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Messages - 9e_ACE

Pages: 1
Events: EU / Re: 92nd Sunday Linebattle "Flagspawning"
« on: January 25, 2024, 10:37:50 pm »
Name of the Regiment: XVe_8e_Hussards
Which class/classes would you like to play: Cavalerie Hussards
Expected attendance: 9-13
Regimental contact:
Wish to attend permanent or only once: permanent
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? i read and i accept

Name of the Regiment: XVe_8e_Hussards
Which class/classes would you like to play: Cavalerie Hussards
Expected attendance: 9-13
Regimental contact:
Wish to attend permanent or only once: permanent
Have you read the rules & do you accept them? i read and i accept

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official - Admin Apps Open
« on: November 22, 2020, 08:38:46 pm »

Nom: ACE
GUID unique: 422061
Lien de profil Steam:
quel point pouvez-vous être actif?: 10 Heur a 15 Heur semaine
Pourquoi voulez-vous ce rôle?: Je veux m'assurer que les gens ne trollent pas ou enfreindre les règles
Avez-vous une expérience administrative pertinente?: Je suis administrateur du cavgf KGL et le cav gf de Caulaincourt et 7ans de jeux 

Regiments / Re: Division de Cavalerie Lourde [DCL][EU]
« on: September 12, 2019, 02:00:57 am »
Jolie Poste   8)
    L'antiquité   ♠ ACE ♠


I have to withdraw from the tournaments because I'm going to the army tomorrow I'll come back to play when I'm playing time

Name: ACE
ID: 422061
Steam: ♞ACE♞
Hussar or Heavy Cavalry?: Husar.
Do you wish to be a Team Captain?: No.
Do you agree with our rules?: Yes.

Events: EU / Re: The Grand Cavalry War ~ First Event [17/03/19]
« on: February 21, 2019, 09:24:11 pm »
Admin Template

In-Game Name : ACE
ID Steam:
GUID: 422061
Previous Experience : Cav GF admin


The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞
« on: September 23, 2018, 12:13:42 pm »
Merci pour Moi  ;)

Application for Team Player,
Your Name: ACE
Your Steam Name (please give a link):
Your Nation: France

GUID: 422061
How active can you be: 1h of day
Current Regiment/Clan: 9e_HussBiss
Adminexperience: Regimental server
Why do you want this role:When I log in the evening there is no admin around 23h-2h, so the people who tk or whallhug, it's not cool at all for the players who are playing, so I offer myself to enforce the rules to these people late in the evening

Pages: 1