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Messages - SeanBeansShako

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Events: NA / Re: North and South Linebattle Sunday 8:00pm EST
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:57:33 pm »
Regimental SAdraGoons.
Type of Unit: Zoaves.
Date you are applying for: 10/26/14
CSA/USA: Union or CSA.

Quoting myself for this week.

Events: NA / Re: North and South Linebattle Sunday 8:00pm EST
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:56:33 am »
Regimental SAdraGoons.
Type of Unit: Zoaves.
Date you are applying for: 10/26/14
CSA/USA: Union.

I've stopped listening to Nurdbot. He's little more than a sniveling sycophant.

No, I'm a grown adult trying to reason with people who refuse to see common sense and calm down. Clearly, it isn't working.

And I am done for good.

Have you ever had something that evoked a memory from you? For example, going through photos whether it be IRL or from games and going "oh man, those were some great times, I sure do wish I could go back to those days". That's how these threads are, they allow people to really sort of go back in time to see how these forums were so long ago. I myself know, seeing as that I'm semi-liked among the community, like to go back to the older threads and go through the older posts and reminiscence of the posts and how humor was so different back then was in addition to seeing the older faces that no longer browse these forums for whatever the reason be.

You can sort of have this back, you guys just not to stop being mad at video games and video game people. You all get way too much involved over clans/forum threads/games.

I myself just cannot see the whole big deal behind this, and the fact that it seems every single time the FSE crowd do something in these forums they can't seem to get anything right.

Since they split the event section up, have you considered requesting to split the EU/NA regiment section up so the need to constantly 'bump' the thread?

I also suggest reading the EULA if these changes really rile you up, I'm pretty sure what they do around here is pretty much all by the book and you all agreed to it when registering to these forums. Vince and the other FSE staff have posted deep down technical stuff that explains why they need to do it to.

And finally, I rarely see gaming forum threads these days with like 300-400 pages guys. A lot of the stuff you post can easily be transfered over to a Reddit or something.

It is also a really bad poem. The last line doesn't doesn't even work man.

I am curious at what makes these threads so special, can I ask people to link the content of these threads that makes this whole thing controversial.
Would you like for your steam account to be deleted and for you start all over again? Exactly, that's how the threads are.

That is just a really weird and bad example, especially since with a STEAM account people sort of actually spend money and enjoy themselves.

Whilst here now people seem to have developed a weird fucked up stockhold syndrome situation with the DLC, the community and these forums.

A thread on a message board is sometimes just a thread on a message board. Just like a gaming clan is just a gaming clan.

I am curious at what makes these threads so special, can I ask people to link the content of these threads that makes this whole thing controversial.

Events: EU / Re: New Events Section
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:34:32 pm »
Who is going to do the event roster for it or even both as the current guy seems to be determined to mute ban himself into history?

If you do shoulder to shoulder line formations,  extend your rounds to something like 6 or 7 and don't expect regiments smalller than 12 people applying.

Other Games / Re: Hatred--Mass Murdering, "Genocidal Crusade" Sim
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:26:41 am »
Wow uh. Okay then.

Modifications / Re: War of 1812 0.4 Mod Gameplay
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:03:37 pm »
Workshop doesn't seem to be working for a lot of people still, I personally don't think it will ever work with Warbands home brewed slap dash engine.

I'm not sure I've ever met anyone willing to play this module who is willing and enjoys being shot and and killed by friendlies.

Maybe if each round wasn't as almost ten minutes long, that would be a different story.

Basically, we're now in the middle of the usual fun versus realism debate.

Would be worth experimenting with it making it a server side option perhaps.

Might not be a good idea, anyone playing the 33rd will have a horrible time unless they are being shot at by guys who know the differences in the uniforms.

Forum & Website / Re: All threads capped at 100 pages #muhpages
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:45:01 am »
You can message a moderator for your thread's bb code back

Yeah, this. It is pretty sane.

There is no alterior motive to this. If they didn't do it, there'd be a thread here demanding FSE to make the forums less slow.

Why not HEY! take sometime and delete the 50 pages of shit locked thread's and disbanded regiments

We tried this when I was a mod in the summer. People of course objected, and it was only done in a limited amount.

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