General Infomation!
Our teamspeak:
This is an EU Linebattle, all timings listed here are GMT unless stated otherwise
The event Begins at 19:00, be on the server by 18:55 (Don't be late, we say 18:55 so i can balance, go over the rules and sort any issues
To confirm places please come onto teamspeak at 18:15 (This is mandatory, got an issue? Message me on Steam
All classes are welcome!
Signup rules! *Read these*
To sign up, you must sign up here in the application format below, your slot will then be reserved untill 6:15 that week, you must then come on teamspeak, or i will give that slot away to whatever regiment wants it; or find a replacement, by signing up you are reserving your slot, you are not given it automatically. The teamspeak meeting that begins at 6:15 decides that, there will be no weekly slots unless your regiment takes up 2 or more of the classes in the event,(This can include 2 lines, but they must be over 10 men each) or you prove to be reliable and trustworthy, in which case we will offer you the chance to take a slot for a month. This has been done to add variety to the linebattle, and ensure it's not just the same regiments slogging it out week after week. It's also been done to ensure that regiments do not just take slots, then not attend and leave me with a mess to sort at 6:45
Sign up format:
Name of the regiment:
How many people can you bring :
Which class will you play :
Regiment leader's Steam name:
Did you read the rules and did you accept it :
Would you like to be signed up weekly:
Spoiler *May only fire when in formation *Must be at a reasonable distance to charge *No Fire in charge *May crouch while not engage, but while shooting or in close quarters may not crouch *Must maintain a line formation *No Officer Aim Server 1 Line: 8th ? BA 15tes_KglB BA 88th
Spoiler *Must maintain cohesion. *Dragoons may fire off horseback buy only when halted and in a line formation. *Pistols may be fired off horseback during the charge. *Dismounted Dragoons are classed as skirmishers in terms of rules. *If you have 3 or less, please dismount Server 1 Cav: 1Lhr somthing somthing K-KA Server 2 Cav: 8eCC?
Spoiler *May use 5 man spacing in their line. *May crouch. *May fire in the charge. Server 1 Light: BA RAL
Server 2 Light:
Spoiler *May use 8 man spacings. *May crouch. *Must maintain cohesion. *May fire in the Charge. Server 1 Rifles: BA RAL
Spoiler *May use either howitzers or cannon but may not take more than 2 artillery pieces in total. *Artillery guards may fight as skirmishers but should stick close to the guns under normal circumstances. *May take rocket Arty (Seriously, we won't stop you) and you may take two rockets for every cannon you signed up for Server 1 Arty: K-KA Arty Reznov's regiment (1 cannon) BA 14th (1 cannon)
Common Courtesy; you wouldn't walk into someone's house party and start giving them abuse (Yes, i know you'd do it if you're drunk, but if you're playing NW and drunk, i think someone needs to rethink their life) so don't do it here.
No spamming; apart from Raising high the black flags (that's to glorious to disallow)
Common Sense; we're here to play a linebattle, so don't rambo and don't break your formation.
Obey the Admins; As soon as you enter the server you enter our domain, our word is law, have an issue with our word? speak to me on steam, or feel free to come into our teamspeak and talk it out; don't be a Keyboard warrior and start talking crap in all chat, it embaresses you're entire regiment and is generally stressful for us all (inc you)
Organiser and Main Admin (Contact this guy for sign ups and major issues)