiers either.

do you think we really need to add anyone to play against you  :o

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:53:56 am »
Just make it so the country you've lived in the longest is the country you play for
I suggested that the rules should be based on the FIFA "no nationality no eligibility", so if people dont posses a passport of the nation, that they cannot play for that nation.

Ofc playing for a different nation in the past, makes you playing permanent for that nation for the rest of your life.
I totally agree with such rules but it wasn’t been followed for ages, and each NWWC with new hosts there’s swaps.. So on my opinion to prevent this, you guys shouldn’t make swaps again and shouldn’t force people to play for certain nations they didn’t play last edition. This NWWC is going to be deadest World Cup ever (if it will actually start) and by changing rules and previous hosts decisions you won’t make it better.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:41:10 am »
Its about people that played for a nation without a passport or any sort eligibility because of 2 factors:
Their nation is weak af, so they rather play with a stacked roster to have a higher chance to win;
Or they weren't good enough and want to play for a weaker nation just for the sake to play NWWC.

As Movement said, this is a dilemma for us because undoing all the decisions of the previous hosts can upset some people... But it can make a more fair tourmanent.
People which played last season of NWWC were all eligible to their nations according to rules which were made even before us. The only questionable person was Firefly. We didn’t take in account shitty NWWC with several teams for each nation, cause that was obviously a shit fest.

Saying that as example “Maskman isn’t eligible to play for Spain” is just totally wrong. I saw his Spanish docs. He didn’t play before for Team England (NWWC with multiple teams for each nation doesn’t count, because based on that, almost all SWISS players were playing for France). He was living for 5 years or more in Spain. So he’s fully eligible.
How does it not count, whilst he had the option beforehand to choose Spain by using your logic. But the  decision was made to play for a 2nd/3rd ENG team
And we also had CIS teams that NWWC and Swiss players playing for France. So we allow coalitions again, cause that’s how it was played at that edition? It wouldn’t be fair to not allow Maskman change nation but allow Coco as example lead Switzerland. Same for CIS teams, one edition they are playing together, second edition fielding 8 players by each country.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:37:08 am »
Yeah read first before actually answering Vegi, you silly cucumber

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:36:20 am »
Its about people that played for a nation without a passport or any sort eligibility because of 2 factors:
Their nation is weak af, so they rather play with a stacked roster to have a higher chance to win;
Or they weren't good enough and want to play for a weaker nation just for the sake to play NWWC.

As Movement said, this is a dilemma for us because undoing all the decisions of the previous hosts can upset some people... But it can make a more fair tourmanent.
People which played last season of NWWC were all eligible to their nations according to rules which were made even before us. The only questionable person was Firefly. We didn’t take in account shitty NWWC with several teams for each nation, cause that was obviously a shit fest.

Saying that as example “Maskman isn’t eligible to play for Spain” is just totally wrong. I saw his Spanish docs. He didn’t play before for Team England (NWWC with multiple teams for each nation doesn’t count, because based on that, almost all SWISS players were playing for France). He was living for 5 years or more in Spain. So he’s fully eligible.
Did you allow all these swaps by the criteria of your own rules?
- Were born in X country.
- Have been living in X country for at least 5 years.

Just so funny, how you still try to protect your own decisions when they were retarded af.
That’s not my OWN rules, I believe Herishey and Caz made them literally 8 years ago.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:31:31 am »
Its about people that played for a nation without a passport or any sort eligibility because of 2 factors:
Their nation is weak af, so they rather play with a stacked roster to have a higher chance to win;
Or they weren't good enough and want to play for a weaker nation just for the sake to play NWWC.

As Movement said, this is a dilemma for us because undoing all the decisions of the previous hosts can upset some people... But it can make a more fair tourmanent.
People which played last season of NWWC were all eligible to their nations according to rules which were made even before us. The only questionable person was Firefly. We didn’t take in account shitty NWWC with several teams for each nation, cause that was obviously a shit fest.

Saying that as example “Maskman isn’t eligible to play for Spain” is just totally wrong. I saw his Spanish docs. He didn’t play before for Team England (NWWC with multiple teams for each nation doesn’t count, because based on that, almost all SWISS players were playing for France). He was living for 5 years or more in Spain. So he’s fully eligible.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 05, 2023, 09:59:52 am »
You shouldn’t force people to change nations and shouldn’t allow to swap back (eg Maskman, Coco, Zenon, Firefly etc)

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 07:42:33 am »
Funny to see zenon bitching about 96y playing in second league, going off on Wursti and Me and yet inviting for Center company against 33rd. Classic 55th hypocrisy 🤡

I guess it’s yours zenon

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Matchweek 7
« on: April 04, 2023, 08:52:32 pm »
15-5 to 96y gg guys and F

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Overview
« on: April 04, 2023, 05:00:34 pm »
I'd like to hear your opinion about making a rule that nations that fight NA must also play a match on their server, I know it's been discussed before and people are actually against it for reasons that are justified and sometimes not (let's face it, most people just don't feel like playing with 100+ ping and that's normal), I'd like to bring this discussion back one more time and weigh the pros and cons so we can find a common ground, I'm personally in favour of this rule, although my opinion can change since there's many things to discuss, such as the fact that the NA have more experience on EU servers than the other way around, and this would give them a definite advantage.

Gimme ur opinions guys!

yes playing on NA aswell would be good
it won’t be good for Ukrainians, CIS region players and Turks.

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Suggestions
« on: April 04, 2023, 07:17:51 am »
Answers to interesting questions.
1. "Will there be a second league ?"
Answer : Yes, there probably will be, if there are enough countries. The tournament organizers are thinking about it, and may even organize it, if the necessary number of teams is available and if it is necessary.
2. "How will the election of a captain take place?
Answer: if there is more than one application for a captain of the selected country, then the players that played in the previous year for this country will have to vote for the captain of their national team. The choice and the decision as to who will be the captain of the national team is left to the participants of the team through voting.
3. "What is the maximum number of players that can be registered for a country?
Answer : As last year, nine or ten players per country would be the maximum number of players allowed.
4. "Is it possible to play for another country?"
Answer : There is no such possibility, as long as you already played for your country last year. For example : the player with the nickname Red played for the French team last year, so he will not be able to play for another national team.
5."Why are there so few team and player applications ?
Answer: The organising team needs more time to find and register players for the tournament. We need to wait a little longer. In addition, with too few teams - the tournament may be postponed until September.

bodya doing Q&A with himself, whilst having nothing to do with this years NWWC

he is him

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Overview
« on: April 03, 2023, 02:32:03 pm »
Nation: Russia
Why should you be Captain?: I love democracy.

There will be no better reason to become a captain, you can close the registration.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 03, 2023, 09:42:15 am »
Funny to see people pretending like it’s last regimental competitive tournament

Top level comp it is ye, no one cares about anything but that so its the last regimental competitive tournament on the basis that 45thN and 15thYR aren't playing them anymore, though im sure 96y vs 55th will be a great match
match which won’t even start  ;D great yes

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