Name of the regiment: 3Bn
How many people can you bring : 4-12
Which class will you play : Rifles
Regiment leader's Steam name: Birch (add Polar)
Did you read the rules and did you accept it : Yes
Name of the regiment: 23rd
How many people can you bring : 10-18
Which class will you play : line
Regiment leader's Steam name: [TB]Terrier
Did you read the rules and did you accept it : Yes
Name of the regiment: 60th lights
How many people can you bring : 6-12
Which class will you play : lights
Regiment leader's Steam name: [60th]Frederickson or [TB]Terri-Badger
Did you read the rules and did you accept it : Yes
Name of the regiment: 74th Highland Lights
How many people can you bring : 8-12
Which class will you play : Lights
Regiment leader's Steam name: [74th] Alvinyakatori
Did you read the rules and did you accept it : Yes
All accepted! Need
Lines, and 2(1 cannon) arty! Please ask lines you know to sign up, it gets really boring with 1 line per teamDue to a lower attendance, increased stress for me and a few other reasons, i've downgraded this event to a single server now. A massive thanks to the K-KA, Martastik Wibpaint and everyone else for the second server! Now they join us on the first one, to gank and destroy all in their path, apart from BC cause BC2OP
Next, i've re-opened weekly slots, if any of you regiments want a weekly slots message me on steam, the requirement is that you attend one event, so 74th have the option for one if they want one.
Finally, lets get some more bloody lines, i'm sick of only having 1 line per team!