Welcome to the 5th New Zealand Brigade!History of the 5th NZ Brigade
The 5th NZ Brigade was founded by Me, MiniGregor, Blank and Unitater as an Oceania regiment during one sunday night while thinking of what we'd do if the USMC disbanded. The Regiment is made mainly for Oceania plebs and South Americans though anyone who can speak English and understand it can join. The actual 5th NZ Brigade was an infantry brigade formation of the New Zealand Military Forces, active during World War II as part of the 2nd New Zealand Division. It saw service during the Battle of Greece, the Battle of Crete, the North African Campaign and the Italian Campaign before being disbanded in late 1945. The 5th Infantry Brigade was the second of the three echelons of the 2nd New Zealand Division. Commanded by Brigadier James Hargest, the brigade consisted of three infantry battalions which in this case are our detachments. The brigade left for the Middle East in May 1940 but while en route to Aden, the news of the invasion of Holland and Belgium prompted the diversion of the troop convoy to England by way of Cape Town. It arrived in mid-June and formed part of the country's defences.
RosterWe wouldn't be anywhere without our Officers and CO'S, They are the ones who enforce the Discipline, Manage the roster, Lead lines and Give Promotions
Major. Gregor
Capt. Unitater
1stLt. Endersnivy
1stLt. Blank
2ndLt. MiniGregor
NCO'SThey are the backbone of the Regiment and the ones expected to step up and Lead if the time demands it, These are the ranks for those who know how to lead and are willing to serve the Regiment Loyally and faithfully.
WO. Vicious
CSgt. Gryfons
Sgt. GhostEffect
Cpl. SirRoyalBeef
Cpl. Sir Boston
Enlisted ManThese men make the bread and butter and are the main meatshields and fighters for the Regiment. These are the ones the Officers and NCO's lead to victory and are expected to listen to commands and fight their hardest.
Gre. GhostRider
LCpl. Pleb Jack
LCpl. Verlorene
LCpl. King_Of_Aces
Rct. Mater N' Tater
Rct. Diction
Rct. Domoru
1v1 RecordNone we were founded recently plebs
Steam Contact InformationMajor Gregor: [BBG/35th/5thNZ] Dale The Whale
Captain Unitater: {BBG} Unitater
1stLt Blank: [ ]
2ndLt MiniGregor: [BBG] MiniGreg/Wooper
Praise the Northern Cross and god save the king!