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Topics - AsianP

Pages: 1

Welcome to Season 8 of the North American Napoleonic Wars League!
We're back again to engage the North American community in competition that is fun and exciting.
We will once again see regiments battle each other to prove their worth and display their skill to the community.

Credit & Attribution

The North American Napoleonic Wars League would not have made it this far if it were not for the efforts of the people who ran it before us. We must properly credit these people. Tico, Jackie Chan and Zzehth first began the intitiative to reinvigorate the competitive side of the North American community with Season 1. The latter two carried that enthusiasm through to the end of Season 4, with help from Karth in Season 4. Cheeseypants took over Season 5, with Windflower seeing it to completion. Season 6 was headed up by SintraBean in a time of uncertainty, initially with the help of Nathan. Season 7 was planned and directed by Amit, leading to a very smooth and enjoyable season. Throughout all seasons of NANWL, there were numerous moderators and referees that freely offered their time to help with the monumental task of running this event. It must not go unstated how much work those individuals put in. Without them, the seasons would have stalled.
To make this event meaningful, we cannot forget the achievements of past winners either, and the participation of numerous regiments. Without their support and attendance, this event would not have thrived for 7 seasons.

Former Champions

Click to Open
Season 1
League 1: 1a Svea Livgarde
League 2: 12th "East Suffolk" Regiment of Foot
Season 2
League 1: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
League 2: 5th Northumberland Fusiliers
Season 3
League 1: 71st (Highland) Regiment of Foot
League 2: Nr.37 Infanterie Regiment "Freiherr von Auffenberg"
Season 4
League 1: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
League 2: United States Marine Corps
Season 5
League 1: 91st "Argyllshire Highlanders" Regiment of Foot
Season 6
League 1: 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale "3eVolt"
League 2: Pontifical Swiss Guard
League 3: 2eLivGarde
Season 7
League 1: Nr8 Leib-Grenadiers
League 2: American Expeditionary Force

Server Information
In-game Servers:
NANWL_1 (Dallas)
NANWL_2 (Dallas)
NANWL_3 (Dallas)
NANWL_4 (Chicago)
NANWL_5 (Chicago)
NANWL_6 (Chicago)
NANWL_7 (Chicago)
Server Sign-up Template
Copy and paste the following to a new reply and fill in the information.
Date & Time:
Steam Profiles:
Preferred Ref (if any):
Server Reservation Sheet
Main Contacts
Head Admin:
Teamspeak IP:

Direct questions to the contacts mentioned above.
Our Sponsor

Quantum Impulse Gaming
(See sponsorship section below)

Participants & Banned Persons
League 1 Bracket     League 2 Bracket
We are starting from a fresh slate. All bans prior to Season 8 have been pardoned.
(We reserve the right to place someone back onto the ban list at any time.)

Probation List
Click to Open
Player Ban List
Click to Open

Oatmeal - 1292955

Maniac (Thread)
Kuni (Thread)

Tournament Ruleset

With the new patch being released right before this season began, the moderation team has had to revise Season 7's ruleset to accommodate those changes.
It is the responsibility of the regiment leaders to inform their members of the rules. The Season 8 revised ruleset is now open for discussion:


Staff Requirements

Moderators may have some management duties and referees will be required to perform some administrative duties, as well.
The head admin and board of moderators will discuss and vote on issues that are both deemed important by ourselves and brought to us by the community. You can be sure that from our end, we will do everything we can to accommodate your concerns. The job of referees remains largely the same as before, but some refs may be asked to take on more responsibility if the need arises.

Staff Expectations
Moderator:  Responsible for discussing and voting on all important NANWL matters. Some mods will assist the head admin with managing rosters and sign-ups. May also referee if necessary.
Referee:     Responsible for administrating matches on the official NANWL servers, verifying rosters during match prep time and recording scores on the thread and TeamSpeak after battles.

Staff Selection
Selection of moderators and referees will be based upon three factors:
  • Good, non-toxic attitude.
  • Experience and availability.
  • Record of service in the previous season is valued, but not required.

Registration & Application Templates
Regiment sign-ups closed on February 3rd. Referee Sign-ups are open.
Season Start Date: February 10th, 2018

All regiments must provide a roster of the members that they intend to play in the event. Make sure that the list that you submit to us is up to date at the start of the Season. It may be easiest to submit your entire roster to avoid conflicts popping up later. Players joining the roster while the season is in progress may be subject to match restrictions depending on their status prior to joining.
No more "last minute" adding players to your roster before an official match.
If you wish to add new players to your roster it must been done at least 12 hours before the start of the match.


Copy and paste the respective template to a new reply and fill in the information.
(BBCode code tags are broken within tables on FSE. Please bold each item in the template before answering the question.)
Please combine multiple applications into a single post.

Regiment Registration
Regiment Name:
Leader's Steam:
Other Contact's Steam:
Estimated Attendance:
Do you accept the rules?:
Referee Application
Community Name:
Steam Profile URL:
Current Regiment (if applicable):
Have you read all the rules closely?:
Do you have any prior experience?:
Why would you be a good referee?:
Will you make NANWL your priority?:
(within reasonable limits)
Moderator Application
Community Name:
Steam Profile URL:
Current Regiment (if applicable):
Have you read all the rules closely?:
Do you have any prior mod experience?:
Why would you be a good moderator?:
Do you have any prior ref experience?:
Will you make NANWL your priority?:

By submitting an application, all prospective moderators and referees agree to be impartial in their judgement and actions.
Staff may be removed at any time if it is clear that their actions are no longer aligned with remaining fair and unbias.

Sponsorship & Prizes

Our sponsor for Season 8 of NANWL is Quantum Impulse Gaming (QIG). They are providing 3 Dallas-based servers, AND 4 Chicago-based servers this season. This is plenty of servers for this season and will be great to use.
In terms of prizes, Quantum Impulse Gaming has generously pledged a total of $250 in QIG credit that will go toward the winners this year. Additionally, we will be giving away some free games as QIG has also generously offered some game giveaways. Thank you QIG for being our sponsor and supporting us this season!

Questions should be directed to the contacts mentioned in the Main Contacts section.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Thread design/template and credit goes to Amit!



    Join by contacting AsianP on Steam

    The 3eVolt is one the longest standing communities in Napoleonic Wars, with one of the richest history and community. Initially lead by AsianP in the summer of 2012, the regiment has been stuck together throughout NW's existence. Through the life of the regiment, we have always been dedicated to being the best of the best. We take pride in being an excellent force in melee on the battlefield, by training regularly to bring out the skill in every member. We hold ourselves to a melee standard which is required of every 3eVolt member. Applicants to the 3eVolt must posses a competent knowledge of the game and the mechanics behind its melee, or at the very least the drive and willingness to learn quickly. For those skilled in both shooting and melee, the 3eVolt fields an elite light infantry unity alongside it's line. The Light Infantry will act as shock troopers playing very aggressively, making use of their accuracy and their bayonets.
    The 3eVolts goal since its creation in 2012 has always been to compete at the highest level of competitive 1v1 linebattles. These 1v1's must be played seriously and in disciplined fashion so that everyone may concentrate. In larger, 200 man linebattles, the regiment is free to be much more relaxed. Our events take place at 8 EST at least 3 days out of the week. Attendance is optional for the most part, as long as you can attend at least 1 event per week. Outside of linebattles we keep an active community in teamspeak, where we play games other than Mount and Blade. We invite all members to be a part of the community during off-LB times.
    The goal for this new/old 3e group is to relive some of the old NW days and pursue a higher level of competitive play in the current North American Napoleonic Wars Competitive scene. Many of the members are original members from the 2012-late 2013 3eVolt. However, any player who wishes to join will be allowed to.

    Website: TBA
    Contact: AsianP

    Updated Monthly


    Colonel AsianP
    Lieutenant Colonel Godfreid
    Capitaine Risk
    Lieutenant Krastinov
    Lieutenant John Price
    Sous-Lieutenant Shinto


    Adjutant Nappy

    Sergent Crumbum


    Caporal Fourrier de Premiere Suns

    Caporal Fourrier Winters
    Caporal Fourrier Abellard
    Caporal Fourrier Sleek
    Caporal Fourrier Bick

    Caporal Victor
    Caporal Relux
    Caporal JimJeffries
    Caporal Min
    Caporal Armada
    Caporal Bauer

    Fusilier Schroeder
    Fusilier JohannesBrahms
    Fusilier Uncle Cletus
    Fusilier Tmix
    Fusilier Spoonz
    Fusilier Winters

    Soldat de Première Dante
    Soldat de Première Svenypoo
    Soldat de Première Antonio
    Soldat de Première Dayerino
    Soldat de Première MK Blake
    Soldat de Première Monty
    Soldat de Première Blood
    Soldat de Première Vorn/Colonys22
    Soldat de Première Exodus
    Soldat de Première CaptainCrunch
    Soldat de Première ThrowUpTheX
    Soldat de Première Spade
    Soldat de Première Saltyy
    Soldat de Première DrunkenSpartan
    Soldat de Première Nitric
    Soldat de Première Homer
    Soldat de Première Jed
    Soldat de Première LadyMoraine

    Soldat de Deuxième GokuTheKiller
    Soldat de Deuxième Vortex
    Soldat de Deuxième PJ
    Soldat de Deuxième Chev
    Soldat de Deuxième Superbad
    Soldat de Deuxième NovaPoison
    Soldat de Deuxième Emerging Yeti
    Soldat de Deuxième Sp00ky
    Soldat de Deuxième MonkeyKing
    Soldat de Deuxième Soap
    Soldat de Deuxième DrByeBYe
    Soldat de Deuxième ToxicFormat
    Soldat de Deuxième RitZ
    Soldat de Deuxième Mace
    Soldat de Deuxième Baldino
    Soldat de Deuxième SonOfRome
    Soldat de Deuxième Eazy_E
    Soldat de Deuxième Sleepy
    Soldat de Deuxième Golden
    Soldat de Deuxième Tardet

    Cadet DasMark
    Cadet HerrDiddles
    Cadet Thompson
    Cadet Kilp
    Cadet Koolaids
    Cadet Rakmis
    Cadet TwitchyPJ
    Cadet Dispenser
    Cadet McBurger
    Cadet CAESAR
    Cadet Hellomoto
    Cadet Ronin
    Cadet Zortron
    Cadet Nevino
    Cadet Bagins
    Cadet Cristnogol

    Reservist Grimsight
    Reservist Xeroth

    • Respect:
      Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, NA1 randoms, your mom, your dog, etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together.

    • Behavior:
      Stay disciplined. We love yelling and disorder, but not during our events. During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkill. Keep all unneeded remarks out of chat. For the love of our spaghetti overlord, don't run around the line to avoid being shot.

    • Orders:
      The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity and practice. You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god damn it, it will be fun. But really, listen to your officers. Switch to spectator when told, don't go musician if the officer hasn't asked you, don't run around outside the line. Basic stuff.

    • Activity:
      We strive to have a large presence on the battlefield. This means we need large attendance, and you, in joining the regiment, are required to be one of those people attending. Real life takes priority over all, but inactivity for longer than 2 weeks may result in a kick from the regiment, unless you talk to an officer about your inactivity. If your schedule is so packed you can not attend at least 1 event per week, this regiment is not for you.

    • Maturity:
      Immaturity is stereotyped as being 13 year old kid with a squeaky voice. But immaturity comes in all ages. You are required to show that you are responsible and can handle being in a regiment.
    • Representation:
      Giving the 3eVolt a bad name is the worst offense you can make and you will be kicked on the spot. We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 3eVolt name will not be tolerated.
    • Have Fun:
      At the end of the day, We're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth, marching in a line, and shooting at each other. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, have fun. If your fun consists of trolling however, you might want to try a different regiment.

    Thank God for the 3eVolt
    -Napoleon Bonaparte
    Attended Battles
    Saturday: To be determined

    Sunday: To be determined

    Monday: To be determined

    Tuesday: To be determined

    Wednesday: To be determined

    Thursday: To be determined

    Friday: To be determined



      Join by contacting AsianP on Steam

      The 3eVolt is one the longest standing communities in Napoleonic Wars, with one of the richest history and community. Initially lead by AsianP in the summer of 2012, the regiment has been stuck together throughout NW's existence. Through the life of the regiment, we have always been dedicated to being the best of the best. We take pride in being an excellent force in melee on the battlefield, by training regularly to bring out the skill in every member. We hold ourselves to a melee standard which is required of every 3eVolt member. Applicants to the 3eVolt must posses a competent knowledge of the game and the mechanics behind its melee, or at the very least the drive and willingness to learn quickly. For those skilled in both shooting and melee, the 3eVolt fields an elite light infantry unity alongside it's line. The Light Infantry will act as shock troopers playing very aggressively, making use of their accuracy and their bayonets.
      The 3eVolts goal since its creation in 2012 has always been to compete at the highest level of competitive 1v1 linebattles. These 1v1's must be played seriously and in disciplined fashion so that everyone may concentrate. In larger, 200 man linebattles, the regiment is free to be much more relaxed. Our events take place at 8 EST at least 3 days out of the week. Attendance is optional for the most part, as long as you can attend at least 1 event per week. Outside of linebattles we keep an active community in teamspeak, where we play games other than Mount and Blade. We invite all members to be a part of the community during off-LB times.
      The goal for this new/old 3e group is to relive some of the old NW days and pursue a higher level of competitive play in the current North American Napoleonic Wars Competitive scene. Many of the members are original members from the 2012-late 2013 3eVolt. However, any player who wishes to join will be allowed to.

      Website: TBA
      Contact: AsianP

      Updated Monthly


      Colonel AsianP
      Lieutenant Colonel Godfreid
      Capitaine Risk
      Lieutenant Krastinov
      Lieutenant John Price
      Sous-Lieutenant Shinto


      Adjutant Nappy

      Sergent Crumbum


      Caporal Fourrier de Premiere Suns

      Caporal Fourrier Winters
      Caporal Fourrier Abellard
      Caporal Fourrier Sleek
      Caporal Fourrier Bick

      Caporal Victor
      Caporal Relux
      Caporal JimJeffries
      Caporal Min
      Caporal Armada
      Caporal Bauer

      Fusilier Schroeder
      Fusilier JohannesBrahms
      Fusilier Uncle Cletus
      Fusilier Tmix
      Fusilier Spoonz
      Fusilier Winters

      Soldat de Première Dante
      Soldat de Première Svenypoo
      Soldat de Première Antonio
      Soldat de Première Dayerino
      Soldat de Première MK Blake
      Soldat de Première Monty
      Soldat de Première Blood
      Soldat de Première Vorn/Colonys22
      Soldat de Première Exodus
      Soldat de Première CaptainCrunch
      Soldat de Première ThrowUpTheX
      Soldat de Première Spade
      Soldat de Première Saltyy
      Soldat de Première DrunkenSpartan
      Soldat de Première Nitric
      Soldat de Première Homer
      Soldat de Première Jed
      Soldat de Première LadyMoraine

      Soldat de Deuxième GokuTheKiller
      Soldat de Deuxième Vortex
      Soldat de Deuxième PJ
      Soldat de Deuxième Chev
      Soldat de Deuxième Superbad
      Soldat de Deuxième NovaPoison
      Soldat de Deuxième Emerging Yeti
      Soldat de Deuxième Sp00ky
      Soldat de Deuxième MonkeyKing
      Soldat de Deuxième Soap
      Soldat de Deuxième DrByeBYe
      Soldat de Deuxième ToxicFormat
      Soldat de Deuxième RitZ
      Soldat de Deuxième Mace
      Soldat de Deuxième Baldino
      Soldat de Deuxième SonOfRome
      Soldat de Deuxième Eazy_E
      Soldat de Deuxième Sleepy
      Soldat de Deuxième Golden
      Soldat de Deuxième Tardet

      Cadet DasMark
      Cadet HerrDiddles
      Cadet Thompson
      Cadet Kilp
      Cadet Koolaids
      Cadet Rakmis
      Cadet TwitchyPJ
      Cadet Dispenser
      Cadet McBurger
      Cadet CAESAR
      Cadet Hellomoto
      Cadet Ronin
      Cadet Zortron
      Cadet Nevino
      Cadet Bagins
      Cadet Cristnogol

      Reservist Grimsight
      Reservist Xeroth

      • Respect:
        Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, NA1 randoms, your mom, your dog, etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together.

      • Behavior:
        Stay disciplined. We love yelling and disorder, but not during our events. During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkill. Keep all unneeded remarks out of chat. For the love of our spaghetti overlord, don't run around the line to avoid being shot.

      • Orders:
        The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity and practice. You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god damn it, it will be fun. But really, listen to your officers. Switch to spectator when told, don't go musician if the officer hasn't asked you, don't run around outside the line. Basic stuff.

      • Activity:
        We strive to have a large presence on the battlefield. This means we need large attendance, and you, in joining the regiment, are required to be one of those people attending. Real life takes priority over all, but inactivity for longer than 2 weeks may result in a kick from the regiment, unless you talk to an officer about your inactivity. If your schedule is so packed you can not attend at least 1 event per week, this regiment is not for you.

      • Maturity:
        Immaturity is stereotyped as being 13 year old kid with a squeaky voice. But immaturity comes in all ages. You are required to show that you are responsible and can handle being in a regiment.
      • Representation:
        Giving the 3eVolt a bad name is the worst offense you can make and you will be kicked on the spot. We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 3eVolt name will not be tolerated.
      • Have Fun:
        At the end of the day, We're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth, marching in a line, and shooting at each other. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, have fun. If your fun consists of trolling however, you might want to try a different regiment.

      Thank God for the 3eVolt
      -Napoleon Bonaparte
      Attended Battles
      Saturday: To be determined

      Sunday: To be determined

      Monday: To be determined

      Tuesday: To be determined

      Wednesday: To be determined

      Thursday: To be determined

      Friday: To be determined



        Join by contacting AsianP on Steam

        The 3eVolt is one the longest standing communities in Napoleonic Wars, with one of the richest history and community. Initially lead by AsianP in the summer of 2012, the regiment has been stuck together throughout NW's existence. Through the life of the regiment, we have always been dedicated to being the best of the best. We take pride in being an excellent force in melee on the battlefield, by training regularly to bring out the skill in every member. We hold ourselves to a melee standard which is required of every 3eVolt member. Applicants to the 3eVolt must posses a competent knowledge of the game and the mechanics behind its melee, or at the very least the drive and willingness to learn quickly. For those skilled in both shooting and melee, the 3eVolt fields an elite light infantry unity alongside it's line. The Light Infantry will act as shock troopers playing very aggressively, making use of their accuracy and their bayonets.
        The 3eVolts goal since its creation in 2012 has always been to compete at the highest level of competitive 1v1 linebattles. These 1v1's must be played seriously and in disciplined fashion so that everyone may concentrate. In larger, 200 man linebattles, the regiment is free to be much more relaxed. Our events take place at 8 EST at least 3 days out of the week. Attendance is optional for the most part, as long as you can attend at least 1 event per week. Outside of linebattles we keep an active community in teamspeak, where we play games other than Mount and Blade. We invite all members to be a part of the community during off-LB times.
        The goal for this new/old 3e group is to relive some of the old NW days and pursue a higher level of competitive play in the current North American Napoleonic Wars Competitive scene. Many of the members are original members from the 2012-late 2013 3eVolt. However, any player who wishes to join will be allowed to.

        Website: TBA
        Contact: AsianP

        Updated Monthly


        Colonel AsianP
        Lieutenant Colonel Vortex
        Chef de Bataillon Godfreid
        Capitaine PJ "BIttersteel"
        Lieutenant John Price


        Adjutant Shinto
        Adjutant Risk

        Sergent Chef LiquidSkorpion

        Sergent Crumbum


        Caporal Fourrier de Premiere Krastinov

        Caporal Fourrier Victor
        Caporal Fourrier Winters

        Caporal Abellard
        Caporal Relux
        Caporal JimJeffries
        Caporal Sleek
        Caporal Min
        Caporal Armada

        Fusilier Wiki
        Fusilier Armada
        Fusilier Bauer

        Soldat de Première Dante
        Soldat de Première Svenypoo
        Soldat de Première Winters
        Soldat de Première Antonio
        Soldat de Première Johannes Brahms
        Soldat de Première Dayerino
        Soldat de Première MK Blake
        Soldat de Première Monty
        Soldat de Première Bick
        Soldat de Première Anakin
        Soldat de Première Blood
        Soldat de Première Vorn/Colonys22
        Soldat de Première Tmix

        Soldat de Deuxième GokuTheKiller
        Soldat de Deuxième Chev
        Soldat de Deuxième Superbad
        Soldat de Deuxième NovaPoison
        Soldat de Deuxième Emerging Yeti
        Soldat de Deuxième Sp00ky
        Soldat de Deuxième MonkeyKing
        Soldat de Deuxième Soap
        Soldat de Deuxième DrByeBYe
        Soldat de Deuxième ToxicFormat
        Soldat de Deuxième CaptainCrunch
        Soldat de Deuxième Nitric
        Soldat de Deuxième RitZ
        Soldat de Deuxième Mace
        Soldat de Deuxième Surena
        Soldat de Deuxième Drunken Spartan
        Soldat de Deuxième Saltyy

        Cadet Zebaad
        Cadet Irish
        Cadet Sleepy
        Cadet Golden
        Cadet HerrDiddles
        Cadet CalicoJack
        Cadet Baldino
        Cadet Jayvos
        Cadet Praetorian
        Cadet Thompson
        Cadet Kilp
        Cadet Rakmis
        Cadet TwitchyPJ
        Cadet Dispenser
        Cadet Winters
        Cadet McBurger
        Cadet JeD
        Cadet Spade
        Cadet CAESAR
        Cadet Hellomoto
        Cadet Son of Rome
        Cadet Spoonz

        Reservist Grimsight
        Reservist Xeroth

        • Respect:
          Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, NA1 randoms, your mom, your dog, etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together.

        • Behavior:
          Stay disciplined. We love yelling and disorder, but not during our events. During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkill. Keep all unneeded remarks out of chat. For the love of our spaghetti overlord, don't run around the line to avoid being shot.

        • Orders:
          The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity and practice. You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god damn it, it will be fun. But really, listen to your officers. Switch to spectator when told, don't go musician if the officer hasn't asked you, don't run around outside the line. Basic stuff.

        • Activity:
          We strive to have a large presence on the battlefield. This means we need large attendance, and you, in joining the regiment, are required to be one of those people attending. Real life takes priority over all, but inactivity for longer than 2 weeks may result in a kick from the regiment, unless you talk to an officer about your inactivity. If your schedule is so packed you can not attend at least 1 event per week, this regiment is not for you.

        • Maturity:
          Immaturity is stereotyped as being 13 year old kid with a squeaky voice. But immaturity comes in all ages. You are required to show that you are responsible and can handle being in a regiment.
        • Representation:
          Giving the 3eVolt a bad name is the worst offense you can make and you will be kicked on the spot. We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 3eVolt name will not be tolerated.
        • Have Fun:
          At the end of the day, We're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth, marching in a line, and shooting at each other. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, have fun. If your fun consists of trolling however, you might want to try a different regiment.

        Thank God for the 3eVolt
        -Napoleon Bonaparte
        Attended Battles
        Saturday: To be determined

        Sunday: To be determined

        Monday: To be determined

        Tuesday: To be determined

        Wednesday: To be determined

        Thursday: To be determined

        Friday: To be determined


        Regiments / ♣1er Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne♣ [NA]
        « on: August 17, 2016, 08:56:10 pm »

        1569: Created in Picardie
        1585: Regiment de Picardie
        1785: Regiment Colonel-General
        1791: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
        1794: 1er demi-brigade de Bataille(formed from the following battalions)
        1er Bataillon, 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
        1er Bataillon Volontaires La butte des moulins de Paris 3e Bataillon Volontaires du Loiret
        1796: 1er demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from)
        131e demi-brigade de Bataille
        (1er Bat, 71e Regt d'Inf, 17e Bat Vol des Reserve and 8e Bat Vol de Paris)
        1803: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

        1791: De Chantereine (Jean-Dubois) - Colonel
        1791: De Courcy d'Hervilly (Charles-Augustin) - Colonel
        1792: De Montigny (Louis-Adrien Brice) - Colonel
        1794: Levrier (Joseph-Placide-Alexandre) - Chef de Brigade
        1796: Delamarre (Jean-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
        1798: Lepreux (Antoine-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
        1799: Desgraviers-Bertholet (Francois-Ganivet) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1803
        1807: Saint-Martin (Jean) - Colonel
        1814: Cornebize (Louis-Jean-Baptiste) - Colonel
        1815: Jacquemet (Michel) - Colonel
        Officers killed: Twenty
        Officers died of wounds: Eleven
        Officers wounded: One hundred and twenty-seven

        1792: Valmy
        1793: Wissembourg
        1794: Fleurus
        1799: Zurich
        1800: Moeskirch and Biberach
        1805: Caldiero
        1806: Civita-del-Tronto and Galiano
        1809: Sacile and Wagram
        1811: Miranda-Castegna
        1812: Arapiles (Salamanca)
        1813: Saint-Sebastien
        1813: Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden and Leipzig
        1814: Saint-Julien
        1814: Brienne, Sezanne, Montmirail, Vauchamps, Laon and Paris
        1815: Quatre-Bras and Waterloo
        Battle Honors: Fleurus 1794,
        Moeskirch 1800 and Biberach 1800


        Colonel - Col

        Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol

        Capitaine - Cpt

        Lieutenant - Lt

        Adjudant - Adj

        Sergent-Chef - SgtCf

        Sergent - Sgt
        Militaires du rang

        Caporal Fourier de Premiere - CplFoP

        Caporal - Cpl

        Garde Premiere - GrdP

        Garde - Grd

        Soldat de Premiere - SdtP

        Soldat - Sdt

        Cadet - Cdt

        Colonel AsianP
        Lieutenant Colonel Redwall
        Chef de Battalion Grimsight
        Capitaine Godfried
        Lieutenant Vortex
        Adjudant Superbad
        Adjudant Griffin
        Sergent Fritz
        Militaires du rang
        Caporal Fourier Bick
        Caporal Fourier Suns

        Garde Premiere Maple
        Garde Premiere RitZ

        Garde Xeroth

        Caporal Min
        Caporal PJ
        Caporal Pyrivium

        Soldat de Premiere Exodus
        Soldat de Premiere Winters
        Soldat de Premiere Tmix
        Soldat de Premiere LilDicky
        Soldat de Premiere Prophet/Relux
        Soldat de Premiere Red Viper
        Soldat de Premiere Swerp
        Soldat de Premiere Ematopia
        Soldat de Premiere Sp00ky
        Soldat de Premiere JimJefferies

        Soldat Skittles
        Soldat Slovahkiin
        Soldat Goku
        Soldat Delicay
        Soldat EmergingYeti
        Soldat Mango
        Soldat CSDerp
        Soldat Wiki
        Soldat Abellard
        Soldat John Sanders
        Soldat KJ
        Soldat Schroeder
        Soldat Death
        Soldat iheadshotya
        Soldat John Price

        Cadet Staple
        Cadet Karlsson
        Cadet Smith
        Cadet MrGahman
        Cadet Samuel
        Cadet Lugo
        Cadet Knuckles
        Cadet Scream~

        Escort da Aigle Shinto

        Contact Information

        Regiments / 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale - Dead
        « on: March 31, 2016, 10:40:02 pm »

          Join by contacting AsianP on Steam

          The 3eVolt is one the longest standing communities in Napoleonic Wars, with one of the richest history and community. Initially lead by AsianP in the summer of 2012, the regiment has been stuck together throughout NW's existence. Through the life of the regiment, we have always been dedicated to being the best of the best. We take pride in being an excellent force in melee on the battlefield, by training regularly to bring out the skill in every member. We hold ourselves to a melee standard which is required of every 3eVolt member. Applicants to the 3eVolt must posses a competent knowledge of the game and the mechanics behind its melee, or at the very least the drive and willingness to learn quickly. For those skilled in both shooting and melee, the 3eVolt fields an elite light infantry unity alongside it's line. The Light Infantry will act as shock troopers playing very aggressively, making use of their accuracy and their bayonets.
          The 3eVolts goal since its creation in 2012 has always been to compete at the highest level of competitive 1v1 linebattles. These 1v1's must be played seriously and in disciplined fashion so that everyone may concentrate. In larger, 200 man linebattles, the regiment is free to be much more relaxed. Our events take place at 8 EST at least 3 days out of the week. Attendance is optional for the most part, as long as you can attend at least 1 event per week. Outside of linebattles we keep an active community in teamspeak, where we play games other than Mount and Blade. We invite all members to be a part of the community during off-LB times.
          The goal for this new/old 3e group is to relive some of the old NW days and pursue a higher level of competitive play in the current North American Napoleonic Wars Competitive scene. Many of the members are original members from the 2012-late 2013 3eVolt. However, any player who wishes to join will be allowed to.

          Website: TBA
          Contact: AsianP

          Updated Monthly


          Colonel AsianP
          Lieutenant Colonel Grimsight


          N/A N/A


          Caporal Fourrier de Première Suns
          Caporal Fourrier Maccle
          Caporal Fourrier Slovahkiin
          Caporal Fourrier Maple
          Caporal Fourrier Min
          Fusilier Fritz
          Fusilier Superbad
          Fusilier Schroeder
          Fusilier Victor
          Fusilier Swerp
          Fusilier Soap
          Fusilier ByeBye
          Fusilier Vortex
          Caporal Dovah
          Caporal Winters
          Caporal Ren
          Caporal PurplePanda
          Caporal Xeroth
          Caporal GlacialGriffin
          Caporal Fallout
          Caporal MetaFaust
          Caporal Matthew
          Caporal Mustachio
          Caporal Dutch
          Caporal Prophet
          Caporal BRINGTIBICK

          Soldat de Première Classe Ronald
          Soldat de Première Classe President Carter
          Soldat de Première Classe Death
          Soldat de Première Classe BlackP
          Soldat de Première Classe EmergingYeti
          Soldat de Première Classe Sean
          Soldat de Première Classe Ruse
          Soldat de Première Classe Peter

          Soldat Scorpinox
          Soldat ProfiFaust
          Soldat TinyAsianMan
          Soldat Karras
          Soldat SirTristan
          Soldat Dean
          Soldat Lancafaust
          Soldat Ematopia
          Soldat Iheadshotya
          Soldat Colonys22
          Soldat Kirby/PapaFranku
          Soldat Gorilla
          Soldat Ichikunjii
          Soldat DangerousNoodle
          Soldat Huron
          Soldat Saint
          Soldat Knuckles
          Soldat Robin

          Cadet Suse
          Cadet Normie
          Cadet ET
          Cadet Kilp/Koolaids
          Cadet Roger
          Cadet Manry
          Cadet Firestar
          Cadet Arsonist
          Cadet Leokid
          Cadet DEEK
          Cadet Nayr
          Cadet Rico
          Cadet Nikolai
          Cadet Skittles
          Cadet Madkap
          Cadet RedViper
          Cadet Dolcebowler

          • Respect:
            Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, NA1 randoms, your mom, your dog, etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together.

          • Behavior:
            Stay disciplined. We love yelling and disorder, but not during our events. During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkill. Keep all unneeded remarks out of chat. For the love of our spaghetti overlord, don't run around the line to avoid being shot.

          • Orders:
            The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity and practice. You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god damn it, it will be fun. But really, listen to your officers. Switch to spectator when told, don't go musician if the officer hasn't asked you, don't run around outside the line. Basic stuff.

          • Activity:
            We strive to have a large presence on the battlefield. This means we need large attendance, and you, in joining the regiment, are required to be one of those people attending. Real life takes priority over all, but inactivity for longer than 2 weeks may result in a kick from the regiment, unless you talk to an officer about your inactivity. If your schedule is so packed you can not attend at least 1 event per week, this regiment is not for you.

          • Maturity:
            Immaturity is stereotyped as being 13 year old kid with a squeaky voice. But immaturity comes in all ages. You are required to show that you are responsible and can handle being in a regiment.
          • Representation:
            Giving the 3eVolt a bad name is the worst offense you can make and you will be kicked on the spot. We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 3eVolt name will not be tolerated.
          • Have Fun:
            At the end of the day, We're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth, marching in a line, and shooting at each other. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, have fun. If your fun consists of trolling however, you might want to try a different regiment.

          Thank God for the 3eVolt
          -Napoleon Bonaparte
          Attended Battles
          Saturday: To be determined

          Sunday: To be determined

          Monday: To be determined

          Tuesday: To be determined

          Wednesday: To be determined

          Thursday: To be determined

          Friday: To be determined


          Regiments / 3ème Voltigeurs de la Garde Imperiale - "3eVolt" *NA*
          « on: December 19, 2015, 04:45:21 pm »

            Join by contacting AsianP on Steam

            The 3eVolt is one the longest standing communities in Napoleonic Wars, with one of the richest history and community. Initially lead by AsianP in the summer of 2012, the regiment has been stuck together throughout NW's existence. Through the life of the regiment, we have always been dedicated to being the best of the best. We take pride in being an excellent force in melee on the battlefield, by training regularly to bring out the skill in every member. We hold ourselves to a melee standard which is required of every 3eVolt member. Applicants to the 3eVolt must posses a competent knowledge of the game and the mechanics behind its melee, or at the very least the drive and willingness to learn quickly. For those skilled in both shooting and melee, the 3eVolt fields an elite light infantry unity alongside it's line. The Light Infantry will act as shock troopers playing very aggressively, making use of their accuracy and their bayonets.
            The 3eVolts goal since its creation in 2012 has always been to compete at the highest level of competitive 1v1 linebattles. These 1v1's must be played seriously and in disciplined fashion so that everyone may concentrate. In larger, 200 man linebattles, the regiment is free to be much more relaxed. Our events take place at 8 EST at least 3 days out of the week. Attendance is optional for the most part, as long as you can attend at least 1 event per week. Outside of linebattles we keep an active community in teamspeak, where we play games other than Mount and Blade. We invite all members to be a part of the community during off-LB times.
            The goal for this new/old 3e group is to relive some of the old NW days and pursue a higher level of competitive play in the current North American Napoleonic Wars Competitive scene. Many of the members are original members from the 2012-late 2013 3eVolt. However, any player who wishes to join will be allowed to.

            Website: TBA
            Contact: AsianP

            Updated Monthly


            Colonel AsianP
            LtColonel NovaPoison
            Captain Grizz
            Lieutenant Grimsight
            Adjutant Brunheim
            Adjutant Fritz


            ESO Rampage
            ESO DrByeBYe

            Sergeant Chef RitZ
            Sergeant Stacker
            Sergeant BonJ
            Sergeant Scoober
            Sergeant Ghost
            Sergeant Hammington
            Sergeant Superbad


            Corporal Fourier Xeroth
            Corporal Fourier Blood
            Corporal Fourier Min
            Corporal Fourier Suns
            Corporal Fourier Maple
            Corporal Meta Faust
            Corporal Royal
            Corporal Matthew
            Corporal Winters
            Corporal Nighthawk

            Tambourine Achilles

            Soldat Premier Ronald
            Soldat Premier Opal
            Soldat Premier Dutch
            Soldat Premier Victor
            Soldat Premier Ruse
            Soldat Premier Maccle
            Soldat Premier BlackP
            Soldat Premier Sean

            Soldat Schroeder
            Soldat Colonys22
            Soldat Scorpinox
            Soldat Delicay
            Soldat Ematopia
            Soldat ProfiFaust
            Soldat TinyAsianMan
            Soldat Karros
            Soldat Ruda
            Soldat Dovah
            Soldat Prophet
            Soldat SirTristan
            Soldat Dean
            Soldat Ephermal
            Soldat Ren
            Soldat Lancafaust
            Soldat Ematopia
            Soldat Kirby/PapaFranku
            Soldat VorteX

            • Respect:
              Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, NA1 randoms, your mom, your dog, etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together.

            • Behavior:
              Stay disciplined. We love yelling and disorder, but not during our events. During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkill. Keep all unneeded remarks out of chat. For the love of our spaghetti overlord, don't run around the line to avoid being shot.

            • Orders:
              The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity and practice. You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god damn it, it will be fun. But really, listen to your officers. Switch to spectator when told, don't go musician if the officer hasn't asked you, don't run around outside the line. Basic stuff.

            • Activity:
              We strive to have a large presence on the battlefield. This means we need large attendance, and you, in joining the regiment, are required to be one of those people attending. Real life takes priority over all, but inactivity for longer than 2 weeks may result in a kick from the regiment, unless you talk to an officer about your inactivity. If your schedule is so packed you can not attend at least 1 event per week, this regiment is not for you.

            • Maturity:
              Immaturity is stereotyped as being 13 year old kid with a squeaky voice. But immaturity comes in all ages. You are required to show that you are responsible and can handle being in a regiment.
            • Representation:
              Giving the 3eVolt a bad name is the worst offense you can make and you will be kicked on the spot. We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 3eVolt name will not be tolerated.
            • Have Fun:
              At the end of the day, We're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth, marching in a line, and shooting at each other. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, have fun. If your fun consists of trolling however, you might want to try a different regiment.

            Thank God for the 3eVolt
            -Napoleon Bonaparte
            Attended Battles
            Saturday: To be determined

            Sunday: To be determined

            Monday: To be determined

            Tuesday: To be determined

            Wednesday: To be determined

            Thursday: To be determined

            Friday: To be determined



            1569: Created in Picardie
            1585: Regiment de Picardie
            1785: Regiment Colonel-General
            1791: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
            1794: 1er demi-brigade de Bataille(formed from the following battalions)
            1er Bataillon, 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
            1er Bataillon Volontaires La butte des moulins de Paris 3e Bataillon Volontaires du Loiret
            1796: 1er demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from)
            131e demi-brigade de Bataille
            (1er Bat, 71e Regt d'Inf, 17e Bat Vol des Reserve and 8e Bat Vol de Paris)
            1803: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

            1791: De Chantereine (Jean-Dubois) - Colonel
            1791: De Courcy d'Hervilly (Charles-Augustin) - Colonel
            1792: De Montigny (Louis-Adrien Brice) - Colonel
            1794: Levrier (Joseph-Placide-Alexandre) - Chef de Brigade
            1796: Delamarre (Jean-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
            1798: Lepreux (Antoine-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
            1799: Desgraviers-Bertholet (Francois-Ganivet) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1803
            1807: Saint-Martin (Jean) - Colonel
            1814: Cornebize (Louis-Jean-Baptiste) - Colonel
            1815: Jacquemet (Michel) - Colonel
            Officers killed: Twenty
            Officers died of wounds: Eleven
            Officers wounded: One hundred and twenty-seven

            1792: Valmy
            1793: Wissembourg
            1794: Fleurus
            1799: Zurich
            1800: Moeskirch and Biberach
            1805: Caldiero
            1806: Civita-del-Tronto and Galiano
            1809: Sacile and Wagram
            1811: Miranda-Castegna
            1812: Arapiles (Salamanca)
            1813: Saint-Sebastien
            1813: Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden and Leipzig
            1814: Saint-Julien
            1814: Brienne, Sezanne, Montmirail, Vauchamps, Laon and Paris
            1815: Quatre-Bras and Waterloo
            Battle Honors: Fleurus 1794,
            Moeskirch 1800 and Biberach 1800


            Capitaine - Cpt

            Lieutenant - Lt

            Sous-Lieutenant - SLt

            Adjudant-Chef - AdjCf

            Adjudant - Adj

            Sergent-Major - SgtMjr

            Sergent - Sgt

            Élève sous-officier - ESO

            Caporal-Fourier Premiere - CplFoP

            Caporal-Fourier - CplFo

            Caporal - Cpl

            Militaires du rang

            Soldat en Premiere - SdtP

            Soldat - Sdt

            Cadet - Cad

            Capitaine AsianP
            Élève sous-officier Noodlenrice
            Caporal-Fourier Who-
            Caporal-Fourier Coconut
            Caporal Redwall
            Caporal Pistachio
            Caporal Blood
            Caporal Snozzy

            Militaires du rang
            Soldat en Premiere Lysol
            Soldat en Premiere Rampage
            Soldat en Premiere Rebel
            Soldat en Premiere Fritz
            Soldat en Premiere Babyg
            Soldat Roaringpower
            Soldat Mathias
            Soldat Ironstaunch
            Soldat Rune
            Soldat Euphoria
            Soldat Troldiac
            Soldat Bolo
            Soldat Fireboy
            Soldat Blood
            Soldat Kaen
            Cadet Icksnuk
            Cadet Chippai (Rygatoo)
            Cadet Japan
            Cadet Romulus
            Cadet Lawbringer
            Cadet RawShaftHitler
            Cadet Sebastian
            Cadet AN_Assassin

            Contact Information

            Pages: 1