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Messages - tommyxd

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 60
Team name: Phalanx
Captain Steam link (required): me (u have me)
FRA - Coco - 1462072
GRE - Stoiki - 1916824
FRA - MxTeR - 1213248

final's on sunday at 7:15 London time/ 20:15 CEST

But that is the format, the final is the 96y vs the winner of the loser bracket aka the 45e. The tourney is not over yet till the final is played, so it is up to you if you don't want to show up but there is no way that you get a default win when you're the one who doesn't want to play that match
Foster stopped the tourney because it ended up dragging out way too long, he even had to make the match week into 2 weeks for each match. He just decided to cut the tourney sort and 96y, the regiment that didn't lose any matches, ended up getting the win.

we already beat both 28th and 45e with ease and foster decided to award us the win cause the tourney dragged out too long. Direct your complaints to Foster  ;D

Community / Re: Battling Accusations Against Weman Mod
« on: March 31, 2024, 08:16:32 pm »
Wemans let's people insta-reload, which is enough of a reason to ban people for using it.

Community / Re: Cheaters - The Final Clampdown.
« on: March 31, 2024, 01:21:29 pm »
We just banning people without proof wtf?!!!

trust me bro is the proof, cmon vegi
well it also helps that wemans users can find other wemans users with the different HP bar colour, so an admin with wemans installed can find all the wemans users pretty easily.

Community / Re: Cheaters - The Final Clampdown.
« on: March 30, 2024, 10:06:33 pm »
you know shit got real when fse devs start posting

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 28, 2024, 10:54:56 am »
well Obelix did get perm banned from the community for DDoSing so it's not like there isn't any precedent for this
He should have swat you
You should've finished middle school

Team name:  YS
Captain Steam link (required):
ENG Bubble - 943123
SCO Krembit - 663095   
ENG Kaixd - 1992010
GER Monmon - 436448
ENG Mazir - 2392773
GER Shadow - 1509611
GER Sennii - 1696213
SVN Ani - 1784544

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:17:18 pm »
As I said, then don't blame it on me, if I use cheating, even if I'm an egotistical person, I'll video it and throw it myself, others don't bind me, but I'm not like that and I don't use it.

Proven to be using cheats, involved in DDoS and threatens to dox people. Can we ban him already ?

Imagine being from the Netherlands -_-
half the population is Turkish

Ye and i aint proud of that
atleast you get kebabs

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:14:36 pm »
As I said, then don't blame it on me, if I use cheating, even if I'm an egotistical person, I'll video it and throw it myself, others don't bind me, but I'm not like that and I don't use it.

Proven to be using cheats, involved in DDoS and threatens to dox people. Can we ban him already ?

Imagine being from the Netherlands -_-
half the population is Turkish

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:13:05 pm »
What a pity your GUID and ip are none of my business

question is that the same IP that is visible to anyone that has admin on TS ? If yes then it doesn't matter at all, at worst they know your general location, aka the province you live in but they can't actually DDoS you

Community / Re: The 63rd Issue
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:10:28 pm »
As I said, then don't blame it on me, if I use cheating, even if I'm an egotistical person, I'll video it and throw it myself, others don't bind me, but I'm not like that and I don't use it.

Proven to be using cheats, involved in DDoS and threatens to dox people. Can we ban him already ?

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