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Topics - FKP_Blucher

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--Victorias Colonial Wars--

Good news, everyone!
The AZW Mod team has returned from hiatus and has begun production on a new modification in the same historical   vein as the original. Scrapping both AZW and the now defunct AZW:Resurrection, this new mod seeks to display and showcase British historical conflicts throughout the late 19th century, including the early phases of the Anglo-Sudan War, the Anglo-Zulu War, as well as, later on in the mod's development, conflicts in Afghanistan and other regions.

This new mod will reduce the focus on PvP from the AZW section and convert it into a more horde-type survival experience, due to popular demand. New British units (Including foreign auxiliaries and an expanded Boer presence) will be introduced for the sake of content and historical accuracy. Zulus will be rebalanced (No more pesky sniper-spears!) and, like the entirety of the new Anglo Zulu War portion of the mod, redone in both models and textures.

 At the same time, the Anglo-Sudan war will be focused mainly around PvP, with Sudanese players standing more of a chance against the British faction in a 1 on 1 duel. AZW will still be playable in PvP, but will not be a primary focus of the new modification. New weapons and uniforms, as well as units and regiments will be added, distinguishing this more modern British army from its older counterpart in the Zulu war.

Like AZW Before it, VCW will be multiplayer only, and require Mount and Blade Warband, as well as the Napoleonic Wars DLC.

Summary of new features (TLDR):
-Completely re-done mod from scratch, featuring the British (Older/Newer), Zulu, and Sudanese factions (With more to come later on)
-New Graphics, models, weapons, and uniforms for the British, Zulus, and Sudanese.
-2British Factions:1 for Sudan conflict. 1 for zulu!
-New maps and scenarios
-Zulu will be focused on PvE, Sudan/Afghan will be focused on PvP
-reattach/detach Bayonets
-Ammo Boxes
-sprinting for zulus
-camels scaring horses
-Hopfully things you guys request

*Warning images maybe large*


We would like to stress that VCW is /not/ an update or a continuation of the first AZW mod. It is a fully new version of the original AZW built from the bottom up.

Questions & Answers
    • What is the zulu/2ndafghani/sudan(Mahdist) war about?
    1. Link for Mahdist War:
2. Link for Zulu War:
3. Link for 2nd Afghan War:
  • How can I help?
- Post on this fourm page and tell us your skills in the modding..
  • How can I help even if though I dont know how to mod?
1. Learn how to(which we will teach you)
2. Help research.

Want to become a team member/?
As stated in the last question you can either:
1. private message me.
2. Post on this fourm your information.
3. add me on steam Baddude2588 (yeah I know my name is childish account was made long ago)
We really need more modelers/scripters :D

Completed done/ %:
camels scare horses
Fix/Unfix Bayonets
85% of the Zulus
15%British Zulu
8%British Sudan
0% Afghans
90% new sounds
Lots of new animations.

Mod Team Members
  • Blucher aka Gaul Team Leader (coder/scripter) 
  • Bastardo (Lead modeler/texture)
  • William (modeler/texture)*not full member*
  • Devmc99 (Texture)
  • ardagh (community manager)

P.S. We haven't quit on the Warhammer mod. Its just going to be sleeping for now. ;)
sun King Brown bess
Williams 24th uniforms[/list]

The Anglo-Zulu War / The Anglo-Zulu/Sudan War Reloaded
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:10:59 am »

What is this mod?

After two years, it's finally here, an update to the Anglo Zulu War. This mod is a total overhaul of Anglo Zulu war, rebuilt from the ground up. It aims to to be completely superior to the previous Anglo Zulu War while offering the familiar fun gameplay of fighting off endless Zulus.

The setting, if you're interested

The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom. Following a campaign by which Lord Carnarvon had successfully brought about federation in Canada, it was thought that similar combined military and political campaigns might succeed with the various African kingdoms, tribal areas and Boer republics in South Africa. In 1874, Sir Henry Bartle Frere was sent to South Africa as High Commissioner for the British Empire to bring the plans into being. Among the obstacles were the presence of the independent states of the South African Republic and the Kingdom of Zululand and its army. Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British governmen and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply. Cetshwayo did not comply and Bartle Frere sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand.The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including a stunning opening victory by the Zulu at Isandlwana, as well as for being a landmark in the timeline of imperialism in the region.  The war pitted British troops equipped with Single shot breech loading Martini-Henry rifles, against vastly greater numbers of Zulu warriors, armed with short stabbing spears and cowhide shields. The Zulus were no savages though, having an organised system of supply and strategic tactics. The war eventually resulted in a British victory and the end of the Zulu nation's independence.


- Remade from the ground up
- Lots and lots of new maps
- Completely remade Zulus
- All new British uniforms
- Fixable bayonets
- Medics
- Ammunition boxes
- 5 different classes of Zulu, 30 different variants of Zulu warrior, and 30 shield variants.
- New weapon models
- New units (Original units are all reworked too)
- Dynamite "Grenades" for sappers
- No more buggy messy troop selection
- New UI, Menu screens, much better organization with map selection etc
- New environment textures
- New Atmospheric sound effects
- New faces and hair styles
- New Map props
- New animations including Lever action reload
- Awesome Music
- Tracer effects
- Hale Rockets
- No more 360 no scope xxSN1P3RZxx Zulu bots headshotting you from the other end of the map
- Vote for up to 750 bots

Gameplay changes

- Based on player vs bots from the ground up, rather than PVP
- Maps with proper AI meshes, bots will follow you through buildings etc
- Easier to kill bots, high accuracy and better melee skill for British
- Zulus are powerful in numbers rather than skill
The idea is to make it so that you compete with your teammates to kill the most Zulus

Heph's Trailer


Main Menu

Troop Selection Screens
Zulu Troop Selection

Rorkes Drift
A Zulu Kraal
A Boer farm with makeshift defences

Throwing a Dynamite Stick, and the result

Natal Native Warrior (British unit)
24th Regiment lined up
Durban Mounted Rifles
Sailors of the HMS Shah
Natal Native Horse

Hale Rocket Launcher, you might remember it from Blood and Iron, it's also more accurate than NW rockets

Ammunition boxes, give 20 bullets each time.

New Units
All the other units are the same as in the current Anglo Zulu war mod, which have been reworked, but some new units have been added. These are

- Royal Marine Light Infantry
- Durban Mounted Rifles
- Victoria Mounted Rifles
- Buffalo Border Guard
- Combat engineer
- Natal Native Contingent (Warrior, Rifleman, Cavalry)
- Special Characters (Lt Bromhead, Lt Vereker, Chelmsford, Col Durnford)


Download the mod here
Or at moddb

Moddb and all that to come, please join the Anglo Zulu Steam group.

In Development / [NW][M] Mount&Hammer: The Storms of War
« on: November 09, 2013, 08:12:35 am »
      Hello it is me Blucher back from hiding! You may all remember me as the team leader of the Anglo-Zulu War. Or you may  not remember me. Anyway the point is now im here to show you guys what me and my very small team have been up to since ive been back from basic training.

The Storms of War

Mount&Hammer: The Storms of War is a Warhammer Fantasy mod. Not Warhammer40k. This mod will be a full conversion of NW. It will have no units or models from NW. As it states it is a Total Conversion to Warhammer Fantasy. It is not set in a specific time period in the Warhammer universe. It just going to be a multiplayer for right now. No single player as of right now.

Planned Factions
Green:1.0 Factions
Red: Version 2.0
  • High Elves
  • Kingdom of Bretonnia
  • The Empire
  • Chaos
  • Dark Elves
  • [Orks
  • [Lizard Men
  • [Skaven
  • [Dwarfs
  • [Wood Elves

Planned Features
  • Magic
  • New Artillery
  • Total Conversion
  • New Animations
  • Larger Server Cap(hopfully)
  • New Gamemodes
  • Creatures(dragons and such etc..)
  • Possible single player
  • Blood and Gore(decapitations etc)

Some early screenshots(May change over time not official)


Questions & Answers
  • Are you going entirely off the miniatures?
- No, we are basing our models after them.
  • Why did you choose NW over Native?
- Game Mechanic purposes
  • What is Warhammer?
  • How can I help?
- Post on this fourm page and tell us your skills in the modding..
  • How can I help even if though I dont know how to mod?
1. Learn how to(which we will teach you)
2. Help research.

Want to become a team member?
As stated in the last question you can either:
1. private message me.
2. Post on this fourm your information.
3. add me on steam Baddude2588 (yeah I know my name is childish account was made long ago)

Mod Team Members
  • Blucher aka Gaul Team Leader (coder/scripter) 
  • Bastardo (Lead modeler/texture)
  • The Pursuit of Satisfaction (modeler/texture/sounds)
  • Wolfy (modeler)
  • Devmc99 (Texture)

Warhammer Disclaimer
Mount&Hammer: The Storms of War is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, ‘Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine , Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, Warhammer 40k Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles , locations, units, illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game , the Warhammer world, the Talisaman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

  • You1 Warsword Baptism models he made
  • Two steps from hell for allowing anyone to use their music
  • Shredzorz for his 15th Cent Models
If i forgot anyone let me know :D


The Anglo-Zulu War / William and I are moving on. I believe
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:05:18 am »
Alright guys id hate to say it but .4 will be probably one of the last major updates for this mod. Doesn't mean we wont work it anymore. We tend to add new stuff but as of right now we are both busy. We are both working starting on our new mods. His the Blood and Iron (Franco-Prussian War) Mine Alastar: A Medieval Fantasy. We appreciate you all who enjoy this mod. We worked very hard on it and hope you all will play it. Thank you for your time! Again this doesn't mean we wont ever update it or add new things. Cheers!!!

Everyone make sure you use the moddb version of the mod. It is just a .exe file. Their will be no errors. You will not get kicked from any server. I will have more links up today with the correct version. Im uploading to nexus today.

Events / 58th Monday NA Event Sign up
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:42:57 am »
Quick and simple
time is 7pm eastern.


Do not purposefully teamkill.
It is appreciated that all regiments show good sportsmanship.
Please do not rambo. Once below four men in any unit you must join another line.
You must not use incomplete units.


You must be in formation to Fire.
British mounted Infantry (Frontier Light Horse, Carbineers and Natal Mounted police) may only fire when dismounted, and may reload on horse.
1 artillery piece per every 50 British players.
Regiments may only have 2 officers if they number above 20.
No more than 4 playing as sergeant.
You may deploy into buildings/defenses (crouching and irregular formation).
You may not pick up Zulu weapons.
You may crouch.


Only 1 Regiment of Sharpshooters, to whom general skirmish rules apply.
Everyone else must play regular Zulu infantry.
Again, please do not rambo.
1 Officer per 20 men.
You may crouch at any time, use natural cover as needed.
You must not pick up British weapons.

NOTE: Regiments are not guaranteed a faction. If we don't have enough Zulu, a regiment may volunteer or be picked to be Zulu for a period of time. We hope you understand.

If you want to Sign up fill in the following

Regiment Name:
Class Desired:
Amount of Players:
Contact Steam Profile:

The Anglo-Zulu War / Pro UK or Pro Zulu?
« on: January 22, 2013, 05:47:10 pm »
ugh...When I hear people say this mod this pro British. It angers me to the max. I can understand why you would say that cause well the British have guns and Zulus have hide shields and sticks. I understand that can make it sound like its pro Brits. So in hearing that I changed my server to PvP Yesterday "BAC_PvP_Server". After playing about 10maps of 11vs11. Its not unbalanced at all. My regiment went Zulus and kicked the shit out of the brits most of the time. (not to mention we were organised) Then after we were winning most of the time people would leave the server cause they would get their ass kicked? I hear people bitch and bitch about how this mod is pro brits. Maybe if you would stop judging the game cause of bots(which is not a human people). I cant help the facted that people bitch also about the server when its PvP. Learn to Play PvP and dont leave cause you get ur ass kicked or cant play as brits. Also dont suck at meele and rage quit.

I feel as though complain about useless shit when they havent tried to play PvP.

Events / British NA Event Ivasion mode
« on: January 16, 2013, 05:58:31 am »

British Defense Event
Alright so this event is simple. Its an all British event. No one plays as Zulus. Ai runs the team and well we defend against them. Using historical tactics the British Army used. (Fire and Advance etc..) Every time the British team wins, we increase the amount of Ai by 10. This will be a 2 hour event (hopefully)  and be organized. I'm a big history buff and I like historic things. This Event time will prob change over time to make things better. Its something new and I hope people will enjoy it.

Event Times will be Thursday night. 3.30pm Central Time

Basic Common Sense Rules
1. No Teamkilling
2. No Racism
3. Dont do anything that would get you kicked.

---Rules For Common Soldier----
1.No picking Zulu Equipment
2.Must use formations
3.Stay in formation
4.Listen to Officer Orders
5.Do Not Argue with Officer (its a game and for fun)
6.No Rambo.

Application Format

[b]- Regiment Name[/b] :
[b]- Class[/b] :
[b]- Based[/b] :
[b]- Thread Link[/b] :

Events / Historical Training Events
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:44:58 pm »
Hello my fellow people of this wonderful mod. I hope you all enjoy the mod so far. I Blucher am going to host a Giant training Event For people who want to use historical tactics used by the British army during the Anglo Zulu. Not a fancy Forum thread but its to the point.

Events will be on Saturdays and Sundays.
The time of the events will be at 1pm Central sat  11am sunday :PTime Zone.
I must have 2 or more regiments participate.
Each Regiment has 9+ players.
Willing to cooperate with me.
Have high discipline.

Application Format

[b]- Regiment Name[/b] :
[b]- Faction[/b] :
[b]- Class[/b] :
[b]- Based[/b] :
[b]- Thread Link[/b] :

The Anglo-Zulu War / Historical Training Events
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:28:38 pm »
Hello my fellow people of this wonderful mod. I hope you all enjoy the mod so far. I Blucher am going to host a Giant training Event For people who want to use historical tactics used by the British army during the Anglo Zulu. Not a fancy Forum thread but its to the point.

Events will be on Saturdays and Sundays.
The time of the events will be at 1pm Central Time Zone.
I must have 2 or more regiments participate.
Each Regiment has 9+ players.
Willing to cooperate with me.
Have high discipline.

Application Format

[b]- Regiment Name[/b] :
[b]- Faction[/b] :
[b]- Class[/b] :
[b]- Based[/b] :
[b]- Thread Link[/b] :

Events / Official Events
« on: January 11, 2013, 05:35:55 pm »

If You have an event and want people to see it post it here. Ill make it organised here.

Name of the event /FSE URL if available:
Time/Date - Put the time of the event:
Organizer - Put who is organizing/hosting the event:
Type - What type of event is it ? Battle, Siege etc:
Region - Put where your event is based:
Sign up - Where to sign up and/or how:

Events / BAC Event Rules "Remember We Are Still Testing these"
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:13:39 pm »
The following is the rules as endorsed by the AZW mod team. These do not have to be used but are the advised rule set, may change over time as testing progresses.

One primary difference in these events (BAC events specifically) is that all regiments are required to accept the leadership of a General who will usually be a trusted regiment leader. This general shall command that team through whisper on teamspeak. You must follow his orders, signing up to a BAC endorsed event is taken as an agreement of such. This also applies to the Zulu Amabutho (regiments).

General Rules, pretty basic.

No purposeful teamkilling.
It is appreciated that all regiments show good sportsmanship.
Respect your appointed general regardless of his decisions.
Don't rambo. Once below 4 men in any unit you must join another line.
Must not use incomplete units.


Must Be in Formation to Fire.
British mounted Infantry (Frontier Light Horse,Carbineers and Natal Mounted police) may only fire when dismounted, may reload on horse.
1 artillery piece per every 50 British players.
Regiments may only have 2 officers if they number above 20.
No more than 4 playing as sergeant.
May deploy into buildings/defences (crouching and irregular formation).
May not pick up Zulu weapons.
May crouch.


Only 1 Regiment of Sharpshooters, to whom general skirmish rules apply.
All else must play regular Zulu infantry.
No ramboing.
1 Officer per 20 men.
May crouch at any time, use natural cover as needed.
Must not pick up British weapons.


Team balance rules shall be modified and decided upon following testing.

The Anglo-Zulu War / Animations? If You Help...
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:17:37 am »
Anyone who knows how to make animations, add me blucher. Baddude2588 is steam. Our current guy who was doing animations has disappeared.

If you help make our new animation we will consider you apart of the team and you will get your own custom banner.

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