Author Topic: | NWBC | Season 5 | Finals  (Read 54999 times)

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Offline 33rdKincaid

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| NWBC | Season 5 | Finals
« on: February 03, 2022, 12:07:21 pm »


Welcome to a brand new season of NWBC, see here for the previous season which was concluded towards the end of 2020. The general concept of this tournament is to pitch large pre-arranged teams against each other, to apply a more competitive and coordinated atmosphere to otherwise typical NW Linebattles.


Key Tournament Aspects at a glance:

-  4-6 week Tournament length.
-  2-groups to start, at least 4 teams each (8 teams total).
-  Proceed to single-elimination with an Upper & Lower bracket.
-  Traditional 1v1 rules, with some minor tweaks to facilitate the addition of special classes.
-  Minimum attendance of 50 (15 per line, 10 per special).
-  A range of custom maps, differing in terrain type & size.
- Proposed start date (depending on sign-ups) of week commencing 14th February 2022.

Accepted Team Sign-Ups: 11
Group Name: Western Polish Legions
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: Pułk 25-ty Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Cav, Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: Filson Korps Grenadiers / 8 pułk Kirasjerów
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: Pułk 4-ty woltyżerów
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Steam ID:
GUID: 1781688​
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 25pp
Prior experience/comment: Admin event of 46e, Minisiege Admin, Referee for Polish Championship for 2020 and 2021

Group Name: The Iron Crusaders
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Major Maskman
Ensign Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Captain Mitchell
Ensign Wolf115

Regiment #3 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry Company
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Staff Corporal Pepsiwonder
HorseGuard Saphyro

Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Oberst Faser
Major NotOnly

Group Name: IVe Corps d'Armée français
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:15
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:5-10
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance:10-15
Preferred Class: Light Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): and

Regiment #1 Name: 78th Regiment of Foot  (78th in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: Åbo läns Regemente (Abo in game)
Estimated Attendance: 8 - 12
Preferred Class: Light infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Regiment #3 Name: 23.Regiment (23rd in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 25 - 35
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Regiment #4 Name:  Pontonnier de la Garde impériale (PG in Game
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): and

Group Name: Slavic Legions
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment Name: Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
Estimated Attendance: 18-28
Preferred Class: Line inf, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: 8th Brandenburg infantry regiment
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Line inf.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: 12-18
Preferred Class: Light inf/jagers.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment Name: 15y Poltavskiy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 7-10
Preferred Class: Cav.
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group Name: Gardekorps
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 2Lr
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: Inf, Cav, rifles, Arty
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Regiment #2 Name: 1tes MB
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: tba
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Regiment #3 Name: tba
Estimated Attendance: tba
Preferred Class: tba
Contacts (Steam ID): tba

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Mine and Desant, will update when im home

Regiment #1 Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 25+
Preferred Class: line and lights
Contacts (Steam ID): mine, Cyrus and alekos (will update with links)

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant, gudrian, (will update links)

Regiment #3 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Presi, (will update link)

Group Name: KebabInEU
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): &
Regiment #4 Name: Garde-Regiment Nr. 7
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): &

Group Name: 77y and Friends
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): Rikkert

Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert, Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz

Regiment #3 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Salakien

Regiment #4 Name: Nr59
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

Group Name: TBA
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Line, Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid

Regiment #3 Name: 4e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Erik

Group Name: Team BLOCK
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's): &

Regiment #1 Name: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: RG Group of Friendly Friends
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #4 Name: 32nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

I would just like to point out Razz's steam link is "prettyfly4awhiteguy"... Can I switch team mates?


Regiments looking for a Team: 0



| Group A |


(2Lr, 1tesMB, III.KBR, 1tes, IV.KBI, BIR, Nr4)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Ipoa Powerfighter2

Regiment #1 Name: 2. Leibregiment
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Inf, Cav, Rifles
Contacts (Steam ID): Ipoa Powerfighter2

Regiment #2 Name: 1tes Marine Bataillon
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Stanislav Juli

Regiment #3 Name: III. Königlich Bairisches Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Feldsau Friedthelt

Regiment #4 Name: 1tes Landwehrregiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): LaMarque Zombie_Gullasch

Regiment #5 Name: IV. Königlich Bairisches Infanterieregiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Schnürschuh

Regiment #6 Name: Bergisches Infanterie Regiment
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Nickman

Regiment #7 Name: Infanterieregiment Nr4
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Inf
Contacts (Steam ID): Artigo

Iron Crusaders
(45th, Nr13)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Nova Maskman NotOnly

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Major Maskman Ensign Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):Captain Mitchell Ensign Wolf115

Regiment #3 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry Troop
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Staff Corporal Pepsiwonder HorseGuard Saphyro

Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Oberst Faser Major NotOnly

Kebab In EU
(55th, 98e, Nr.7)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Rayleigh, Giles

Regiment #1 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Rayleigh

Regiment #2 Name: 55th "Westmoreland" Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Cookie

Regiment #3 Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Estimated Attendance: 20-25
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Giles Zeus
Regiment #4 Name: Garde-Regiment Nr. 7
Estimated Attendance: 12
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Connor Bene
77y and Friends
(15th, 77y, 56e, Nr59)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert

Regiment #1 Name: 15th_YR
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Rikkert, Gi

Regiment #2 Name: 77y
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Gaz

Regiment #3 Name: 56e
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Salakien

Regiment #4 Name: Nr59
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Lama

(18e, RG, 59th, 32nd)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): 1st Contact, 2nd Contact

Regiment #1 Name: 18e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Price

Regiment #2 Name: RG Group of Friendly Friends
Estimated Attendance: 15+
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Razz

Regiment #3 Name: 59th Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID): Krytten

Regiment #4 Name: 32nd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10-14
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): PurpleCow


| Group B |

Trial Referees:

IVe Corps d'Armée français
(45e, 2e, 31e, 6e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Stephane, Dams

Regiment #1 Name: 45e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne
Estimated Attendance: 15-20
Preferred Class: Line Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Syrcrim Isaac

Regiment #2 Name: 2e Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:15
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Maxence Napoleon

Regiment #3 Name: 31e Régiment de Voltigeurs de la Garde
Estimated Attendance:5-10
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Dius Zarwen

Regiment #4 Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance:10-15
Preferred Class: Light Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Remao Treizz

Brotherhood without banners
(78th, Åbo, 23rd, PG)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Retamar, 2nd Contact

Regiment #1 Name: 78th Regiment of Foot  (78th in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Retamar, Yermelow

Regiment #2 Name: Åbo läns Regemente (Abo in game)
Estimated Attendance: 8 - 12
Preferred Class: Light infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Nasse MrGreen

Regiment #3 Name: 23.Regiment (23rd in Game)
Estimated Attendance: 25 - 35
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Yermelow Beto

Regiment #4 Name:  Pontonnier de la Garde impériale (PG in Game
Estimated Attendance: 15 - 20
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Contacts (Steam ID): Beunon Coignet

Slavic Legions
(LG, 8th, Svea, 15y)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Simka, Skobelev

Regiment Name: Leib-Gvardii Semyonovsky Polk
Estimated Attendance: 18-28
Preferred Class: Line inf, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): SimkaTimitix

Regiment Name: 8th Brandenburg infantry regiment
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Line inf.
Contacts (Steam ID):  Simka Platypus

Regiment Name: Svea Livgarde
Estimated Attendance: 12-18
Preferred Class: Light inf/jagers.
Contacts (Steam ID): Rabixel Minidrobek

Regiment Name: 15y Poltavskiy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 7-10
Preferred Class: Cav.
Contacts (Steam ID): Valenok
L'Entente Baklava
(16th, 96y, 19th)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Art, Desant

Regiment #1 Name: 16th (Bedfordshire) Regiment of foot
Estimated Attendance: 25+
Preferred Class: line and lights
Contacts (Steam ID): Art Cyrus

Regiment #2 Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Desant Gudrian

Regiment #3 Name: 19th Yorkshire Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Preferred Class: Cav
Contacts (Steam ID): Kieran

Regiment #4 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Harrison's Heroes
(92nd, 33rd, 4e)

Group Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe, Kincaid

Regiment #1 Name: 92nd Regiment of Foot 
Estimated Attendance: 20-30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID): Wolffe, Unicorn

Regiment #2 Name: 33rd Regiment of Foot
Estimated Attendance: 25-30
Preferred Class: Line, Light
Contacts (Steam ID): Kincaid, Alec

Regiment #3 Name: 4e Régiment de Hussards
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID): Erik, Skittles

Regiment #4 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):
Must Ref their first match with one of the main Referees   


1. Attendance

2. Basic Rules

3. Matches

1.1 This tournament will not be using GUID's, we do however reserve the right to disqualify the offending coalition if double regging is discovered. Periodic checks of the logs will be made to look for duplicate ID's joining matches, any found will be investigated. Likewise if any participants suspect another team they may contact the host for clarification. Inviting from other regiments which are also participating in the tournament will not be tolerated and may result in an auto-win for the opposing team. This change in rule has been introduced for a number of reasons but primarily to make this tournament less work for every regiment participating, do not abuse this freedom.

1.2  Minimum attendance to matches is 50 players, should one team bring less, the opposition may still field at least 50. If teams bring greater than 50 players, the maximum one team can outnumber the other is dependant on the number of players the smallest team has:
-  50-59 (+1)  (max specials 10)
-  60-69 (+2)  (max specials raised to 12)
-  70+   (+3)  (max specials raised to 14)

1.3  Both teams must balance to the above restrictions within the first 30 seconds of each round (notified by refs).
Should any team not action a drop in players specified by the ref during this time period, they will either reset the round to give the team further time or slay at random to achieve balance (do not try the refs patience!).
After this 30 second spawn period the round is Live and no revives or balancing by the teams (as a result of disconnects) will be performed.
   2.1  Fire in Charge (FiC) & Reload in Charge (RiC) are not allowed by any units.

2.2  Should any rule-breaks occur the victim will always be eligible for a revive. A slay may also be issued to the offender if the rule-break was potentially deliberate (discretion of the referee).

2.3  All Charges may be called if either: both teams are considered camping (2.4) or if 10mins of the round have elapsed.

2.4  If either team is considered to be camping (neither attempting to gain or give ground) for 3 minutes the referee may issue a warning. Should the warning be ignored the team may be forced to forfeit the round. If BOTH teams are considered to be camping the referee may resolve the round with an 'all charge'.

2.5  Regiments hugging the edge of the map either individually to fight cavalry or en masse to avoid fighting or to delay is not permitted. The latter is largely subjective and down to ref discretion. Warnings to be issued as with the camping rule.

2.6  Regiments must stay together whilst in charge; individuals straying dramatically from the rest of their regiment (rambos) in an attempt to engage a 2nd enemy unit will be slain without warning.

2.7  Charging two enemy units at once is only acceptable if either both units are in close proximity to one another or your regiment is of sufficient size to engage the 2nd unit without breaking the rambo rule (2.6).

2.8  A unit is considered to have 'left charge' after the unit(s) they were fighting has been eliminated or approximately 15 seconds after the last attack connected; once that unit has 'left charge' they are able to re-form and follow their usual class rules.

2.9  Relating to rule 2.8 above; if two or more units 'leave charge' after 15 seconds of no attack connecting, then all units concerned MUST re-form (or join another unit if necessary) prior to initiating a new charge. Note that an attack must not have connected between the units concerned for 15 seconds for the above rule to come into affect.

   3.1  Matches will consist of 6 rounds on one custom map (with a side swap).

3.2  After 10mins from the arranged time have elapsed, either Team has the right to force the match to begin.

3.3  Matches should be fought in the order specified in the brackets. Should any match run over into a second week it is expected that those regiments play two matches in that week, to keep pace with the rest of the attendees.

3.4  If for any reason an amicable date/time to play is not forthcoming, we reserve the right to schedule the match for the next coming Sunday @7:00 UK as default.

3.5  Matches should be overseen by at least 2 referees, preferably 3 (particularly knock-outs).

3.6  Should either of the participants of the match or the ref wish to, all-chat can be disallowed. Warnings may be issues if members do not observe this rule.

4. Lights

5. Lines

6. Cavalry

4.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.2)
4.2  May spread up to 5-man spacing
4.3  May crouch
4.4  May manoeuvre spread out

4.5  Must take either Lights or Rifles (not both)
4.6  Must join a line when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   5.1  Minimum of 2 Lines, 15 per line minimum
5.2  Teams may split into 3 lines (numbers permitting) but this MUST be agreed with their opponent.
5.3 Line Officers are eligible for a revive when shot in line, potential slay of the offender (circumstance dependant)
5.4  May crouch when out of action (neither shooting nor reloading)

5.5  Reload, Fix gaps, shoot
5.6  Must not Fire our of Line (FoL)
5.7  Must maintain close formation whilst manoeuvring (2-3 man gaps)
5.8  Must join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
   6.1  10 Max, including officer
(Max raised to 12 & 14 respectively depending on match attendance, see 1.2)
6.2  Slight leniency given on rules 2.6 - 2.7 in relation to ramboing, due to the space cav need when in charge
6.3  May stay mounted during 'All-Charge'

6.4  Lancers & Light dragoons are not permitted
6.5  Must maintain formation whilst manoeuvring
6.6  Must dismount and join a friendly unit when numbers drop below 4 (when not in charge)
6.7  Must strictly keep to rules 2.8 - 2.9 in relation to 'leaving charge'

Custom Map Selection





Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



Low Hills

Medium Hills



A standard set of 16 maps are available in the varieties above and are all 600x600.
There are an additional 6 maps of varying topography which are 400x400 should teams wish to play on them.

Sign-up Templates

Regiment (looking for a group)
Regiment Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Group (min 50 attendance)
Group Name:
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name:
Estimated Attendance:
Preferred Class:
Contacts (Steam ID):

Referee Application
Steam ID:
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?)
Prior experience/comment:

Match booking
Match week:
Referee #1:
Referee #2:
Referee #3:

Tournament Contacts:

« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 01:35:21 pm by 33rdKincaid »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2022, 12:13:05 pm »
| Group A |

  Group A 

|                       Match-week                       |
|                       Match                       |
|                       Match                       |
Week 1
Iron Crusaders 6 vs 0 Team BLOCK
Kebab In EU 0 vs 6 Gardekorps
Week 2
77y and Friends 6 vs 0 Kebab In EU (was 2-4, defaulted)
Iron Crusaders 5 vs 1 Gardekorps
Week 3
77y and Friends 4 vs 2 Team BLOCK
Iron Crusaders 6 vs 0 Kebab In EU (defaulted)
Week 4
77y and Friends 3 vs 3 Iron Crusaders
Gardekorps 4 vs 2 Team BLOCK
Week 5
Kebab In EU 0 vs 6 Team BLOCK (was 1-5, defaulted)
77y and Friends 1 vs 5 Gardekorps
| Group B |

  Group B 

|                       Match-week                       |
|                       Match                       |
|                       Match                       |
Week 1
Slavic Legions 0 vs 6 IVe Corps d'Armée français
Brotherhood without banners 0 vs 6 L'Entente Baklava
Week 2
Slavic Legions 0 vs 6 L'Entente Baklava
IVe Corps d'Armée français 2 vs 4 Harrison's Heroes
Week 3
IVe Corps d'Armée français 3 vs 3 L'Entente Baklava
Brotherhood without banners 1 vs 5 Harrison's Heroes
Week 4
IVe Corps d'Armée français 4 vs 2 Brotherhood without banners
Slavic Legions 0 vs 6 Harrison's Heroes
Week 5
Brotherhood without banners 6 vs 0 Slavic Legions
Harrison's Heroes 5 vs 1 L'Entente Baklava
| Group-Stage Score table |

  Group A 

|                            Team                            |
|  Won  |
|  Lost  |
|  Draw  |
|  Rounds  |
Iron Crusaders
77y and Friends
Kebab In EU

  Group B 

|                            Team                            |
|  Won  |
|  Lost  |
|  Draw  |
|  Rounds  |
Harrison's Heroes
L'Entente Baklava
IVe Corps d'Armée français
Brotherhood without banners
Slavic Legions
| Knock-outs |

  Lower Bracket 

|                                 Match-week                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
Brotherhood without Banners 6 vs 0 Kebab in EU (Defaulted)
Team BLOCK 6 vs 0 Slavic Legions
Final / Bronze
Brotherhood without Banners 0 vs 6 Team BLOCK (Forfeited)
Team BLOCK 0 vs  0 Kebab in EU (Defaulted)

  Upper Bracket 

|                                 Match-week                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
|                                 Match                                 |
L'Entente Baklava 2 vs 4 77y and Friends
Gardekorps 2 vs 4 IVe Corps d'Armée français
Iron Crusaders 5 vs 1 77y and Friends
Harrison's Heroes 4 vs 3 IVe Corps d'Armée français
Final / Bronze
Harrison's Heroes 4  vs  3 Iron Crusaders
IVe Corps d'Armée français 3 vs 3 77y and Friends (Jointly forfeited)

« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 10:45:46 am by 33rdKincaid »

Offline Scottish Unicorn

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2022, 12:23:12 pm »
Steam ID: You have me
GUID: 1851664
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 92nd
Prior experience/comment: NWBC, 2V2, EIC, RGL etc etc

Time to time

Offline [25pp] OrjonYT

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2022, 12:38:56 pm »
Group Name: Western Polish Legions
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: Pułk 25-ty Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 30-40
Preferred Class: Line, Cav, Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #2 Name: Filson Korps Grenadiers / 8 pułk Kirasjerów
Estimated Attendance: 15-25
Preferred Class: Guard Infantry, Cav
Contacts (Steam ID):

Regiment #3 Name: Pułk 4-ty woltyżerów
Estimated Attendance: 8-12
Preferred Class: Light
Contacts (Steam ID):

Steam ID:
GUID: 1781688​
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 25pp
Prior experience/comment: Admin event of 46e, Minisiege Admin, Referee for Polish Championship for 2020 and 2021
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 09:27:53 pm by [25pp] OrjonYT »

Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2022, 12:53:12 pm »
Looking forward to this!

Offline Nightwing

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2022, 01:02:57 pm »

Steam ID: You have me
GUID: when I'm home
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) Nr13
Prior experience/comment: NWBC, 2V2, EIC, german stuff and more

Offline Dusbled

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2022, 01:56:12 pm »
Steam ID: Saphyro
GUID: 1759157
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 45thN Cav
Prior experience/comment: once NWBC (I think?), otherwise different tournaments/leagues :)

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2022, 03:30:27 pm »
Group Name: The Iron Crusaders
Group Contacts (2x Steam ID's):

Regiment #1 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier Company
Estimated Attendance: 20
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Major Maskman
Ensign Ryan

Regiment #2 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company
Estimated Attendance: 30
Preferred Class: Line
Contacts (Steam ID):
Captain Mitchell
Ensign Wolf115

Regiment #3 Name: 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry Company
Estimated Attendance: 10
Preferred Class: Cavalry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Staff Corporal Pepsiwonder
HorseGuard Saphyro

Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiment Nr.13
Estimated Attendance: 15
Preferred Class: Light Infantry
Contacts (Steam ID):
Oberst Faser
Major NotOnly

The Saviours of NW are back

« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 09:50:22 pm by Snowwi »
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline NotOnly

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2022, 03:43:27 pm »
Steam ID: You have me
GUID: 1749187
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) Nr13
Prior experience/comment: NWBC, DGL

Offline Dokletian

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2022, 03:54:13 pm »
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline Snowwi

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2022, 04:10:50 pm »
Looking great as always! Hoping for an amazing Season 5 :]
"Unable to perceive the shape of You...
I find you all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love...
It humbles my heart...
For You are everywhere."

Offline Powerfighter2

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2022, 04:16:12 pm »
Steam ID:
GUID: 1771737
In Regiment participating?: (if so which?) 2Lr
Prior experience/comment: DGL, NWBC, NBL, administrating and hosting an own Linebattle and many other events since 2020
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 09:42:31 pm by Powerfighter2 »

Offline crazypro25.

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2022, 04:28:49 pm »
Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiments Nr.13


Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2022, 04:34:44 pm »
Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiments Nr.13


sich einlassen
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Chainsor

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Re: | NWBC | Season 5 | Sign-ups Open!
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2022, 04:53:48 pm »
Regiment #4 Name: Infanterie Regiments Nr.13


sich einlassen

you silly goose, that s is part of the German language! The s is at the end of "Regiment" because "des"!