Author Topic: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]  (Read 264447 times)

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Offline Erik le Rouge

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  • Nick: 4e_Huss_Cpt_Erik
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♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:02:41 pm »

Good day, monsieur ! Welcome to the official thread of the 4e Régiment de Hussards.
This regiment is an european cavalry regiment, composed of plenty of veterans of the cavalry community,
willing to show deadly skills in quick and deadly attacks, mainly focused on targets such as skirmishers or artillery. But by no means will we be too scared by the lines, or by the enemy cavalry.
We are a friendly yet professional community, willing to train any new recruit about cavalry and any skills we could teach them.
As any french hussar should be, the men of the 4e Hussards are fearless, proud, bold and reckless.
Being european, the 4e Hussards is an English-speaking regiment. However, due to the high ammount of french people in it,
French is also allowed to be spoken during events. Our recruitment is open to anyone willing to ride, fight and die for the Emperor.

Click this trumpet for background music !
In 1776, the Régiment de Conflans Hussards is created, under the rule of the Kingdom of France. The regiment is mainly composed from horsemen coming from the east of France (Conflans), and Germany, and fighting for the King Louis XVI. The regiment has four squadrons: three of them come from the Légion de Conflans, and the fourth one is from the Régiment Royal-Nassau Hussards, a regiment coming from Nassau, created in 1756. A fifth squadron is added to the regiment in 1788, and one year later, the regiment is renamed to Régiment de Saxe-Hussards. In fact, a lot of the horsemen of the regiment came from Saxony, only a few could speak French.
In the first of January 1791, the Army decided that all the cavalry regiments should be renamed to a number, depending on their seniority in the French army. The regiment then becomes the 4e Régiment de Hussards. However, as France is at war against a lot of Germanic States from the Empire during the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797), a huge part of the regiment betrays France in 1792 and joins the enemy. Only the fourth squadron of the 4e Hussards remained loyal to France.
After this surprising event, the Command Staff has no other choice but to disband the 4e Régiment de Hussards, and to decrease all the regiments of hussars of one number. Therefore, the 5e Régiment becomes the 4e, the 6e becomes the 5e, the 7e becomes the 6e, and so on...
That is the story of this new 4e Régiment de Hussards we are going to tell.

Telling the complete story of a regiment in a time periode such as the Revolution and the First Empire (1789-1815) would be both complicated and uninteresting. That is why we chose to pick a few episodes of the 4e Hussards' History, the ones we find the most worthy to be told.

Pajol, and the creation of a famous motto.

1799, Battle of Winterthur. The French army is fighting a hard battle against the forces of Russia and Austria.
The Chef d'Escadron (Squadron Leader) Claude Pajol, fighting harshly, finds himself surrounded by many enemy hussars. At the sight of his rank, the austro-russians decide to capture the french horseman. But the latter won't let himself get caught so easily, and continues slashing ferociously. As he gets hit and hit again, the French loses his strengh, and a great part of his uniform is torn apart. The enemy captures him, and takes what is left of the uniform, leaving Pajol with nothing but a light shirt covered with blood on him.
Seeing their leader getting captured and brought away from the fight, the hussars of the 4e charge quickly, slash the enemies holding Pajol, and save him from his fate. As soon as the Squadron Leader recovers his mind, he asks for a horse and a saber, and gathers everyone around him. Still wearing nothing but a shirt, Pajol leads a terrible charge on the enemy, to get his uniform back. Leading his men, he shouts "Saxe-Conflans, Bannière au vent !", meaning "Saxe-Conflans, with our Banner in the wind !". The charge is a great success, the austro-russians are destroyed, and a lot of prisonners are caught.
Général Masséna, when he heard about that story, instantly made Pajol a Colonel. The latter ended up as a Général, and is still considered as being one of the most famous cavalryman of that time, alongside Lasalle, Murat, Montbrun and a few others. He was one of the bravest fighters of the Grande Armée, which resulted in him being wounded so many times in so many battles (he received 2 bayonet hits at the battle of Spire, 1792). Claude Pajol died in 1844.

Claude Pajol.

A hussar from the 4e, 1809.

A trumpeter from the 4e, 1805.
Austerlitz, the charge of the Eagle.

On the 30th of September 1805, the 4e Régiment de Hussards is part of Kellerman's Cavalry Division, in Marshal Bernadotte's Ier Corps d'Armée. It forms the second Brigade of the Divison, alongside the 5e Chasseurs à Cheval. The 4e is then led by Colonel Burthe, and gathers 444 men divided into 3 squadrons.
On the 9th of November 1805, the regiment is part of the second brigade of the vanguard of the Ier Corps d'Armée. That brigade is led by Kellerman himself. The 4e then gathers 501 men divided into 3 squadrons.
On the 2nd of December 1805, one of the most famous days of the Empire, the regiment is on the battlefield of Austerlitz. There, it is part of Kellerman's division in Murat's cavalry reserve. 280 men of the regiment fight that day, divided into 3 squadrons.

As Marshal Soult's IVe Corps attacks the autro-russian divisions on Pratzen Heights, the fight is fully engaged around 12 o'clock. The French have better positions and troops, therefore the allies are beaten rather quickly, and in a couple of hours, the French Army is on the top. But the russian infantry continues the fight, and slows down the advance of the whole army. To secure their defeat, the Emperor launches all his cavalry reserve on the allies. The 4e Hussards takes part in the charge, and harshly attacks the russian infantry. The charge is so powerful that the Russians are pushed back, until the french hussars can reach the artillery positions. In this glorious attack, the 4e Hussards captured a lot of prisonners, as well as some cannons, and 2 enemy flags. At the end of the day, 63 men of the 4e, including 6 officers, are dead or badly wounded.

Austerlitz has been a day to remember for the 4e Hussards. The name of the battle, as well as a few others, is written on the regimental flag.

"Our light cavalry is covered in gold."
- Napoléon Ier, Emperor of the French.

Detail from "Charge du 4e Hussards à la bataille de Friedland, 14 juin 1807", painted by Édouard Detaille.

The parts about the Campaign of Spain of the Hundred Days will be added shortly. I need time to gather more informations. So TBA.


Capitaine Erik
Lieutenant Skittles
Sous-Lieutenant Thorny


Maréchal des Logis MaxenceIV

Brigadiers & Cavaliers

Brigadier-Fourrier Jellyking
Brigadier-Fourrier Dokletian
Brigadier Killa
Brigadier Bocom

Cavalier Vétéran Hawk
Cavalier Vétéran Enderby
Cavalier Vétéran Caucasian
Cavalier Vétéran Blader
Cavalier Vétéran Ciiges
Cavalier Vétéran Garond
Cavalier Vétéran Semon
Cavalier Vétéran Victor
Cavalier Vétéran DarkLight
Cavalier Vétéran DE14HANNES
Cavalier Vétéran Clausewitz

Total: 45 Hussars
Cavalier Wilku
Cavalier Lurvy
Cavalier Blackburn
Cavalier BlackLord
Cavalier Shagon
Cavalier Quinn
Cavalier Tardet
Cavalier Mech
Cavalier Apollo
Cavalier Apfelkuchen
Cavalier Giorno
Cavalier SirLegion
Cavalier Dand.dand
Cavalier Beaufort
Cavalier Richard
Cavalier DeLaMajor
Cavalier Dume
Cavalier Gabriel
Cavalier Atlatan

Aide de Camp Sukesa
Aide de Camp Archer


Recrue ROSSD195
Recrue Azorekt
Recrue Lordby
Recrue Gorg
Recrue Jetfire
Recrue Neena

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 10e Régiment de Hussards
11/03/15 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
20/03/15 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8e Régiment de Hussards
27/03/15 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Chasseurs à Cheval
03/04/15 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Brandenburgisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 3
10/04/15 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
19/04/15 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Kaiserlich-Königliche Armee
26/04/15 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Xa Divisione di Cavalleria "Lupi"
03/05/15 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 10e Régiment de Hussards
15/05/15 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Corps Franc de la Seine
31/05/15 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Lanciers de la Garde Impériale
27/06/15 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
06/09/15 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 7e Régiment de Hussards
11/10/15 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Hannoverschen Jäger-Batallion Nr.10
18/10/15 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 7e Régiment de Hussards
25/10/15 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs K.u.k. Galizisches Regiment Nr. 1
02/11/15 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 12e Régiment de Hussards
08/11/15 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
15/11/15 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 73rd Royal Cavalry Company
22/11/15 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
29/11/15 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
13/12/15 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
30/01/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Éclaireurs de la Garde
07/02/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2nd Queen's Dragoon Guards
20/03/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
24/03/16 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
17/04/16 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 13th Hussars
16/05/16 - 10-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib-Husaren Regiment
21/05/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 12th Queen's Dragoon Guards
23/05/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Brandenburgisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 3
30/05/16 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 9e Régiment de Hussards
12/06/16 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Escadron De Grenadiers-à-Cheval
08/07/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Sumskoy Hussars Regiment
11/07/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2e Régiment de Cuirassiers
17/07/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Brandenburgisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 3
03/10/16 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2e Régiment de Carabiniers
23/10/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Sumskoy Hussar Regiment
29/10/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs XMD Clan
31/10/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 73rd Royal Cavalry Company
14/11/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Brandenburgisches Husaren-Regiment Nr. 3
21/11/16 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
28/11/16 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
05/12/16 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 9e Régiment de Hussards
10/12/16 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 7e Régiment de Hussards
11/12/16 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
18/12/16 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
15/01/17 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
11/02/17 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 9e Régiment de Hussards Bis
25/03/17 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Imperium Cuirassiers
17/04/17 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2e Régiment de Carabiniers
05/05/17 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
06/05/17 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
09/10/17 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2ª Brigada Hispana
30/10/17 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
05/11/17 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
12/11/17 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 7e Régiment de Cuirassiers
15/01/18 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 85e Cavalry Company
22/01/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 9e Régiment de Hussards
28/01/18 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 33rd Cavalry Company
10/03/18 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
25/03/18 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 28e Compagnie de Cavalerie
26/03/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 13th Royal Hussars
08/04/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 16e Régiment de Hussards
16/04/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Gardegrenadierregiment Nr.6
23/04/18 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Kaiserlich-Königliche Hofgardisten
05/05/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
06/05/18 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
14/05/18 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 7e Régiment de Hussards
21/05/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
27/05/18 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers
03/06/18 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 9e Régiment de Hussards
10/06/18 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 14. Pułk Kirasjerów
17/06/18 - 2-8 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
16/09/18 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
30/09/18 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
14/10/18 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
29/10/18 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
04/11/18 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 3e Régiment de Hussards
25/11/18 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
16/12/18 - 3-7 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
20/01/19 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs KGL & 16e Hussards
27/01/19 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
03/02/19 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 11e Régiment de Hussards
10/02/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.6
24/02/19 - 4-6 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1st King's German Legion Hussars
28/04/19 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
29/04/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
05/07/19 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8. Pułk Kirasjerów
01/09/19 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
08/09/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Heavy Cav Coalition
15/09/19 - 3-7 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
28/09/19 - 5-5 Draw

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
29/09/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5e Régiment de Hussards
06/10/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
13/10/19 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
20/09/20 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 6e Régiment de Hussards
27/09/20 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Cuirassiers Brigade
04/10/20 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 33rd Cavalry Company
11/10/20 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
18/10/20 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
25/10/20 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.10
01/11/20 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 5to Regimiento de la Corona
08/11/20 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
15/11/20 - 4-6 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
22/11/20 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
29/11/20 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.4
30/11/20 - 10-0 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
13/12/20 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 10.Pulk Husarow
06/01/21 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
10/01/21 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
24/01/21 - 1-9 Loss

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 6e Régiment de Hussards
31/01/21 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
07/02/21 - 6-4 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 6e Régiment de Hussards
07/03/21 - 9-1 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 16e Régiment de Hussards
15/03/21 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
28/03/21 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 8th King's Royal Hussars
11/04/21 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 1er Régiment de Hussards
16/04/21 - 7-3 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs Husaren-Regiment Nr.10
25/04/21 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 2. Leib Regiment
09/05/21 - 8-2 Victory

4e Régiment de Hussards vs 6e Régiment de Hussards
16/05/21 - 7-3 Victory

Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Second Season
First Place

Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Fifth Season
Second Place

5v5 Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League
Second Place
5v5 Cavalry League Match History
4e Hussards |8-2| Kaiserliche-Königliche Armee

4e Hussards |9-1| Nr.10 Cavalry

4e Hussards |10-0| 16e Hussards (missed)

4e Hussards |2-8| 5e Hussards

4e Hussards |6-4| 2.Leib-Husaren

4e Hussards |10-0| Husarenregiment Nr.5

4e Hussards |10-0| 1er Corps Franc de la Seine (missed)

4e Hussards |7-3| 7e Hussards

4e Hussards |5-5| 8e Hussards

4e Hussards |5-5| Husarenregiment Nr.3

April Cavalry Groupfighting Tournament
Second Place
April CavGF Tournament Match History
4e Hussards Team 1 |5-1| 10pk

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0| Hetairoi Macedonian

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-3| 2. Leibregiment

4e Hussards Team 1 |2-5| All Stars

Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Third Season
First Place

Hussars Cup - First Edition
First Place

Cavalry Champions League
Second Place

Nr4 5v5 Cavalry Tournament
Second Place
5v5 Cavalry Tournament Match History
4e Hussards Team 1 |5-1| 7e Hussards

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0|  1. Pulk

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-2| Los Mataos

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0| 10th Hussars

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0| Nr.12

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-1| 16e Hussards

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0| Nr.6 Husaren

4e Hussards Team 1 |5-0| KGL 1st Hussards

4e Hussards Team 1 |0-5| 14. Pułk Kirasjerów

4e Hussards Team 1 |7-3| All Stars

4e Hussards Team 1 |2-7| 14. Pułk Kirasjerów

Capitaine Erik is the leader of the 4e Régiment de Hussards.
Add him on Steam here:

Lieutenant Skittles is the regimental Second in Command.
Add him on Steam here:

Regimental Steam Group:

Thinking of enlisting with the 4e Hussards?
Simply fill in the following form.

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« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 09:31:37 pm by Erik le Rouge »
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
fuck erik
Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 10:02:53 pm »

4e Hussards introduction, teaser and trailer.

Videos History

Latest Video:

Click on the picture below to get to our official YouTube channel.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 10:57:45 pm by Erik le Rouge »
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
fuck erik
Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 10:03:04 pm »
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 02:44:44 am by Erik le Rouge »
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
fuck erik
Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Sukesa

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2015, 10:04:03 pm »
Good luck !
J'entends les fouuuuus ♪

Offline Nicos

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2015, 10:04:44 pm »
Good Luck!

Offline Sukesa

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2015, 10:05:10 pm »
Saxe conflants, Bannière au vent!
J'entends les fouuuuus ♪

Offline Blucher_FR

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2015, 10:05:26 pm »
Good luck  :-*

Offline AlekoTheGreek

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 10:05:33 pm »
Good luck mates, keep reking ;)

Offline DarkLight

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2015, 10:06:02 pm »

Offline Josh Faraday

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2015, 10:06:36 pm »
Good Luck
Arminius/Dennis Bergkamp/Tristan Bouvier/J.P. ...

All my life I’ve been fearful of defeat. But now that it has come it’s not near as terrible as I’d expected. The sun still shines, water still tastes good…glory is all well and good but life is enough, nay?

Offline John F. Kennedy

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2015, 10:07:11 pm »
Good Luck  ;)
Adjudant Kennedy: When I last played with Kennedy, years ago, he couldn’t get a streak of three blocking together. Looking at how much he had improved when I joined the regiment honestly had me speechless. Playing alongside him was a huge pleasure as I’ve hardly saw someone willing to team-play and offering himself so others can take the kills more than he did. He was also an honest figure within the regiment, always saying what he thought without ever sounding mean or arrogant and for that I know he was extremely well appreciated by the other members and also the rest of the NW community. It’s definitely not the place to talk about such things but what happened to him in real-life and the way he reacted to it showed me that Kennedy was certainly one of the strongest person in the regiment and that there is not much capable to take this man down.


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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2015, 10:07:46 pm »
Nice thread tell always! Good luck  :)

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2015, 10:08:32 pm »
Ayy! Good luck guys! I'm rootin' for ya!

Offline Paulin

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2015, 10:09:07 pm »
Nice thread, Erik! As always  :))

Saxe conflants, Bannière au vent!

Good luck!

Offline Bamse

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Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2015, 10:09:13 pm »
Best of luck my dear friends of 7e and 15th Huss!  :-*

Current: 16e Regiment de Hussards - Lieutenant Bamse
Past Regiments: 15th Hussars - Staff Corporal of Horse | K1. Kungliga Livgardet Till Häst